Led Zeppelin by Ori cochavi - Illustrated by Ori cochavi - Ourboox.com
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Led Zeppelin


Artwork: Ori cochavi

  • Joined Dec 2019
  • Published Books 1

           Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin was an English rock (blues) band formed in London in 1968. 


Originally, the band name was “The Yardbirds” and after the change of the name (and some of the members) Led Zeppelin formed.


Led Zeppelin members-

the vocalist (singer) Robert Plant.

guitarist Jimmy Page.

bassist/keyboardist John Paul Jones.

drummer John Bonham.


Led Zeppelin by Ori cochavi - Illustrated by Ori cochavi - Ourboox.com


Led Zeppelin achieved significant commercial success with eight studio albums released over ten years, from “Led Zeppelin”  to “In Through the Out Door”.

Their untitled fourth studio album, commonly known as

“Led Zeppelin IV” and featuring the song “Stairway to Heaven”, is among the most popular and influential works in rock music, and it helped to secure the group’s popularity.

Led Zeppelin.


The band sold more than 200 million Records album!!!

A figure which placed her in the third place of successful artists in history of the United States.




With magical lyrics, guitar in charge of harmony and a flute that in charge of melody, led zeppelin made a Stunning song.

the intro (the hook 😊) that consisted just from a graceful guitar riff (that not too much mind-blowing) is a perfect way to relax the listener in order to emphasize the beautiful lyrics.

(lyrics by page)


The vocal of the flute (the low one) is flattering to the singer’s voice and probably made from a perfect interval.


Even with the average variety of the musical instrument the song sound dynamic, the guitar solo enters just in the right time and the beat(drums) was waiting to the middle of to song to give the listener a little salt and may I dare to say… prepare the floor for the solo.


And the end of the song made in order to remind us that after all “Led Zeppelin” is a rock band and give the song the touch of “rock and roll”!!






the femilier


Led Zeppelin is regularly cited as one of the progenitors

of heavy metal, although their style drew from a variety of influences, including blues and folk music.


So in order to show you that “Led Zeppelin” knows how to rock I will give an example.

“Whole Lotta Love”

With an intro that consists of electric guitar with distortion

effect (middle and low) and with Robert Plant’s hard rock singing style the band shows us what they made of!!


the guitar solo is amazing and pumps the heart just in the right way.

The special part of the song (in my opinion) is the bridge, that consists of hi-hat and guitar(with distortion effect and probably more) that sound just like a trembling pad while making the listener amazed from the genius mix (using the stereo and the “pad” sound move from the left ear to the right, and create the best inter to the Furious solo.










The very familiar pattern of the band is to start with a classic intro that is not 100% “rock” and just wait for the right moment to blow up the song with emotions and in that case with cool drums and guitar. (yes, same patters as “stairway to heaven”)


“Babe I’m Gonna Leave You”


But in this case, the difference between the opening of the song +the verse and the chorus is very huge.

the chorus is a heavy metal that fills with all the instruments with full power.









Led Zeppelin by Ori cochavi - Illustrated by Ori cochavi - Ourboox.com

“Dazed and Confused”


Just as the name implies, this song will make you dazed and confused.

With an intro that made from buss and dissonant consonant interventions (37 sec), the listener gets confused, and with the change of hard metal and again “confused riff” the brain of the listener burn-in fire. (in a good way)


The solo has a touch of tempo (the tempo is changed in the middle of the song and becomes faster) that gives an extra element of confusion that suits the song.


a masterpiece !!!







Denial rancliff Dazed and confused


How someone can say rock and Led Zeppelin

without mention “Kashmir”.


a metal and rock song that was a candidate of

Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance


unfortunately didn’t get the title.

a colorful song that not consist only from guitars and drums

(at least not all the song ).

Pads (piano) that very remind pipe organ.







almost best rock performance.


Led Zeppelin is notorious by the use of blues (not 100% ) but an elegant use that contributes to the song’s attributes.


For example

“Moby Dick”

this song is performed with guitar , bass, and drums(especially).


the special part in moby dick is the drums part that reminds drums of Africans tribe and as we know blues came from the Africans who emigrate to the USA so, in my opinion, this is sophisticated closure.


a hint (moby dick is a whale who traveled the seas just like the Africans travels seas in order to get to the USA.




Led Zeppelin by Ori cochavi - Illustrated by Ori cochavi - Ourboox.com


Many critics consider Led Zeppelin to be one of the most successful, innovative, and influential rock groups in history. They are one of the best-selling music artists in the history of audio recording; various sources estimate the group’s record sales at 200 to 300 million units worldwide.


Led Zeppelin has influenced hard rock and heavy metal bands such as Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Rush, Queen, Aerosmith, the Black Crowes, and Megadeth as well as progressive metal and alternative rock bands.


Bands and artists from diverse genres have acknowledged the influence of Led Zeppelin, such as Madonna, Shakira, Lady Gaga, Kesha, and Katie Melua.

and Led Zeppelin will keep influence …



Led Zeppelin by Ori cochavi - Illustrated by Ori cochavi - Ourboox.com
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