Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -
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Little Red Riding Hood


Artwork: Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz

  • Joined Nov 2015
  • Published Books 40
Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

Once upon a time there was a little girl, who lived in a small town out of the woods. She was a brave and smart girl, but her mom was never around much to take care of her. As for her dad, he had abandoned them before the girl was even born.

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

One day, her mom asked her to visit her grandmother, on the other side of the forest, to bring her “medications”, which up until then was brought to her by a trustworthy hunter.

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

Before Little Red Riding Hood left the house, her mom warned her to walk straight to her grandmother’s house, and not to speak to strangers along the way. “Be careful of the Big Bad Wolf” she cautioned her “and don’t take your eyes off your basket”.

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

Little Red went on her way. It was a lovely day in the forest, and she was singing to herself when suddenly she heard a menacing voice saying: “Little girl, where are you going to?”

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

She turned around and found herself standing in front of an enormous, vicious looking wolf with sharp nails and gigantic pointed white teeth.

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

“I’m not supposed to talk to strangers” she told him, and tried to walk away.

“I’m not a stranger” answered the wolf, “I’m the forest friendly wolf. My job is to make sure no one gets lost in the wide forest. Especially little girls like you.”

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

“I just want to make sure you know the right direction” the wolf explained.

“Oh” answered Little Red “I’m going to my grandma’s cabin on the other side of the forest. I’m supposed to keep to the main forest road, right?”

“You can” the wolf answered “but if you take this smaller path, the road is much prettier and quicker”.

“Thanks” said Little Red, and went in the direction he suggested.

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

As soon as Little Red was out of sight, the wolf sprinted through the trees, not bothering to keep to any specific path, and reached Little Red’s grandmother’s cabin long before the little girl did.

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

When Little Red entered the cabin she went straight to her grandmother’s bed, and noticed that something was different.

“Ooh” asked Little Red “grandma, why are your ears so big?”

“So I can hear you better, my sweet”

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

“And grandma, why is your nose so large?”

“So I could smell things better, my dear”

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

“But grandma, why is your mouth so big?”

“So I can ask YOU questions, my love”

“What questions?”

“Like, what do you have for me in your basket, my pet?”

“Your medications, grandma” and Little Red handed her small basket to the figure lying on the bed.


Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

“Mrs. Red senior, you’re under arrest!” the wolf, dressed in Little Red’s grandma’s clothes jumped from the bed and revealed her grandmother handcuffed behind the curtains.

Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

“What is going on?” Little Red cried in panic.

“Your mother and grandmother are the masterminds behind the biggest drug cartel in the forest. And thanks to you, we finally have enough evidence to bring them to justice, before they managed to drag you into their obscene world.”


Little Red Riding Hood by tina - Illustrated by Annat Dagan, Sivan Shulman, Nir Harpz -

“We’ve already captured their last currier, code named The Huntsman” explained the wolf.

“My dad?! He’s alive?!”


And they all lived


                     ever after…

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