Go Karting

by Anthony Scerbo

Artwork: Anthony Scerbo

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Go Karting


Artwork: Anthony Scerbo

  • Joined Oct 2015
  • Published Books 1

“Dad should I put on my helmet yet?” I had asked about this many times before, but I couldn’t help myself. I was about to start my first race at Pole Position indoor go karting track! Today I also brought my Gopro camera so I could record the whole race from my point of view. As I hopped into my kart, I asked the worker how many laps I could do. “The first one to finish 14 laps,”  He answered professionally.



When the karts turned on, I accidentally had  my foot all the way down on the petal, so I did a mini burnout. When the race started, everyone did a slow lap so we could get used to the track. When the worker turned on the fast mode, I hit my head on the back on the seat. I did not expect them to be so fast. As I made my way around the first corner, my rear wheels started to skid and lose traction, nevertheless I braced for impact with the wall. I had realized that my dad had tapped my rear bumper spun me out! He laughed and pointed at me. I was determined to get him back.


When I got back onto the track, I noticed that my dad was going very slow. I took this as an advantage. I concentrated hard making sure I went slow on turns and fast on the straight aways. I was about to pass him, but I was so excited, I wasn’t paying attention to the track and I forgot to brake on a 90 degree turn! I focused and counter steered to get back my pursuit of first place.  I raced past him so fast, I am pretty sure he did not even see me! There was still another person that I had to pass through. I did even better passing him than I did to my dad! Who is laughing now!

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