A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
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A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade

I am the founder and CEO of A.H.A.V.A., a non profit to promote English Literacy in Israel. We work in Read More
  • Joined Apr 2020
  • Published Books 16
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

Please scroll down to see each composition!


An Angel on Yom Kippur

by Gilad


An angel on Yom Kippur does listen to the prayers and also looks at us and sits next to God. Mmmm… an angel is complicated. I think angels are cool.



by Yehuda


Do you think angels are dumb? If you do, you are wrong. Angels daven the whole Yom Kippur. Angels don’t even eat on Yom Kippur and the other days, so angels never sin in their life. And that’s why angels are not dumb.


An Angel on Yom Kippur

by Shimmy


The angel wants to fast but he can’t. He’s bored and he sees everybody davening. He gets all the sins.


Angels on Yom Kippur

by Tzuriel


I don’t want to be an angel on Yom Kippur. That we act like angels doesn’t mean we are angels. It gets boring to write this.


Angels on Yom Kippur

by David


What do the angels do on Yom Kippur? I think the angles listen to the prayers because maybe they are interested in how we are singing and these kinds of things. This is what I think the angels do.


An Angel on Yom Kippur

by Yaakov


The angels like Yom Kipur.

They like Yom Kippur because:

*That’s the only day they can play checkmate.

*They can slack around.

*They can do whatever they want.

*They can eat pickles with roasted seeds free all day.

I think the angels want every day to be Yom Kippur.


An Angel on Yom Kippur

by Shira


On Yom Kippur the angels are in heaven. The angels are sitting next to Hashem and receiving our prayers. They are deciding what kind of a year every person in the whole world is going to have. They float down and watch what all the people are doing. And they decide about all the happiness and sadness for everyone, everywhere.


An Angel on Yom Kippur

by Boaz


It is a day that they see all of our prayers in the sky.

Sometimes they’re happy and sometimes they’re sad.


Our students practiced their English writing skills throughout the year using different tools.

One of our most successful projects was the Haiku writing as you will see throughout this booklet.

Haiku is a Japanese form of three line long poems. Each line has a specific number of syllables. The first has 5, the second has 7, and the third has 5.


Please scroll down each page to see the poem of every child. 

A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

Hanuka is fun

You meet all your family.

Let’s eat five donuts.

by Yehuda


Chanuka is fun.

You light candles and eat donuts.

The Maccabees won.

by Shimmy


Hanuka is fun.

Eat donuts on Hanuka.

Hanuka is sweet.

by Boaz


Chanuka dreidels.

Doughnuts and candles are fun!

Chanuka is fun!

by Tzuriel


The Maccabees won.

Donuts are very tasty.

I like Hanuka.

by David


I love Hanuka.

I am with my family.

The Chanukiya makes light.

by Shuvaya


Friends and relations.

Doughnuts by the flaming lights.

Happy Chanuka!

by Shira

A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

Rockets in the south.

Scary, a lot of fighting.

Alarms forever.

by Shira


Hamas are firing.

Sirens and booms in the south.

Israel fights back.

by Nehorai


Rockets destroy homes.

The land is becoming black.

It’s desolate there.

by Elazar


The Hamas is bad.

Hamas is firing missiles.

Israelis fighting.

by Boaz


Missiles in the south.

Israel is fighting back.

I hate bad Arabs.

by Yehuda


Missiles in the sky.

A siren, then explosion.

We need this to stop.

by Yaakov

A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

Our students wrote short stories using idioms we learned. Please scroll down on each page to see each child’s accomplishments.


A piece of cake

Out of the woods

April showers bring May flowers

Fish out of water

Hit the nail on the head

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again

Look before you leap

A clean bill of health

Asking a chimp to lay off the banana

Beat around the bush

The show must go on

One rotten apple spoils the barrel

Don’t judge a book by its cover

Beggars can’t be choosers

To catch some Z’s

Their bark is worse than their bite




I was playing soccer. Five minutes into the game my friend got hurt. Everybody gathered around him and I said, the show must go on.


I needed to run a marathon. I was very nervous and then my brother told me it was a piece of cake.


We were walking and suddenly someone started shooting  and then we got to a house and we were out of the woods.


One time I was sick and I was supposed to do a test. I was very sad but my father told me that April showers bring May flowers. Then my mom came and bought me a puzzle.


Once I went to a school and I was very smart. Everybody said I didn’t belong. I felt like a fish out of water.


I saw a cow and I wanted to ride it but my father told me look before you leap.










It is show and tell. I brought my flute. I was playing a song for the class and it was a piece of cake.


My ball got deflated and I pumped it. I felt like I’m out of the woods.


It is the talent show. I am very nervous. It is my turn. I feel like a fish out of water.


My Dad played soccer but I couldn’t score a goal. But my Dad said: “You can do it. Just keep on trying”. And I did it. I scored a goal. I just kept on trying. (If at first you don’t succeed , try, try again.)


I was playing Stratego and I wanted to move but my dad said I should look before I leap.


My mom told me to do my math homework and when I finished my homework my mom checked my homework. “Good, you have no mistakes. It is a clean bill of health.”


My team was going to play a soccer game but our striker was not here. We complained to our coach: “We cannot play like this!” But the coach said: “The show must go on!


My brother asked me where is my money. I said, “Do you want to play?” He said, “stop beating around the bush“.


My family was perfect until my baby brother was born. He was loud and messy and my mom said, “one rotten apple spoils the barrel.


“Why, Mom, why? I don’t want to go to Tom’s birthday, he is not my friend.”

“You will have a good time. Just go.”

“Fine, I will go.”

I am very annoyed. I really don’t like Tom but I am at his house. Ring! Ring! Went the bell. Tom answered. “Hi, Gili, some on in!” I was wrong! The party was great and Tom changed. He is nicer. One thing, I can tell you something. Don’t judge a book by its cover.




David is in A.H.A.V.A. And he needed to explain what is a piece of cake. That is a piece of cake.


Once upon a time there was a vacation. When the vacation ended, everyone went to school except for one kid that was sick. He was really sad but then he remembered they had homework. So he was happy because he didn’t get a punishment. April showers bring May flowers.


Once upon a time there were two guys that learned how to shoot with a bow. They went to an apple tree. They said whoever hits the apple gets a dollar. The first one missed, the second one hit all of the apples on the tree. (On the tree there were four apples.) The first one said to the second guy, “You hit the nail on the head“.


Once upon a time there was a kid that went on a skateboard. He fell and tried again. He did it for about ten times until he learned how not to fall. So he did. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. 


Once upon a time there was a famous man and he really enjoyed being famous. The people wanted his signature but he didn’t like to give it to them because he didn’t write nicely. But if he wouldn’t give it to them, he felt like fish out of water.


There was a kid that said, “I am going to do homework an hour on the computer and then go to friends”. But his mother said, think before you leap. You need to take a shower and we are going to Grandma’s birthday.


Once upon a time there was a miser that had a lot of money. But he wanted to get more money without working. So he ripped his clothes and asked for money but no one gave him because they knew he had money. So we learned that beggars can’t be choosers.




Singing the alphabet is a piece of cake.


When I am in the woods, I feel like a fish out of water.


I tried to hit the marble. I hit the nail right at the head.


When I play chess, you look before you move.


I had a ball but it was losing air. I was said but I used it for my hat. I was a great clown. April showers bring May flowers.


Out of the woods means that you are not in danger: A little bird fell off a tree. But then someone came and saved the baby bird from the wild animals.


A clean bill of health is when you are feeling good, everything is good for you: I could not play soccer because of my leg. But when my leg felt better, I could play soccer. I had a clean bill of health.




I was playing soccer. I had the ball scored. That was a piece of cake.


I missed out on a trip. Because of that, I got to spend time with my grandparents. That proves that April showers bring May flowers.


I do not want to do that! They are so big! I am not teaching those 8th graders. I feel like a fish out of water.


I don’t get it. This math question is hard Oh! 273-129=144! I hit the nail on the head!


I missed the hoop. Let’s try again. Score! I did it! That means if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.


“Oh, no! Your leg is broken! We can’t do the show.”

The show must go on anyhow.”


A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com



When I was in third grade, one of my friends asked me if I knew how to count to a hundred in English. And guess what I said? “Of course! It’s a piece of cake!”


I went to the supermarket with my family because we were going on a trip and we had to get lots of food and supplies. When we arrived it seemed like everyone in the world was there. The place was packed with people! The second I got out of the building when we were done with the shopping, I felt that I was out of the woods.


One day, we went to the new ice cream store in the city. We saw that there were more than 50 different types of ice cream. We all chose our choices aside from my sister. She had NO idea which one to choose! Than I came over and suggested that she take a really yummy looking caramel one. “You hit the nail on the head!”, she said.


We were going to go diving! But there was one very little problem. Or should I say, a BIG problem. I got sick the night that we were going to leave. That’s not all! I didn’t get any better! I kept on waking up all the night. My mother told me April showers bring May flowers. And she was right! The next day I felt much better, so we left then. I had a really good time!


When I went ice skating for the first time, I fell over at least 1000 times! (If not more :)) My father tried to teach me how to skate. I can say that it helped a little bit but not that much. So I decided to go around the ring by myself. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again“, came my mother’s voice from behind me. And I really did get better.


Tomorrow there is a test in one of the hardest subjects – math. And that’s not all! I’ve been to Eilat for the last week and I had no idea the test was coming until today! Oh, I really feel like a fish out of water


My friend loooooooooooooooooves whistling.

She whistles in her bed at night.

She whistles in her pajamas in the morning.

She whistles in the bath both day and night.

She whistles at the movies.

She whistles in the middle of class. It doesn’t even matter what we’re learning!

Okay, I guess you get the point. Asking my friend to stop whistling is like asking a chimp to lay off the bananas.


When I did a camping trip with my classmates for a whole week and arrived at the bus stop on my street, I just couldn’t wait to get home and go to sleep for 100 years or something.

When I arrived at my house, I let my fifty ton backpack (or so it seemed after that exhausting trip) slip off my shoulders and land on the floor. I climbed lazily into my bed and pulled the covers up to my ears. I really needed to catch some Z’s.


I am one of five flute players in our school. When four of my friends and I had a concert to play for and we only noticed that two of my friends were sick 5 minutes before the beginning of the concert, we began to panic. “How”, we asked ourselves “are we going to play a whole concert when we were missing two players!?” We certainly didn’t know. We raced to our teacher for music and explained the problem. “The show must go on“, my teacher said as she started dialing the phone number of my sick friend’s mother.


Once, there was a wonderful candy shop. It sold all of the candies in the world! One day, a batch of special candies came into the shop. But the factory people put in 5 spoons of salt instead of 5 spoons of sugar! Suddenly, no people came into the shop to by sweets. It was as if a rotten apple spoiled the whole barrel.


Once I heard my friend talking about the craziest plans in the world! This is what she was saying: “And I’ll do that… and this… And I’ll get lots of money… And I’ll buy a mansion… I’ll have all I want…” Look before you leap, I thought to myself.


My brother is always talking about how dangerous volcanoes are. But they aren’t really that dangerous because they only erupt once in who knows how many years. I keep telling him that their bark is worse than their bite. But he just will not be convinced that volcanoes aren’t aggressive and dangerous.


I was going to a sale of watches but there was a traffic and I came late. The only watch left was one that had monkey drawings on it and I certainly didn’t want that one. “Beggars can’t be choosers“, my friend who happened to be with me said.


It’s report card day! (Not necessarily good for some people.) When my sister came home from school, my aunt was in the house talking to my mother about who knows what. When my aunt came out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee, she asked us how our report cards were.

“Oh, my”, said my sister. “I forgot that it’s my turn to do the sweeping upstairs. I’d better go and get it done…”

“That’s okay”, my aunt answered. “You can tell me now and then we’ll do the chores together.”

“I think I’d better get my homework done first”, said my sister, trying again to delay showing the report card.

“Come on”, my aunt said. “Stop beating around the bush.”





The first time that I came here and everybody spoke a good English and I didn’t, I felt like… a fish out of water.




Writing this is NOT a piece of cake – easy. (Thinking of it, it is.)


No! I got an F on the test! A-gain! But now – Y-E-S!!! I got an A+! I hit the nail on the head!!!


When someone asked me for an A.H.A.V.A. dollar, I told him to ask Shimmy. I felt like I was out of the woods.


When I was an olive, I was about to be smooshed. I was telling a worker that I was scared to be smooshed. He told me April showers bring May flowers.


The first time I went to Da’at I didn’t know anyone. Then I felt like a fish out of water.


“WHY ARE YOU SO SAD???”, said Bla-Bla-Bla.

“Oh, it is because my Mommy forgot my food”, said Bla-Bla-Bla.

“Oh, here is some food. But don’t forget, don’t beat around the bush.”


“Open your mouth wide,” said the doctor.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” I said.

“You are not sick and you can go back to school,” said the doctor.

“Oh, but I didn’t want to have a Clean Bill Of Health” I said.


“You have to write a paragraph about…” said the teacher.

“I know what I’ll write about – I’ll write about dogs,” said the student.

“Wait! That’s not what we are writing about. We’re writing about cats first,” said the teacher.

Then he said, “Look Before You Leap.”


WHO IS TALKING IN CLASSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s it! The WHOLE class is staying half an hour late. “One Rotten Apple Can Spoil A Whole Barrel“.


Again! I can’t believe it! I need to correct my spelling again! How will I ever do it! If I don’t succeed, I try try again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




In the beginning of the year we wrote Haikus, It was hard but in the end of the year we had a whole book with poems. You call that April showers bring May flowers.


One day at recess I went beside the school building and heard laughing sounds. I went toward the sound. I saw four 8th graders teasing a little boy. I went to call a teacher. When she came, I saw from the corner of my eye one of the kids who teased the boy running away. Then I thought too bad he’s out of the woods.


I wanted to know how to flip a pancake. I tried to do it yesterday. I put the batch in the pan. I waited, than took the pan and raised the pan up. The pancake fell on my shoe. I tried again. This time it got stuck on the ceiling. I tried again and… it flipped on my face! I tried again. It was close but fell on the edge of the pan. Then with the last remains of the batch I flipped it and it landed perfectly in the center of the pan. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!


David just moved to Manhattan. He was going to school. The next day was really exciting. When he woke up he thought about the school he didn’t know what it will be like. He thought he would feel like a fish out of water.




When I came to Mitzpe Yericho, I was thinking how I was going to find friends. My parents told me it will be a piece of cake. A piece of cake means it’s easy.


Out of the woods means finished a bad situation.


Once upon a time a boy went to the beach and saw it was mixed, boys and girls. He was upset. His mom told him “April showers bring May flowers” and explained that it means that bad things bring good things. In the end they went to an amusement park.


Fish out of water means that you don’t feel comfortable in the situation.


Once upon a time there was a basketball game. Someone scored a ball from half the field. Everybody said he hit the nail on the head which means he did it exactly.


One time I tried to do skateboard and didn’t succeed. People told me if you don’t succeed, try, try again.


If someone you don’t know wants you to come with him, think about it. Look before you leap. Look before you leap means think before you do something.


When I moved here I didn’t have any friends but slowly I got friends. Now everything is a clean bill of health.


My brother told me to make my parents divorce. I told him it would be like asking a chimp to lay off the bananas.


Once upon a time a kid asked his father what he said to his mom and the father said “None of your business”.

“But I want to know”, he said.

But the father said, “No”.

So the kid said, “Stop beating around the bush“.

A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

Haikus about Mark’s feelings when lost in the woods. 

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Very late at night.

Mark in the pitch black forest,

Much, much freaky.

by Shira


Mark is in the woods.

He is scared from scary bears.

He sleeps on a rock.

by Yehuda


I am in the dark.

Lost but for not very long.

I will return.

by Yaakov


Basic Hiking Skills

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These are things you need when going to the country. You need a flashlight. You need a compass. You need a map. And that’s what you need to go camping.

by Yehuda


You should know how to be in the wild and to be in the dark. You need to run fast. And to have food and water. You also need a tooth brush and some tooth paste. That’s what you need in the wild.

by Boaz


Wild Skills

by Shira


To be in the wild you would need to know a lot of things…

The first thing you would need to know is to be able to run fast to get away from danger. I’d really need a compass to find my way around. You’d need to know how to survive. You would need to be hiding and always blend in.

Oh, and one of the most important things, you need to be very stealthy.


A week before Mr. Maxwell’s most complex project – Different character’s thoughts.

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What Would You Feel if You Were Mark?

by Yehuda


If I were Mark I would feel excited. I would think about the week in the woods. I would think how to solve my problems. I would be packing. I would do other preparations. I’d be happy.

Mr. Maxwell

Mr. Maxwell’s Thoughts

by Boaz


I would be very nervous and very scared and happy. I would be scared that I would forget my pants and my shirt and my toothbrush.


Mr. Maxwell, “I am excited for the trip!”

by Nehorai


The Thoughts of Mr. Maxwell

by Yaakov


It is a week from the trip.

I have a lot of students.

It’s so stressful that I need to make sure all the students are ok.

But on the other hand I like the woods and happy to go and camp there a week.

I am waiting to the week in the woods.


Mr. Maxwell’s Thoughts

by Shira


Oh, there’s so much to do, it seems as if there’s more and more work every year… OK, 75 things left on that list of mine… I just hope that Mark won’t interfere again, actually, I hope that slacker won’t ever come to this school. EVER! I still can’t believe that he spoiled my class… it was going to be one of my best ones… Well, I do hope everybody will enjoy everything, well, just like every year of my good success. Well, the trip is tomorrow…


Was Mark right to take the blame for his friend who brought the knife along?

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No, I don’t think that Mark was right to take the blame. Because he could have gotten in a lot of trouble for no reason. He was really looking forward to going to the week in the woods. Just because he was trying to protect his friend from being punished, it doesn’t mean that he needs to get himself in trouble. He/s shown his teachers how “annoying” he is and making a worse impression of himself to his teachers wouldn’t make it better for him.

by Shira


Mark takes the blame on himself. I think this is quite good. Why? The answer is: Mark thought they would eventually find out it was Jason’s knife. So what? Then Mr. Maxwell will respect him because he will think he’s a good boy and not a slacker.

by Yaakov


Do you think Mark is rightly blamed?

No, I don’t. The knife wasn’t Mark’s. The knife was Jason’s. Mark was only looking at the knife.

by Yehuda


Mark didn’t bring a knife so it wasn’t good for him to take the blame.

by Boaz


Mr. Maxwell made an unfair judgement. Our students wrote about judgement.

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by Shimmy


I didn’t want to go to Ariel. My Mom said I should go and she finally convinced me. I went to Ariel and I liked it since then I had fun.



by Boaz


I was in class and I got hit by a ball and I thought  that Shimmy threw the ball and I started to run after him. When I came back I found out that Shimmy didn’t throw the ball but it was Daniel who threw the ball. Then I went to Shimmy and said, “I am sorry for misjudging you”.



by Tzuriel


I didn’t like cursive. I still don’t. I still don’t. I still don’t. I still don’t. It’s really hard. I tell the teacher that my finger hurts. She ignores me. For homework she gives us fifty million words!!! The next day, the teacher says we finished all of the letters. Then she says I write the nicest of the whole class.



by David


Have you ever been to the zoo? I thought it was going to be awful but it was amazing. From that day, every Sunday I asked my mom to go to the zoo. This is why you should go to the zoo even if you think it’s going to be bad.

Love, David.



by Yaakov 


Once I had to read a book for homework. I started reading it. When I finished the 1st chapter I couldn’t continue reading because it was too boring. I had nothing to do but to finish the book. After 2 days I finished the book. Then I understood that I misjudged the book. It wasn’t boring. It was great!


What to Bring on a Camping Trip? – Short Compositions

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If I went camping I would need lots of things… I would need a tent for shelter, food so that I will not starve. I will need extra clothes, I’d need lights so that I’ll have light in the dark. I’d need to bring lots of water to drink, to wash things and to put out the camp fire. By the way, I love camping and I also love nature a lot.

by Shira


If I went to camping…

I will need clothes to wear.

I will need to bring a toothbrush and a toothpaste.

If I would go to a week in the woods it would be fun.

by Boaz


Camping trip

I would take things to eat and drink. I’ll take vegetables and fruit. I’ll take bread, meat, cheese and snacks. I also would take water. A lot of water. This is what I’m going to take to my trip.

by David


On a camping trip I need 150,000,000,000,0000 bags of marshmallow to roast. I’ll make smores also. Every day, I would eat 111,111 marshmallows. Half of the marshmallows will be gum flavor. That’s not enough.

by Tzuriel


If I go to a camping trip I need clothes, water, a tent and food, a flashlight, a sleeping bag and a swimming suit. Wow, a camping trip is a lot if responsibility. I want to go camping, it is really fun. I love camping.

by Gilad


If I went camping I would need lots of things. I would need to bring clothes and warm clothes. I would need a pillow and my glasses. I would need my mom and dad. I would need food, snacks and candies and toys to play.

by Shuvaya


Lots of clothes for every occasion. I should bring a flashlight for the dark. I should bring a tent for shelter. I should bring a mattress for sleeping.

I need a lot of stuff for camping.

by Shimmy


If I went to a camping trip (that would never happen), I would need lots of things. I would need:

marshmallows to stick in my nose

*a book to put in the fire

*a rubber snake to scare all the people I see.

*I hate camping!

by Yaakov


If I went on a camping trip I would need lots of things. I would need a tent and a gun. I love camping.

by Nehorai


If I went camping I would need lots of things. I would need a tent for sleeping. I would bring food to eat. I would bring a cage and a ladder for the food so the bears won’t eat it. I’d bring hiking shoes to hike. I’d go camping because I love to do it.

by Yehuda

A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

‘A Fly on the Wall’ during the contentious meeting between Letha and Tom

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Letha said, “I want to do the book!”

Tom said, “Hannah is doing the book!”

Letha said, “Why should Hannah do the book?”

Tom said, “Because she will do it better.”

Letha said, “Fine.”

by Boaz


Letha comes in, yelling: “I want to edit that book!”

Tom: “I gave it to Hannah so we won’t lose it.”

Letha: “YOU ARE FIRED! Oh, wait. You’re my boss.”

Tom: “Never come back to the office!”

The End

by Tzuriel


*It’s supposed to hit you where you live.

*That she is a LIAR.

by Nehorai


Letha cried, “Why do you want Hannah? I’m a better editor than she!”

Tom said, “Why not?”

Letha said, “Is this how you talk to me?”

Tom said, “Yes, this is how I talk to you.”

Letha said, “Do you want to get fired?”

Tom said, “No.”

Letha said, “So why can’t you tell me why did you chose Hannah and not me?”

Tom said, “Because.”

by Gilad

A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

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by Shira


The book “By the Shores of Silver Lake” is a great book that Laura Ingalls wrote. She is an amazing author because she has written the book with great excitement and interest. The illustrator, Garth Williams draws so well that the pictures looked like they were real. The book really taught me about building up a town on the prairie.


Write a Dialogue

by Yehuda


“Hey, Sapira, for how much time have you been in your egg?”asked Eragon.

“One thousand years,” said Sapira.

“Why didn’t anybody come for you to hatch to him?” asked Eragon.

“Because I’m a wild dragon,” said Sapira.

“OK,” said Eragon.


I never saw a walking book.

I never hope to see one.

But I can tell you with a good look

I’d rather see one than read one.

by Gilad


A Teleporter

by Tzuriel

A teleporter would be very useful. First of all, we could teleport viruses and sicknesses. Second, we could rob banks. Third, we don’t have to have a car license. So as you can see, it’s very useful.


Once Upon a Time

by Yehuda


Once upon a time there were dragons, humans, elves and dwarfs. All races hated each other. Because they hated each other they were always at war.

The elves were magicians, the dwarfs were blacksmiths, the humans were like today and the dragons were just living in the land. Though everyone hated everyone, the dragons were the most hated.

One day the dragons and elves had a really big war. And by the end of the war the races decided to be friends and in order to do that they needed to share things with magic and that’s what they did. They decided to be friends because they saw that so many people died and that the nature was ruined. And from that day on they lived together happily.



by Shira


My name is Shira and I learn in fifth grade. I’d like to tell you about a story that happened two years ago…

On the first day of school I noticed that there was someone unfamiliar in the class. When I asked my friend who the “mystery person” was, she said that she was a new classmate whose name was Tzipora. During the day the teacher played “getting to know each other” games with us. I got to know that she came from Ashdod with five other family members. She looked kind of “trying to be smart” person, especially because of her glasses and that she finished the worksheet that the teacher in math class gave out simply in ten minutes.


But after a day or two, two of my best friends and I found that she was actually a really nice person. Our friendship got stronger and stronger. It got so strong that we made up a secret code name for the four of us. We even made up a code alphabet. We did many fun things together but fun can’t last forever and two years later we discovered that Tzipora and her family would be leaving for a different part of Israel.


A week before she left we made her a “good bye party” and I made her a heart shaped key chain. We said our “goodbyes” and watched the van disappear into the distance.


The End

A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

Please scroll down to see every biography!


Theodor Herzl

by Yaakov


Herzl was born on May 2nd 1860 in Pest, Hungary. Theodor formed the Zionist Organization. He He envisioned the establishment of the state of Israel. Herzl also wrote a book called “The State of the Jews” about what the state will look like in his vision. Herzl died on July 3rd 1904 (aged 44). He was buried on Mt. Herzl, Israel.


Violet Jessop

by Tzuriel

First of all, I think Violet is brave because after the Titanic sank she went back to be a stewardess. Second, I think she was brave for working so her family could live.


Violet Jessop was a remarkable person. She was poor and worked as a stewardess. In two shipwrecks she saved many lives even when she did not know how to swim.

by Nehorai


Some people think Violet is a remarkable person (only I don’t). People do have these reasons: first, they think she was brave because she jumped into the water even though she was scared. Second, because she went back to work when she was 61. Last, she was a strong woman because she was on two boats that sank and she continued to work on boats.

by Yehuda


The Rambam – Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon

The Rambam, also known as Maimonides, was born in Spain in 1138 and died in 1204. During his lifetime he worked in Morocco and Egypt as an incredible doctor, a wise rabbi and a very well know an respected philosopher.He had many, many adventures that included Egyptians, sultans, best friends, worst enemies (Jafar, as my grandfather calls them) and much, much more. Maimonides was know throughout the world as an incredibly smart and talented person who wrote many Sifrei Kodesh and commentaries for the Torah. He accomplished so much in such a short life (sixty six years). The Rambam was and still is amazing.

by Shira


Harriet Tubman

by Boaz

She helped black people escape from slavery. She was burnt alive in Maryland. Her name before being freed was Mintie. They still don’t know until this day how old she exactly was, but she died at about the age of 92.


A Corona edition would be incomplete without mentioning the perpetrator itself. Our students addressed it, too, some in the form of a haiku. Please scroll down to see each poem.


Corona virus.
Corona is bad.
I hate Corona.

by Tzuriel


Forget Corona.

Doctors are saving the world.

We must stay at home.

by Nehorai


Corona is bad.

Corona spreads very fast.

I am so careful.

by Boaz


Corona virus

by Yehuda

There is Corona virus. I hate it, very much.

A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com
A.H.A.V.A. 2019-2020 Mitzpe Yericho 5-6th grade by Gaila Cohen Morrison - Ourboox.com

Shira’s Crossword:



1)  The opposite of modest.

2)  To look at something quickly.

3)  Staring angrily at someone.

4)  Looking at a big landscape.

5)  Getting permission to sell a book.



6)   Another word for piles.

7)   Not to get near.

8)   Running quickly.

9)   Saying something out loud.

10) Something bad that happens very suddenly.


Our students wrote letters capturing the emotions of a young, new musician playing in public.


Dear Someone,

Today I had a concert. The concert was really hard. I had a lot of instrument players. I felt anxious and nervous. I liked this concert.



by Yaakov


Dear Voko,

At the last concert, I had to play a pretty complicated part. It is also very loud. When I played, one string ripped. So really fast, I switched violins. Also that one’s string ripped, so I switched again. By the end of the concert I thought I was in a big trouble but instead I became famous.



by Tzuriel



Despite the craziness and upheaval of this year our students managed to learn and progress. We hope that the English skills that they developed will stand all of them in good stead in their future.


Gaila & Shani


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