The Present Continuous Tense by Anna Aleksandrova -
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The Present Continuous Tense

  • Joined Dec 2019
  • Published Books 5




We form the Present Continuous Tense (PCT) with



BE + -ing FORM of the main verb




I am reading  ——————- I‘m reading

You are reading——————You‘re reading

He is reading———————-He‘s reading

She is reading———————She‘s reading

We are reading——————–We‘re reading

You are reading——————–You‘re reading

They are reading——————-They‘re reading


#Don’t forget that we use IT when we talk about objects, animals or the weather! So: It is reading sounds a bit impossible:)))

#Не забравяйте, че използваме местоимението IT, когато говорим за предмети,животни или времето! Затова It is reading звучи почти невъзможно:)))




For negative forms use NOT


We are not playing a video game right now because we are learning English.

The short forms are: aren’t and isn’t 




#Don’t forget that we can make a short negative form for 1st p.s. only in this way:/ Не забравяйте, че можем да направим отрицателна ф-ма за 1л.ед.ч. само по този начин:

I am not talking to you! – I’m not talking to you!





Are you reading carefully what I am trying to explain?


The blue part of the sentence is the question part. As you know we form questions when we change the place of the verb BE and the subject./ Синята част на изречението е въпросителна. Както знаете, образуваме въпроси като разменим местата на гл. СЪМ и подлога на изречението.


Spelling Rules for the -ing forms


1.Глаголът завършва на съгласна + е, -e изпада и добавяме –ing формата:
write – writing
come – coming
take – taking
2.Ако една гласна е “затворена” м/у две съгласни, удвояваме последната съгласна
swim -swimming
sit -sitting
run – running
3.При глаголи, завършващи на -y не правим промени
play – playing
study – studying
copy- copying       
    !!!   lie  -lying     die  -dying !!!




  1. We use thе PCT to talk about a situation/action that is happening NOW or AT THE MOMENT OF SPEAKING/Използваме сег.продължително време, за да до говорим за действие, което се случва СЕГА или В МОМЕНТА НА ГОВОРЕНЕТО

Ex. I can’t come with you to the park because I am reading a very interesting book at the moment.

Не мога да дойда с теб в парка, защото чета много интересна книга в момента.
2.We can also use PCT to talk about a continuous action happening for a longer period of time (process)/Също така можем да използваме СПВ, за да говорим за действие, което се случва за по-дълъг период от време (процес)

Ex. I am reading a very interesiting book these days. You should read it too.

Тези дни чета много интересна книга. Ти също трябва да я прочетеш.



Now, just to pactise, look around and describe what you see!

For example:



My sister is doing a test in Maths.

The Present Continuous Tense by Anna Aleksandrova -
What is he doing?




What is he doing?








That’s right!

He is playing basketball!

The Present Continuous Tense by Anna Aleksandrova -




What are they doing?









They are chatting!

The Present Continuous Tense by Anna Aleksandrova -






Now, it’s your turn.

Make your own sentences desribing the pictures.

The Present Continuous Tense by Anna Aleksandrova -
The Present Continuous Tense by Anna Aleksandrova -
The Present Continuous Tense by Anna Aleksandrova -








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