English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, right up to the structure of whole texts.
There are historical, social, cultural and regional variations of English. Divergences from the grammar described here occur in some dialects. This article describes a generalized present-day Standard English – a form of speech and writing used in public discourse, including broadcasting, education, entertainment, government, and news, over a range of registers from formal to informal. There are differences in grammar between the standard forms of British, American, and Australian English.
Anyways, Are you ready to start?
Past tense
There are two tenses in English – past and present.
The past tense in English is used:
- to talk about the past
- to talk about hypotheses (when we imagine something)
- for politeness.
There are four past tense forms in English:
Past simple: | I worked |
Past continuous: | I was working |
Past perfect: | I had worked |
Past perfect continuous: | I had been working |
We use these forms: to talk about the past:
He worked at McDonald’s. He had worked there since July.
He was working at McDonald’s. He had been working there since July.
- to refer to the present or future in hypotheses:It might be dangerous. Suppose they got lost.
This use is very common in wishes:I wish it wasn’t so cold.
and in conditions with if:
He could get a new job if he really tried.
If Jack was playing, they would probably win.
For hypotheses, wishes and conditions in the past, we use the past perfect:
It was very dangerous. What if you had got lost?
I wish I hadn’t spent so much money last month.
I would have helped him if he had asked.
and also to talk about the present in a few polite expressions:
Excuse me, I was wondering if this was the train for York.
I just hoped you would be able to help m
Here is a video that talks about the regular and irregular verbs.
Here is another video that explains the basic use of the simple past tense.
This is a link to a Google PDF file. for extra information about the subject
See the Link:
This is a PDF file (download it and go through it)
This is your Home Work (وظيفه) (PDF). Answer the questions according to what you see.
1- this one is for yourself.
2- this one is to submit your answers to me.
– You need to put in your email address so I can know who answered the questions.
For more Information about the past tense, you can use the following links: (مراجع)
I hope you enjoyed it.
Published: Dec 25, 2019
Latest Revision: Dec 25, 2019
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