Gopal Gets a New Roof by Hila Engel - Illustrated by various artists -
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Gopal Gets a New Roof


Artwork: various artists

  • Joined Dec 2015
  • Published Books 2

Our story happened many years ago in India.

It tells about Gopal, who was the jester in the court of the great Maharaja – the king of India.

In those days the king had his own court poets, artists, singers, and many ministers to advise him on different matters.

Every king also had a court jester. The jester was a very important person. He made people laugh and feel happy.

Gopal Gets a New Roof by Hila Engel - Illustrated by various artists -

Gopal was usually happy.

He lived in a small mud house.

Every morning, he went to work in the palace, and came home late every night.

But when our story begins, Gopal is worried:

“The rain season will start soon, and there are many holes in my straw roof.”

Gopal Gets a New Roof by Hila Engel - Illustrated by various artists -

Gopal had a clever plan.

One morning, he came to work late. The next day he came late again. He came to work late every day, for a week.

Finally, the Maharaja got angry and shouted at Gopal.

Gopal Gets a New Roof by Hila Engel - Illustrated by various artists -

“Oh Maharajah” Gopal explained, “I am not rich, I’m poor. My house is made of mud and the roof is made of straw. The roof has many holes.

Every night I go home and fix the holes. I don’t sleep and I am very tired. I can’t make you laugh when I’m tired. So I sleep in the mornings and come late to the palace. What can I do?”

Gopal Gets a New Roof by Hila Engel - Illustrated by various artists -

The Maharajah thought about this problem.

And thought.

And thought.

But Maharajahs were not as clever as jesters.

So, finally, Gopal said, “Maybe I should come to live in the palace with my family!”

Gopal Gets a New Roof by Hila Engel - Illustrated by various artists -

The Maharajah thought again.

“You and your family? Here in the palace? You can’t come to live with me, but I can give you money to build a good house with a strong roof!”

Gopal smiled and said, “What a kind and clever Maharajah you are!”

Gopal Gets a New Roof by Hila Engel - Illustrated by various artists -
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