by yarenn

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  • Joined Dec 2019
  • Published Books 3

Hello my name is Yaren Aydoğdu . I am fourteen years old . My father is 43 years old and a plumber . My mother is 37 years old and factory worker . My brother is eighteen years old and internship

my father is a documentary, my brother is a war movie and I like my mother is a comedy movie

but I always fight with my brother because I always wear his clothesshe’s always mad at me but i don’t listen to her

I’m wearing my dad’s clothes, but he’s never mad at me

my father loves sleep very much my mother is a cleaning patient my brother is a phone lover, but I’m sorry I broke my phone so my mother and brother like to be regulars but I don’t like my father at allI’m very similar to my father, my brother is very similar to my mother, but more similar to my uncle



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