Organ Donation – Best Gift You Can Give To Someone by Marie Safel - Illustrated by Marie Safel -
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Organ Donation – Best Gift You Can Give To Someone


Artwork: Marie Safel

  • Joined Jan 2020
  • Published Books 5

Organ donation is known as the process of donating organs by a deceased or live donor to the person suffering from organ failure.


Organ donation is a legal process carried out with the consent of the donor or their kin. The organs received after donation used in different transplantations such as liver, kidney, heart, lungs, intestines, pancreas, bones, corneas, skin and born marrow transplantation. According to the survey held in 2017, Spain has the highest donor rate (46.9 per million) in the world followed by Portugal (34.0 per million), Belgium (33.6 per million), Croatia (33.0 per million) and United States (32.0 per million). Donating organs is the most generous act of humanity in which one person can save the life of another person by donating his/her organs to them. It is the best way to utilize your body even after your death.


Currently, organ failure becomes a growing concern worldwide and nowadays even the younger generation suffering from this failure. Hence, to counter this major health concern, more & more people must have to come forward and take a pledge for organ donation.  There is a huge gap between the availability of organ donors and organ recipients in India; as a result, thousands of patients died every year. The procedure for kidney and liver transplant generally takes around 4 to 5 hours.


There are two types of organ donation – Deceased Organ donations and Living Organ Donations.


Living Organ Donation – In this type of organ donation a living (healthy) person donates his/her organs to a person suffering from end-stage organ failure.


Deceased Organ Donation It is the process of receiving an organ or a part of an organ from the person who has been clinically declared as ‘brain dead’ by the team of doctors. Whenever the term “Pledging of organ” mention, it means deceased Organ Donation.


There are many hospitals and NGOs are present in India which can assist you if you want to become an organ donor. However, you can follow the below procedure for getting enrol as a donor.

  1. Signup yourself on the website of National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) by clicking this link (
  2. Once got registered, log in on this site and fill the Donor Pledge Form.
  3. After filling the form, submit it, you will receive an email alert that will inform you to generate the donor card.
  4. Once the donor card generated, take a print out of it.

Most of the organ transplants are carried through the deceased donation process. In India, many celebrities or public figures have taken a pledge for deceased organ donations. This includes ace actor Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, R. Madhavan, and several others. What else is great than saving the life of someone? – Organ donation is the best deed you can do in your lifetime. Please do come forward and support this humanitarian cause.


I hope this article would enlighten the readers about the significance of ‘Organ Donation’. Thanks for reading!

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