Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles

by Abigail Sexton

Artwork: Abigail Sexton

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Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles


Artwork: Abigail Sexton

  • Joined Apr 2020
  • Published Books 1
Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -

The Bell Flower Fairies lived in a small fairyland called Bell Flower Meadow. It was just past the Ivy Forest where the Voracious Beetles lived. The Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles did NOT get along.


The Bell Flower Fairies’ favorite thing to eat were Fairy Berries. They had their very own field to grow the berries in. But in the past there were never enough Fairy Berries for everyone. The Voracious Beetles, who got their name from their love to eat, were always stealing them!

The fairies had to put a stop to the Voracious Beetles, so they set out guards on all sides of the Fairy Berry Field to keep the beetles from getting in.

This created some bad blood between them. So the fairies agreed to stay in their meadow and the beetles agreed to stay in their forest and they never spoke to each other again. But of course the Fairy Berry Guards stayed put.

Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -
Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -

All the fairies in Bell Flower Meadow had a job. Angus Shimmerling’s job was to be a “Watch-Out” Fairy. This was a VERY important job. Angus would fly high above the meadow and be on the lookout for anything that could be dangerous to the fairies.


One day Angus was on duty when he noticed something in the sky. What was it? He flew up a little higher to try to figure out what it was. It was red, round, and getting bigger the longer he looked at it. No… It wasn’t getting bigger, it was getting closer! Angus realized what he saw in the sky was a great big meteor headed right for Bell Flower Meadow. He flew straight to Queen Luna Thistle.

Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -
Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -

When Queen Luna Thistle heard the news, she immediately came up with a plan. She assembled Bell Flower Meadow’s Construction Fairies and ordered them to build a slide that would send the meteor flying straight over Bell Flower Meadow.


This idea did not go as planned. In fact, the meteor was now flying faster towards Bell Flower Meadow. Queen Luna had to think of a new plan, fast!

The Queen had a new plan! She gathered together every single fairy in Bell Flower Meadow. The plan was to have every fairy fly as close to the meteor as they could get and use their fairy dust to steer the meteor in the other direction.

This plan did not work either. The meteor melted all of the fairy dust and was now moving even faster toward Bell Flower Meadow!

Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -

The Queen was desperate to stop the meteor and she was running out of time! Plum Cricket, her best friend, had an idea. But she knew it was risky. She pulled Queen Luna aside to avoid alarming the other fairies. The Queen knew Plum Cricket was right. They had to go see the Voracious Beetles.


Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -
Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -

Queen Luna and Plum Cricket flew over the edge of the meadow and sent the Emergency Fairy Dust Firework Message. Shortly after, Lord Snufflegus and his body guards appeared at the edge of Ivy Forest.

What is the meaning of this?” said Lord Snufflegus. The Queen explained their situation and asked for help.
“And why should we help you fairies? You’ve done nothing for us except take away our favorite snack.”

Queen Luna knew he was talking about the Fairy Berries. She offered them access to the Fairy Berry Field in exchange for their help. Drooling, Lord Snufflegus agreed.

“Let’s stop that meteor!”

Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -

The Voracious Beetles have an advantage over this meteor, they are heat resistant! They can stand the hottest of temperatures without even breaking a sweat. Lord Snufflegus ordered all the beetles to do what they do best… EAT!

The Fairies sprinkled them with all the fairy dust they had left and the beetles floated up to the meteor. The fairies anxiously watched from below.


At first, the fairies had lost all hope. They thought they were doomed. But Plum Cricket jumped up and yelled, “It’s getting smaller!”. And sure enough, before the last fairy could stand in awe, the meteor was gone and the beetles were on their way back down.

As Lord Snufflegus landed, Queen Luna Thistle met him with a grateful handshake.

“You saved us,” she said, “Thank you. Take all the Fairy Berries you want. We can do without them.”

Lord Snufflegus thanked her and took the rest of the beetles back to the Ivy Forest.

Queen Luna told the Fairy Berry Field Guards to stand down and let the beetles in to pick the berries.

Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -
Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -

The next day, the Guards checked the field and every single Fairy Berry was gone. There was none left.

Devastated, the guards flew to report this to Queen Luna. When they arrived to her tree, the Voracious Beetles had made their way back to Bell Flower Meadow.


Lord Snufflegus called for everyone’s attention.

“We are honored to be allowed back in your field. We took advantage of that last time, and we are sorry. Last night we picked every single Fairy Berry, so that we all might enjoy them together today.” The beetles revealed thousands of berries, more than enough for everyone!


“It is time we set aside the past and come together to protect our communities,” said Lord Snufflegus.

Queen Luna nodded in agreement as she took a bite of a Fairy Berry.

Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles by Abigail Sexton - Illustrated by Abigail Sexton -

From then on, the Bell Flower Fairies and the Voracious Beetles worked together, became friends, and shared everyone’s favorite snack, Fairy Berries.

The End.

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