The Fox, The Bird and The Banana Cake

by Neta jacob
Artwork: neta jacob
Member Since
Dec 2019
- Joined Dec 2019
- Published Books 1
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Copyright © 2019
Once upon a time there was a fox. the fox loved cakes.
The fox ate cakes everyday, all day.
One day the fox went to the shop to buy some banana cake.

The fox’s best friend was a bird.
The bird loved cakes too!!
She ate cakes everyday, all day.
One day she went to the shop to buy some chocolate cake.

The bird came to the shop and saw a banana cake.
She wanted the banana cake and not the chocolate cake.
The banana cake looked amazing!!
When the bird took her money out of her purse she saw the fox. She ran to hug him; but the fox saw the banana cake and ran to the cake!! He said: “I have to buy that cake!!”

The bird : No!! That is my cake you can’t have it.
The fox: No!! I have wanted to buy that cake for so long!!!
The bird and the fox kept fighting with each other until the shopkeeper came…
The shopkeeper: Hi…. why are you fighting?
The bird: I was here first so I should get the cake, right?
The fox: She didn’t buy it so it is not her cake.
The shopkeepr: Are you two friends?
The fox: We are best friends.
The shopkeeper: Do you really want to ruin you friendship over a cake? I have two banana cakes.
The fox: What?!!
The bird: Are you serious?!!
The fox: Your right we should not be fighting over a cake.
I’m sorry.
The bird: I’m sorry too.
Do you want to go eat the banana cake at the park?
The fox: I can’t, I have been eating too much cake. I need to go to the dentist…
That’s how our story is finished…
The fox had to go to surgery to fix his teeth and the bird…
The bird waited outside for the fox while she is eating some banana cake…
Published: Dec 8, 2019
Latest Revision: Dec 22, 2019
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-695771
Copyright © 2019
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