About the project
This is a project which is about preparing a school magazine.Students will prepare videos, pictures, written descriptions, powerpoints and photogrphs about the content of the project.Teachers and students will use twinspace.If some of the students can’t use the twinspace, their teacher will help them or upload the work of these students instead of them using the pages, files, and materials. All the work prepared by the partners will be come together, prepared and published as a school magazine.
1- To give our pupils the chance of using their foreign language.
2-To give our pupils the chance of meeting new people from all over Europe, learning more about others and improving their foreign language skills.
3-To communicate with each other using thier foreign language.
4-To share their experiences and make new friends from different countries.
5- To make improving their language more enjoyable and meaningful.
Each teacher will add ten or fifteen pupils to the project as members via twinspace and they will give duties and resposibilities to the pupils according to the content of
the magazine.
The content of the school magazine:
Adding the names of the pupils to the project via twinspace, preparing a yearly calendar about the project, preparing logos, uploading them and choosing the most suitable one for the project.
Describing themselves( using videos,their photographs with the written descriptions.
Describing their schools
Describing their national and religious festivals.(At least 3 festivals)
Describing 2 celebrities
Traditions.(Describing habits and routines in the past.)
National foods.(At least 3 national foods.)
– Schools will help each other prepare an e-school magazine.It will be published at the end of project.
Students will communicate with each other via twinspace, learn more things about other countries, express themselves, learn more about other cultures closely, be active, responsible and the project will enable them to understand others better.
Throughout the process, they will create a lot of videos, posters and be able to share things via twinspace.
I am Yiğithan surname is Gün. I’m 16 years old. I’m from Edirne Turkey.I’m a tenth grade student in çosb vacational an Technical Anatolian High School. I study Textile Technologies departmen in that school. My fovorite lesson is basic textile aplication.
sebahat elif
Esra Pesen
Beyza Nur GÖZEN
Dilan Bulut
Agrupamento de Escolas de Campo (Escola Básica da Azenha)
Beyza Mutlu
Konevi Anatolia High School
AUGUST 30 Victorian Day
Victory Day also known as Armed Forces Day is a national holiday that is currently celebrated in Turkey. It is celebrated annually on August 30 in commemoration of the victory in the 1922 Battle of Dumlupınar in the Turkish War of Independence. Victory Day is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.
Emre Özden
Eid = each year, only 1 time is celebrated. This festival lasts for four days. On this holiday, and cut the sacrificial animal is taken for the sake of Allah. It is time to cut the victim until the afternoon of the third day. This cut the victim spouse , or friends and given to the poor is served. This is increasingly the adults around the holidays kiss their hand. We go to visit our friends.
Konevi Anatolia High School
Ramadan is 30 days. Every day fasting starts at sahur (a meal taken just before dawn during Ramadan). And finishes at iftar. During daytime , We mustn’t eat and drink. According to the Kameri calendar , Ramadan is celebrated on the first day of three day Şevval month. During the festival of Ramadan , people visit neighbours , relatives and friends. Young people kiss their parent’s hands and receive best wishes and blessings for them.It is a tradition to give money or little gifts to those children who kiss one’s hands. Candies are served to visitors during Ramadan. That is why Ramadan is also called the Sugar festival.
It is one of the sweetest varieties of Turks. Nevertheless, it was tried to be owned by different countries such as our neighbor Greece. This discussion ended with a little bit of recognition by the EU Commission on August 8, 2013 that the creator of the baklava was the Turks. But politics is a pity.
Let us continue from Turkey. The world of desserts, which is once again known to the world, is the province of Gaziantep and it is made with forty layers of yufka. Although the origin of the dessert is based on Assyrians, no real evidence has been found. However, Central Asia is likely to be of Turkish origin. As a matter of fact, some sources say that the word i baklava ği in old Turkish was written as fi bead fi and it is said that Mongolia was derived from ’tie‘, ol sarmak ‘which passed through old Turkish -ba. Maybe that's why dessert creates addiction to us. The baklava, which we encountered in different forms in history, took its place in the Ottoman period. In festivals, ceremonies and special celebrations, there are always places in the tables.
Türklerin baştacı tatlı çeşitlerinden bir tanesidir. Yine de komşumuz Yunanistan gibi farklı ülkeler tarafından sahiplenilmeye bile çalışılmıştır. Bu tartışma baklavanın yaratıcısının Türkler olduğunun 8 Ağustos 2013 yılında AB Komisyonu tarafından tescillenmesiyle bir nebze olsa da noktalanmıştır. Ama siyaset namert bir meydandır.
Biz Türkiye’den devam edelim. Dünyaya nam salmış bir kere yiyenin bir daha vazgeçemeyeceği tatlının vatanı Gaziantep ilimizdir ve burada kırk kat yufka ile yapılmaktadır. Tatlının kökeninin Süryanilere dayandığı ileri sürülse de reel bir kanıt bulunamamıştır. Ancak Orta Asya Türk kökenli olması kuvvetli muhtemeldir. Nitekim bazı kaynaklar eski Türkçe’de baklava kelimesinin baklağu, baklağı olarak geçtiğini söylemekte ve Moğolca’ya eski Türkçe’den geçen ‘bağlamak’, ‘sarmak’ anlamına geldiği belirtilen -bayla fiilinin üstüne -v ekinin getirilerek türetildiği söylenmektedir. Tatlının bizde bağımlılık yaratması belki de bu yüzdendir. Tarih içerisinde ismiyle farklı şekillerde karşılaştığımız baklava Osmanlı döneminde de tüm endamıyla yer almaktaydı. Bayramlarda, törenlerde, özel sayılabilecek kutlamalarda sofralarda her zaman yer ayrılmıştır.
Maras from the beginning of the history of local flavor and all the glory years spreading Maraş ice cream is based on Ottoman Turkey before. It has been a matter of curiosity for a hundred years to find out who and how this unique flavor has been discovered
Maras ice cream, based on the sources and according to the most known rumor in the Ottoman period in the palace "Karsambaç" was called as an extension of the ice dessert. There is a tradesman known as Maraşlı Osman Ağa who sells wild orchids (salep) to the Ottoman palaces and noble mansions. One day after the sale is over, the increasing amount of sugar as a mixture of sugar and milk buries the land. The next day when you look at the change in the consistency of salebin attracts attention; When the milk, salep and sugar mixture became more intense and chewing gum, they were surprised and tasted first. He also admired the taste of the new dessert he found by chance and had many people around him taste. M Salepli Karsambaç, is the name of this new flavor that everyone likes very much.
Maras ice cream, based on the sources and according to the most known rumor in the Ottoman period in the palace "Karsambaç" was called as an extension of the ice dessert. There is a tradesman known as Maraşlı Osman Ağa who sells wild orchids (salep) to the Ottoman palaces and noble mansions. One day after the sale is over, the increasing amount of sugar as a mixture of sugar and milk buries the land. The next day when you look at the change in the consistency of salebin attracts attention; When the milk, salep and sugar mixture became more intense and chewing gum, they were surprised and tasted first. He also admired the taste of the new dessert he found by chance and had many people around him taste. M Salepli Karsambaç, is the name of this new flavor that everyone likes very much.
Maraş’ın yöresel lezzetlerinin başında gelen ve şanı yıllar önce tüm Türkiye’ye yayılan Maraş dondurmasının tarihi Osmanlıya dayanmaktadır. Bu eşsiz lezzetin kim tarafından ve nasıl keşfedildiği yüz yıllardır merak konusu olmuş, haliyle bu konuda sayısız rivayetler de baş göstermiştir.
Maraş dondurması, kaynaklara dayanan ve en bilindik rivayete göre Osmanlı dö
Published: Jun 20, 2020
Latest Revision: Dec 18, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-878036
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