“Sumqayıt-70 “

by Aliya
- Joined Jul 2018
- Published Books 7
Copyright © 2019

Sumqayıtın tarixi ötən əsrin 30-cu illərindən başlayır. 1949-cu il noyabrın 22-də isə Azərbaycan SSR Ali Soveti Rəyasət Heyətinin qərarı ilə Sumqayıta şəhər statusu verilib. Bir zamanlar ona gənclik şəhəri deyirdilər. Çünki şəhərin ilk özül daşlarını düzənlər də, onun ilk sakinləri də gənclər idi. Sonralar Sumqayıt yeni adlar qazandı: sənaye şəhəri, kimyaçılar şəhəri, inşaatçılar şəhəri. Bu gün isə gözəlliyi ilə dünyaya meydan oxuyan şəhər statusunu qazanıb.
Doğma şəhərimiz olan Sumqayıt ötən müddətdə zəngin inkişaf yolu keçərək ölkəmizin böyük sənaye mərkəzlərindən birinə çevrilib. İri müəssisələr şəbəkəsinin və müvafiq infrastrukturun formalaşması şəhərin mədəniyyət, elm, təhsil, səhiyyə, idman və digər sahələrdə tərəqqisinə güclü təkan verib. Bu gün milli dövlət quruculuğu prosesinin fəal iştirakçısı olan Sumqayıt qazandığı uğurları ilə Azərbaycanın iqtisadi qüdrətinin daha da artırılmasında yaxından iştirak edir, ölkənin mədəni və intellektual potensialının gücləndirilməsinə töhfələr verir.

Məktəb: Təfəkkür
Müəllim : Aliyə Ağayeva
Şagirdlər : 7ci sinif

Təfəkkür liseyində Sumqayıt şəhərin 70 illiyinə həsr olunmuş sərqisi və tədbirləri bizim Facebook səhifəsində izləyə bilərsiniz :

My name is Rauf Mammadli.I’m a student of the 10th grade. The number of my school is 18. It’s named after a national hero of Azerbaijan Fakhraddin Piriyev. The history of our school dates to 1968. It’s a three storeyed new building with a canteen and gym . There are comfortable classrooms, a library and labs, a computer room in it. Since its activity our school has gained a great success. The staff of our school isn’t large. More than 40 teachers work at our school, but our they are very kind and friendly. They try to teach us well. They teach us the secrets of different subjects. And we do our best to learn each of them. The students are taught two foreign languages. Many school events takes place at our school every year. We celebrate different holidays, historical days. The students take part at the Subject Olympics and get honorable places. The school has great success in different activity. Among the graduaters one can see people of different professions. And it isn’t casual that our school has become
“ The School of the Year ” twice. We believe the success will continued next years. All the students want to see our school the first among the other schools and do our best for it. We are always proud of our school. I am lucky to study a student in this school.
My School.
My students are glad to join the project
” Sumgayit – 70 “.They do their best to get information about the history, famous people, places of interests, cultural events of our native city and share their opinions with other students.
My name is Nuray Jumayeva. I am a student at school 18 in Sumgayit. Let me introduce you my native city Sumgayit. Sumgayit is known as a ever young city. It is located near the Caspian Sea, about 31 kilometres away from the capital, Baku. The city is the third largest city in Azerbaijan after the capital Baku and Ganja. The city has a territory of 83 square kilometres. Sumgayit received a ststus of a city on November 22, 1949.
Various options of the Sumgayit toponymy are known as Sumgayand Sukait. According to the auther of XIII century Fazlullah Rashidaddin, the word “ Sumgayit “ refers to the name of the Turkic – Mongolian tribe of Sukait, which came here during the Mongol invasion in XIII century.But according to the local folklore the city is named after the Sumqayit River. In retrospect the legend tells the tale of a hero by the name of “Sum”, who is chosen by the community to fight a monster that was blocking the Sumgayit River. Sum eventually manages to kill the monster, but when the river is released he is swept by the waters and never seen again. After that, his beloved, Jeyran, inconsolable by Sum’s disappearance, would go to the river and cry ” Sum qayıt! ” means “Sum, come back!” in Azerbaijani. So the river became known as Sumgayit, upon the city was named after.The ares The districts Jorat and Haji Zeynalabdin, a settlement named after oil businessman and philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev are here too.
The age of Sumgayit is 70. This age is considered an indicator of the wisdom of a human being. Today Sumgayit is one of the beautiful cities in Azerbaijan. An important part of the city’s development history is associated with the name of great leader H. Aliyev. He has made important visits to Sumgayit.
Our president I. Aliyev always always pays special attention to Sumgayit’s progress. His each visit was rich with groundbreaking opening ceremonies. It is a great challenge for the Sumgayit people to provide them with new jobs, to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities.
Sumgayit has relations with other countries and cities, such as with Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Romania, Austria, The Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany, China, Italy. These relations have been reflected in the history of the city. Today Sumgayit is very amazing with its boulevard, alleys which give a fascinating beauty to the city, make tourists interest in it. The city has been changing day by day. And we the citizens of Sumgayit are proud of living in such city.
My name is Elgun Maharramov. I am a student of school 18. Sumgayit is my native city. It was founded in 1949. In a few days we shall celebrate the 70 years of it.Today Sumgayit is one of the beautiful cities. There are many modern buildings, squares beautiful park in Sumgayit. Sumgayit is the city of famous people, builders, workers, scientists, teachers, engineers, musicians and sportsmen. I like to speak about one of them…
Ilham Zakiyev – A Famous Azerbaijani paralympic judoka, two-time world and five-time blind judo champion and two-time gold medalist in the Paralympics, was born on 3 March 1980 in the city of Sumgayit into a simple Azerbaijani family as one of four children – three boys and one girl. He got involved in sports thanks to his brother Fikret. He was a freestyle wrestler. At the age of 10, Ilham started wrestling too and then started doing judo at 15. He started learning the secrets of judo at the Mehdi Huseynzadeh stadium gym in Sumgayit, run by Ahmad Rajabli. And had success within a short period of time, becoming the city champion and winning numerous republic-wide awards. At his 18 years Ilham joined the Army serve. On 4 February 1999 he was shot by an enemy sniper during a combat mission around the village of Ashagi Abdurahmanli in the Fuzuli region. The bullet entered his left temple and exited through the right temple. He was in a coma for five days. Even the doctors told his parents that he wouldn’t survive, that he would die and they should be ready for that. But Ilham came out of the coma in five days ... After a long rehabilitation he returned to sport again. And began to gain his success in sport.
Azerbaijan’s paralympic athletes first competed at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, USA, where Azerbaijan was also first represented as an independent state. When talking about Azerbaijani paralympians, the name of Ilham Zakiyev always springs to our mind. This is because the 36-year-old judoka, competing inthe heavyweight (+100 kg) category, is a double Olympic champion, gold-medalist at the Baku 2015 inaugural European Games, double world champion and six-time European champion. Ilham Zakiyev has twice been awarded the Order of Honour (in 2008 and 2015) by the President of Azerbaijan for success in sport and winning gold at the 1st European Games. He has also won the
Progress medal and in 2009 received the title of Honoured Master of Sports. I returned to sports on November 1, 2002. However, this time as a Paralympic athlete. A year later Ilham competed in Canada and won a bronze medal. In 2004, he was the first to represent Azerbaijan in para-judo at the Athens Paralympics. In 2005 won a gold medal at the European Championship in Holland”. On 10 May 2012, he was awarded the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s international Golden Chinar award.
The proud of Sumgayit sport Ilham Zakiyev continuous his victories today too and we are proud of him.
My name is Banuchichek Mammadli. I’m a student of school 18 in Sumgayit, Azerbaijan. I’m glad I live in Sumgayit. It is a city of my dreams. Sumgayit is the third largest city of Azerbaijan after Baku.
The symbol of Sumgayit is a Dove. A Dove is the symbol of peace. It is not casual that people in Sumgayit are kind and peaceful. In November the citizens of Symgayit will celebrate the 70 – th years anniversary of the city. I am very glad that my city becomes beautiful day by day. New buildings and Sumgayit Park are the simple of this prosperity. Sumgayit is
the city of famous people.
Zamina Hasanova is one of them. She is an honorary Citizen of Sumgayit. Zamina Hasanova is one of the founders of Sumgayit. She was born on 10 May in 1918, in Jorat in Sumgayit. She was a Hero of Socialist Labour, Honorary Citizen of Sumgayit and the first female metallurgist in Azerbaijan. Zamina Hasanova started her first work at the Sumgayit Power Station. During the Soviet era, she worked as the chairman of the Energy Union and was engaged in laying the foundations of residential buildings. She worked in the civil defence system of Baku during the Second World War. After the war, she continued her career at the Boruprokat factory. Later, she served as a brigadier. Hasanova was the chief brigadier in 1970 and led four brigades at that factory. On October 2, 2002, by the order of the President of Azerbaijan, Zamina Hasanova was awarded with personal scholarship of the President of Azerbaijan for her activities in science, education, culture and economy. Zamina Hasanova died in Sumgayit in 2006. A lot of poems and songs were dedicated to her honour. And the song titled “Zamina” composed by Alakbar Taghiyev was dedicated to Hasanova.
Minara Tahirova – an Honored Teacher of Sumgayit and Azerbaijan. Minara Mammad qizi Tahirova was born in 1936 in the family of intellectuals in Goychay. In 1954 she entered the history department of the API. From 1959 to the present day her fate has been linked to Sumgait. First, she worked as a primary school teacher at school 12, then as a deputy director at the current school 10, and as a principal at school 23. In 1981-1983 Minara Tahirova was the head of the city education department, and in 1983-1986 she was the secretary of the Sumgayit City Party Committee. For a long time , she was director of the Lyceum of Technical and Natural Sciences named after N. Ganjavi in Sumgait from 1987 to 2011. She was awarded with the badges “For bravery”, “For distinguished labor”, “Excellence in Education of the USSR”, “The leading educational figure of the Republic”. On March 18, 2000, he was awarded the title of “Honored Teacher” by the Presidential Decree. In 2006 she was awarded the Order of Glory. Minara Tahirova died on October 20, 2017 in Sumgait.

A puzzle ” Sumgayit – 70 “
My student’s congratulations on City Day.
Nuray Jumayeva
Banuchichek Mammadli
The members of team present their works on the project
” Sumgayit – 70 ” .

Happy City Day !!!
Country: Azerbaijan City: Sumgait School: Tafakkur lycee Teacher: Mahira Israfilova Class:5a

One of the symbols of the city is a Pigeon monument.Pigeon symbolizies that Sumgait is a peaceful city.

Our team’ s posters about Sumgait.

There were a lot of ceremonies dedicated to the 70 th anniversary of Sumgait.

We had a wonderful concert too.

Now the New Year is coming. The city is going to see the New Year in. The city looks great on the eve of the NewYear.

Zülfü Hacıyev Qarabağ yolunda qəhrəmanlıqla şəhid olsa da onun adı xalqımızın qan yaddaşında əbədi yaşayacaqdır. Sumqayıtda izi qalan Zülfü müəllimin adı əbədiləşdirilmişdir. Sumqayıtda on dörd il işlədiyi trestə, tikdirdiyi on beş orta məktəbdən birinə, saldırdığı ən geniş, yaraşıqlı küçələrdən birinə Zülfü Saleh oğlu Hacıyevin adı verilmişdir.
Gəncə şəhərində və Sumqayıt şəhərində küçələrdən biri onun adını daşıyır.
Sabirabad rayon 7 saylı tam orta məktəbi, Sumqayıt şəhər 17 saylı orta məktəbləri də Zülfü Hacıyev adınadır.

Sumqayıtda 9 noyabr Bayraq günü ilə əlaqədar möhtəşəm parad keçirildi.70 illik yubileylə əlaqəli olaraq Sumqayıt daha çox işıq saçan şəhərə çevrildi.Bayraq günü ilə əlaqəli paradda yüzlərlə şəhər əhalisi könüllü olaraq iştirak etmişdir.

Sumqayıt şəhəri Zülfü Saleh oğlu Hacıyev adına 17 № li orta məktəbdə Sumqayıt 70 illik yubileye uyğun əl işləri sərgisi keçirildi.Şagirdlərim Elcan,Ləman,Zülfinət,Elvin,Fatimə,Dəniz,Xədicə iştirak etmişdir

1949-cu ildə şəhər statusu almış Sumqayıt şəhəri 2019- cu ildə 70 yaşının təmtəraqla qeyd etdi. Bu təbrikə bütün şəhər əhalisi , o cümlədən biz – Təfəkkür liseyinin kollektivi də qoşuldu. Yubiley ərəfəsində eTwinning çərçivəsində belə bir layihənin də olması çox təqdirəlayiq oldu və şagirdlərimiz tərəfindən maraqla qarşılandı. Belə ki, Təfəkkür liseyinin 2 c sinif rəhbəri Əhmədova Sevinc və şagirdləri Sumqayıt şəhərinin şərəfinə təşkil olunmuş tədbirlərdə böyük həvəslə iştirak etdilər – gözəl şeirlər səsləndirdilər, təqdimat və posterlər hazırladılar. Həmçinin , şəhərimizin tarixinin tanıtımı məqsədilə bir çox görməli yerlərində oldular .

Published: Dec 4, 2019
Latest Revision: Feb 17, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-693971
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