3 Colors Art with Galorian by Galorian  - Ourboox.com
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3 Colors Art with Galorian

The author with the Banana Smile. Stories, such as moral stories have the power to shape mankind’s destiny. Some stories Read More
  • Joined Aug 2015
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Drawing is one of the most important activities you and your students can do. Drawing not only provides the basis for other creative activities – like painting, sculpture and printmaking – but it also provides a direct link with reading, writing and especially mathematics. The connection between drawing and geometric shapes and measurements simply cannot be denied. And do you know what else? Drawing is the single most accessible form of art available.

3 Colors Art with Galorian by Galorian  - Ourboox.com

Lesson 1: 3 colors intuitive art is a very interesting project for students in the elementary school.


Objectives: This lesson requires planning and problem solving, much like a math problem or science experiment. Students will see how a simple scribble can become much more complicated.


What You Need:

  • Paper

  • Crayons or Markers



What You Do:

  1. Start by asking students if they’ve ever made scribble pictures. Have a student explain the process. (This kind of scribble is where you make a scribble and fill in the spaces with colors).
  2. Tell the students that they will be making scribble pictures today, but these scribble pictures have rules.
  3. The first rule is: you can only use three colors. The second rule is: the same color cannot share a “wall”.
  4. Demonstrate how to make the picture by making a large scribble on the board or a large piece of paper. Choose three colors. With the assistance of the students, start coloring in the spaces. Discuss which colors may go in which spaces and which MUST go in certain spaces.
  5. When it becomes obvious that the students understand the rules, allow them to make their own scribble pictures. Emphasize that they should fill the paper and make large enough spaces to color. No teeny, tiny scribbles.
3 Colors Art with Galorian by Galorian  - Ourboox.com

NOTE: If the students don’t adequately plan, they’ll color themselves into a corner where they can’t use any of the three colors to fill a space. This is when they’ll have to learn how to “cheat” by adding a new line. I explain that cheating in class or when playing a game is bad news but cheating in art is called “creative problem solving” and once they learn how to do it, they should teach a friend.



Here are some ways to add even more interest to the lesson once the students understand the technique.

  1. Ask the students to only use primary, secondary or monochromatic color schemes.
  2. Have the students make scribbles using straight lines and angles.
  3. Have groups of children cooperatively create a scribble picture mural.
  4. Have students use the same rules to color “overlap” pictures.
  5. Have students scribble using crayon, and then paint the spaces using tempera or watercolors. Discuss why the paint doesn’t bleed over the crayon lines.
3 Colors Art with Galorian by Galorian  - Ourboox.com
3 Colors Art with Galorian by Galorian  - Ourboox.com
3 Colors Art with Galorian by Galorian  - Ourboox.com
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