Lil Red Riding Hood by Adi Gaber -
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Lil Red Riding Hood

  • Joined May 2020
  • Published Books 4

Lil Red Riding Hood (inspired by The Little Red Riding Hood)


Lil, who was the little Red Riding Hood, went to her grandmother’s house every Saturday to bring her food. Her favorite food was big scary wolfs!


Each time before arriving to Grandmother’s house, Lil would go and hunt 3 wolfs.


One day, when Lil arrived at Grandmother’s house, she noticed that Grandmother looked oddly different that usual.


Lil was concerned and asked “Grandmother, why are your eyes so big?”
“So I can see you better, sweety” replied Grandmother.
“and why are your ears so big?” asked Lil.
“So I can hear you better” replied Grandmother.
“but why is your nose so big?” Lil asked again.
“So I can smell you better, honey” Grandmother replied again.


Lil wasn’t so naïve and didn’t believe her Grandmother, she noticed right away that something seemed odd. She quickly reached over to her Grandmothers bed and removed her big wig and revealed the truth beneath the wig.


Lil was shocked the find out her Grandmother got secret plastic surgeries so she can see, hear, and smell better.


Lil immediately apologized to her Grandmother and promised her that her secret is safe with her. They moved to the table and had their weekly lunch.

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