World Famous People I Admire by Andreana -
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World Famous People I Admire

  • Joined Jun 2020
  • Published Books 3
World Famous People I Admire by Andreana -

Early life

Elizabeth was born at 02:40 on 21 April 1926, during the reign of her paternal grandfather, King George V. Her father, the Duke of York , was the second son of the King. Her mother, the Duchess of York, was the youngest daughter of Scottish aristocrat the Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. She was baptised by the Anglican Archbishop of YorkCosmo Gordon Lang, in the private chapel of Buckingham Palace on 29 May,and named Elizabeth.  

World Famous People I Admire by Andreana -
World Famous People I Admire by Andreana -


In a time where monarchies across the world seem to be losing steam and public appeal, Queen Elizabeth II has steered the British monarchy into a path of continuous relevance and impact.Born in 1926, you could say that the Queen has seen it all: World War II (WWII), the Korean Warthe Cold War, the Falkland Islands War, and early ones like the Brexit crisis. In spite of all that, she showed nerves of steel in shepherding her country out of some pretty difficult situations. And even as Princess Elizabeth, she notably played a vital role in keeping the nation upbeat and strong during the Battle of Britain in WWII.


Fast forward to the 21st century and you can’t help but notice how the Queen never ceased to inject high doses of commitment and passion into her job. A true matriarch of the royal family, Elizabeth II has been responsible for making the monarchy once again relevant to the ideals and aspirations of the newer generations on social media. For example, she has kept up with the trends of the fast-changing internet environment. In 1997, she launched a website that details the charitable activities and works of the royal family.

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Since 1952, Elizabeth has been the head of the Commonwealth, a group of countries and territories scattered across the world. Most notable of those countries were Canada, South Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, and Australia. From the early 1950s up to the 1990s, the Queen helped many of those countries in gaining independence or some sort of autonomy. This was particularly crucial in Africa, where virtually all of Britain’s colonies gained independence during her reign.


In 1981, a 17-year-old by name Marcus Sarjeant fired six shots at the Queen, who was by then riding a horse during the Trooping the Color ceremony. Luckily, the shots that were fired were blank, and the Queen was not harmed. What is remarkable about this incident is the level of composure the Queen exhibited while being under obvious threat.


Queen Elizabeth II honored with lifetime achievement award - CNN

With the outbreak of World War II (WWII) in 1939, the Queen – in her early teens by then – was eager to contribute to the defending of her people. Due to her important role in the society, i.e. being the heiress presumptive, Elizabeth was able to lift up the spirit of children all across the nation. She periodically made radio broadcasts during the war in a bid to bring joy to people. The first of such radio broadcasts came via the BBC in a program called Children’s Hour.


Queen Elizabeth II

World Famous People I Admire by Andreana -

Why i chose her?!

I chose her because, as you know, she has done a lot for people. She is a person who always tries to think first of others and then of herself. I admire her so much and I hope to meet her one day.



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