2020 Gender Equality Solutions – Students’ Views by Aslı Çelik - Ourboox.com
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2020 Gender Equality Solutions – Students’ Views

  • Joined Jan 2019
  • Published Books 9
2020 Gender Equality Solutions – Students’ Views by Aslı Çelik - Ourboox.com







1. All people should share everything they have and those they don’t.



2. men and Women can have the same job.

  Encourage woman into nontraditional vocations.

  Respect each other.

  There must be equal rights.

3.  Men should respect women.   Gender equality should be teaching in schools.

   Women should be paid the same as men.

   Girls can do almost everything men do.

Grigore Dragos, România


4. Share household chores and childcare equally.

Support mothers and parents.

Rejet racist attitudes.

Give proper value to “women’s work”.

Work together.

     Jichici Bianca , LAM , Romania


5. women should be able to have the same jobs as men

 ~women shouldn’t be treated like they are not strong

 ~women are as brave as men sometimes even more brave

 ~women should be able to be whatever they want

 ~women have rights too and this the reason why women are equal with men

 ~Alexandra-Maria, Onești Romania


6. I have a mother and a sister too. Equality is important in our family, the more I am free, the more free my mother is in my mother. my father always supports my mom and my sister

7.  Don’t wear social roles by saying “my princess girl” and “my lion son”. Being emotional and strong is specific to people, not gender. Stop saying “Man won’t cry.”

8.  I love my father because he is a person who gives great importance to equality between women and men. he always tells the importance of this to my brother. Thanks to them, everyone can stay free in our home, if they can be so understanding.



9. Why should men make money and women make food and take care of kids?The husband should take care of the house and the wife should do some work too !

Who says that girls can’ t play basketball or footbal and boys can’ t dance?

Everybody should do what he or she wants, nobody is allowed to order you to do or not to do something.

Live the life you want to live !

Radulescu Yanis, Onesti – Romania




1.It has been proven that gender equality leads to economic growth. If there are more women in business and politics, the country will be rich. We need women leaders. Don’t afraid. Be a leader!

2.Be cool!

3.Be an example to everyone!

4.Speak confidently and honestly and sincerly!

5.Respect yourself!

Zaporizkiy Sichoviy Colegium, Ukraine



 1.Men and Women can have the same the same job.

 2.Mens must respect womens

 3.Respect each other

 4.They must have equal rights

 Carabas Emanuel



1.It has been proven that gender equality leads to economic growth. If there are more women in business and politics, the country will be rich. We need women leaders. Don’t afraid. Be a leader!

2.Be cool!

3.Be an example to everyone!

4.Speak confidently and honestly and sincerly!

5.Respect yourself!

Zaporizkiy Sichoviy Colegium, Ukraine


13. Equal rights for women and girls and support initiatives that combat discriminatory practices and challenge the roles and stereotypes that affect inequalities and exclusion.


Mimoza, Albania


14. For the topic of gender equality to be implemented best in Polish schools, my idea is to show the role of women in life, for science, in history – this is normal and universal.

[Zygmunt Gajowniczek – Latowicz/Poland]



Ukraine. Kurakhovo Vocational Luceym.

Наталья Варяниченко, Карина Маляева, Вероника Быщенко


1. The main thing to remember is that men and women have the same right to vote.

2. In the educational field. in different events, both boys and girls should participate.

3. Men can own the same profession. and women. in our school, the profession of a painter is also given to boys. and girls.


16. If we successfully eliminate patriarchy, the biggest of structural inequalities, other structural inequalities will certainly begin to crack. A gender equal world will undoubtedly be a more equal world in other respects.



17. Stop considering women some washing machines.

Stop considering women some cooking chefs.

Some clarification for the first and second statement/advice: In a family, the woman doesn’t necessarily have to be the single one to cook, or wash some clothes.

Men and women should have the same chances for the same job.

Don’t discriminate women or men.

Be kind to both genders.


Teodor, Onesti, Romania


18.  Black, white, red, yellow: each colour and each person has got a particular beauty!

19.We need to change attitudes towards the gender equality. No descriminations! Women ar not sentenced to care only for children,to cook or to clean.Most often,the work performed by women is considered to have a much lower value than that of men,which is not fair. We should change our mentality! We must be treated the same!!!!


Larisa Vancea



Gender equality solutions are:

-make education gender sensitive and “a must” in every school;

-work together, because there’ll be more equality in time;

-talking and getting solutions instead of violence;

-empower mothers;

-respect each other more.


Ancuta Bonta

LAM Lipova Romania

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