what is barcelona
fcbarcelona is a famous team,its founded in 1899,this team led by joan gamper.
the club become a symbol of Catalan and catalanism
history(begaining of fcbarcelona)
fcbarcelona bagan on 22 octoper 1899,hans gamper has advertisement fcbarcelona.
fcbarcelona had successful start,in 1902 the team win the first trophy copa del rey,and it was the first
participated in the copa del rey
how many trophy had fcbrcelona won
23 trophy la liga
27 trophy copa del rey
11 trophy supercup
5 trophy uefa cup
5 trophy super uefa cup
2 trophy fifa club world cup
the squad of barcelona

my Opinion
fcbarcelona is the best team in the world
the end
Published: Nov 6, 2015
Latest Revision: Nov 6, 2015
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-75987
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