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Life Cycle of a Frog

  • Joined Feb 2020
  • Published Books 2


Frogs have five stages of their life spanning from egg to adult. Frogs live in several different environments and are in the amphibian family. They do not give live birth, they lay eggs in water and protect those eggs from predators. Frogs are what scientists call indicator animals, due to their absorbent skin they are greatly effected by chemicals and pollutants in the water.


Stage 1: Eggs

A mother frog lays dozens of eggs in the water. The body of water could be a pond, lake, or creek! Although not every egg reaches the tadpole stage; there are predators that look to eat the eggs.


Stage 2: Tadpole (Polliwog)

All together the tadpoles take 21 days to form, once they are fully formed into tadpoles they are excellent swimmers. They use their large tail to move around and find algae to eat to help them grow!


Stage 3: Tadpole with Legs

In this stage of development frogs go through a crucial 5 week transformation. Their back legs begin to form prior to their front legs. The lungs are also beginning to form to prepare the frog for life on land and not in water.


Stage 4: Froglet

The frog is nearing the end of its growth cycle. At this point the frog has fully formed its lungs. Yet the frog still has a tail and is almost fully grown.


Stage 5: Fully Grown Frog

After the 11 week journey the frog is fully grown! They primarily live out of water and eat insects, small rodents, and fish. Although they still love the water!


Discussion Questions


  1. How many weeks does it take for a frog to fully develop into an adult frog?
  2. How many stages are in a frogs life cycle?
  3. At what stage does the frog fully develop its lungs?
  4. How long does it take for a tadpole to form?

Follow up Activity

As a class we will observe each stage of a frogs lifecycle in the classroom. Everyday we will keep a log of the changes we have noticed within the population of frogs. There will be a large tank in the classroom where the eggs will begin, as they get older and eventually turn to frogs we will release them back into the wild. Being able to have first hand experience witnessing frogs grow and go through their different stages in life will give the students several opportunities. Students will be able to observe and actively engage in a science experiment.

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