A flight to Los-Angeles by Maria Fediaeva - Illustrated by Mary F. - Ourboox.com
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A flight to Los-Angeles


Artwork: Mary F.

  • Joined Nov 2015
  • Published Books 1

I have always dreamed of visiting Los Angeles. Last summer my dream came true. It was my first flight.

A flight to Los-Angeles by Maria Fediaeva - Illustrated by Mary F. - Ourboox.com
A flight to Los-Angeles by Maria Fediaeva - Illustrated by Mary F. - Ourboox.com

I felt nervous as I didn’t knowhow to behave, where to go. Fortunately, there was a modern aiport public system in the airport which offered passengers information on their flight status. Due to this sytem we knew that our flight was delayed for an hour.

A flight to Los-Angeles by Maria Fediaeva - Illustrated by Mary F. - Ourboox.com

To spend time we went to the cafe and had a breakfast there. After that we played different games. Time passed very quickly.

Later it was announced our flight to Los Angeles was to leave from gate 12.We passed the security check and boarded a waiting bus to drive us to our plane.

The plane gathered speed and was airborne within a minute. I wasn’t ready that it would leave the ground so quickly

A flight to Los-Angeles by Maria Fediaeva - Illustrated by Mary F. - Ourboox.com

The plane flied at the speed of 541 miles per hour and I must confess I turned to be a poor flyer

In forty minutes I could see the Earth from the height of 2000meters. I saw birds through a port-hole of the plane.

It was a great flight although I was nervous a bit.

A flight to Los-Angeles by Maria Fediaeva - Illustrated by Mary F. - Ourboox.com

When our plane began to descend, I enjoyed a good visibility of Los Angeles. It was an unfogettable flight.

A flight to Los-Angeles by Maria Fediaeva - Illustrated by Mary F. - Ourboox.com
A flight to Los-Angeles by Maria Fediaeva - Illustrated by Mary F. - Ourboox.com
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