How can you change someone’s mind? (hint: facts aren’t always enough) – By Hugo Mercier
- Joined Jul 2019
- Published Books 251
Copyright © 2019
It took me a few minutes to ‘get’ the riddle. Which means that either it’s a very good riddle (it is) or I wasn’t concentrating enough (I wasn’t). It seems out that beliefs, trusted sources, and shared values are the answer. But it turns out that we often start out from our own values which may or may not be shared. When you engage in a discussion with someone, you can find out what the values of the other person are and then work backwards. But do you think that human beings should resort to tricks when trying to persuade another person that they are right? Or do humans do it all the time? A great lesson.
Published: Aug 5, 2019
Latest Revision: Aug 5, 2019
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