Fast Girl by Savannah - Illustrated by Creator: Siridhata       Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto -
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Fast Girl


Artwork: Creator: Siridhata Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

  • Joined Nov 2019
  • Published Books 9

  The story started at White Bluffs Elementary.”Hey Grayson, did you know that I’m the fastest girl in the class?” Savannah Young said. “Oh I forgot to tell you Savannah, the boys are after you.” Savannah started running. She ducked down and curled up on the ground, hoping it would help. But then one of the boys spotted her. He pointed at Savannah. Savannah saw the point. Savannah ran up the hill of the


school. Savannah was too fast for the two boys. Hopefully, the bell rang. Savannah was super tired.          🏃‍♀️

   The next day, it was a calm day. But one of the boys remembered the last day. Savannah couldn’t run, but she could dodge. She dodged every punch and kick. When she got her energy back, Savannah started to run again.


Savannah ran straight past a recess-guard. The guard got the boys in trouble. “Savannah! You survived!” Grayson said. “Yes, I did.” Savannah said. Savannah and Grayson were  in a long hug.



I hope you liked this story! This was a true story about me. The characters were: Grayson Byrus, Savannah Young, Samuel Vorpegel, Ariz, Ms.Hass. Turn the page for more!

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