how to make a black Turkish coffee

by Daniel
Artwork: Daniel
- Joined Mar 2014
- Published Books 2
Copyright © 2014
There are two main ways to make a Turkish black coffee.
The tradition way is to use a Finjan and to cook the coffee on the fire or stove.

step 1- Fill the Finjan almost to the end (3/4).
step 2- Wait few minutes for the water to hit.
step 3- Put 2-3 spoons in side the Finjan and wait for boiling.

step 4- When the water starts bubbling, put suger if desired.
step 5- some people like to mix with a spoon but it’s not necessary.
step 5- Just when the coffee starts sliding down, lift the Finjan
and let cool for few minutes for the grains to go down.
step 7- Pure into a small glass, take a sip and enjoy the taste 🙂

The second and most welcome way is to use a kattle.
step 1- Take a glass and put 1 tea spoon of black coffee inside.
step 2- You can add also a herb called “Chawaidge” just to add more taste to the coffee.

step 3- When the water are boiled, spill 3/4 of the glass and mix with a spoon.
step 4- This is the most important step; put suger spoons as desired, but only after you pure the water.
step 5- Mix, drink and enjoy:)

Published: May 28, 2014
Latest Revision: Aug 21, 2014
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