
by Malashkin Sergei

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  • Joined Nov 2015
  • Published Books 1

(*Interpreted  real story taken from  forum.awd.com)

The flight from Amsterdam for Accra.

flight by Malashkin Sergei - Ourboox.com

  Airplane took off without delays. It gathered speed, gained height. Everything looked OK. But the only disturbing fact was that there was a rainy season in Ghana. We’ve flown across Mediterranean, Algeria, almost all Sahara desert … I enjoyed good visibility, everything was in full view. Somewhere above Nigeria was the first storm front.

flight by Malashkin Sergei - Ourboox.com

  It got dark instantly. You could see the sunset In the gaps between high thunderclouds, but in their sole there were already thunderous lightning. The captain vary often changed the course to fly around a bunch of very tall dark clouds which looked like one from science fiction films. White flashes appeared in all directions with a frequency of several seconds. A little eerie spectacle fascinated with its beauty – I looked thorough a port-hole on it with excitement. I just stuck to the window. I have flights very often, but had never seen anything like this in the sky.

flight by Malashkin Sergei - Ourboox.com

  A little further to the equator, our aircraft flied into a new storm front. At that time silhouettes of storm clouds were  visible on the background of constant lightning flashes. The captain, of course, lighted the corresponding display. Huge Boeing 777 started slightly shake, and suddenly throwed down, and somewhere to the side – the audience (passengers) only screamed. I looked out the window. There was a mad dance of lightning flashes, I got an uneasy feeling.
We flew into some black haze, tumbling down and “flapping the wings». The visibility got poor. I saw two Grenadier-growth Dutch stewardesses talking peacefully with each other, strapped with belts in their seats. According to the map, we were in the space of Burkina Faso.

flight by Malashkin Sergei - Ourboox.com

Haze of black clouds  suddenly ended with a new portion of the lightning, and quite strong turbulence. The plane, obviously, flied  round something again, because we were constantly heeling to one side, and then  to the other one. It still shaked.  But then suddenly shaking ended to everyone’s relief … after another 40 minutes we arrived safely and according to the schedule in Accra. We were met by the warm tropical rain. Exactly two weeks later history repeated itself, but in reverse order …

flight by Malashkin Sergei - Ourboox.com
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