Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com
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Jack And The Giant


Artwork: Simon William Atkinson

  • Joined Nov 2015
  • Published Books 2

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack who lived with his family. They were very poor and didn’t have much money.

One day Jack and his family set out on a walk. They were going to a camping trip in the mountain.

They set their camp site and went to sleep in their tents. What they didn’t know was that they were near a giants’ cave.

When they woke up the giants woke up too but the giants went hunting for food.


Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com

Jack’s family went out for a walk but then they heard a loud noise. It was the giants who were coming.

They saw the giants and ran to their camp as fast as they could to hide there from the giants.

It was soon night time but the giants were still very close.

Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com

They were about to leave the camp site but then the giants captured them. The giants took them into a cave and blocked it with a huge rock. Jack and his family tried to find a way out and they finally found a hole but they couldn’t fit through it. Only Jack could go through the hole.


Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com

Jack was able to fit through the hole but then the giants came back and Jack went back to hide.

The giants went to sleep but two giants stayed at the cave. Jack tried to escape.

Jack was able to slip out of the cave. He looked around for people to help him but he couldn’t find anyone.

Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com

It was morning and everyone woke up and the giants went away but one of them who was guarding the cave accidently pushed the rock. Jack tried to push the rock and managed to roll it down the hill. The whole family escaped but the giants came back.

Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com
Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com

The giants slipped down the hill and Jacks family slipped even further down the hill.

But one of the giants all along was actually trying to help and getting the cave door

to roll away.


Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com

Then the giant told all this to the other giants, but they didn’t agree. And when the giants

were about to take the kind giant who didn’t want Jack’s family to be captured, he was able

to persuade the giants to leave them alone. So the giants agreed to that and even became friends with Jacks’ family. It turned out the giants had gold and they gave some of it to Jacks family and they all

lived happily ever after.

Jack And The Giant by Simon Atkinson - Illustrated by Simon William Atkinson - Ourboox.com
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