Best Pediatric Dentist in Gurgaon by Aspen Dental -
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Best Pediatric Dentist in Gurgaon

Aspen Dentals brings you the first tri specialty dental clinic of Gurgaon. The three specialties that we cater to are Read More
  • Joined Sep 2019
  • Published Books 3

Pediatric dentist focuses on maintaining the oral health of children from infancy to teenage years. They specialize in taking care of a child’s teeth, gums and mouth problems. Aspen Dental is the first multi-specialty dental clinic where the doctors cater to kid dentistry, braces, and implants. Dr. Komal Nebhnani (MDS-Pedodontist), is one of the Best Pediatric Dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental.





Dealing with children is tough but the “Tell-Show-Do” technique is followed by a child dentist who first introduces the tool to the children and will then demonstrates how the work begins. In child dentistry, the treatments offered by a child dentist in Gurgaon include preventive dentistry which emphasizes on the importance of ongoing hygiene procedure and the procedures to prevent tooth decay, fluoride treatment, dental fillings, pit and fissure, extractions, pulpectomy, space maintainer. Aspen Dental caters to the advanced and effective new treatments which make the kids comfortable to deal with all the tooth problems.

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