Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -
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Captain G


Artwork: Maria Jose Campos

The author with the Banana Smile. Stories, such as moral stories have the power to shape mankind’s destiny. Some stories Read More
  • Joined Aug 2015
  • Published Books 79

 This book is meant to remind all of us all that creativity and authentic, daring dreams and amazing inventions are not a matter of age, time or space. They are matters of belief and imagination.

Let yourselves sail in imagination, together with Captain G and his journey friends and you might find in you the power to explore new frontiers.

Age group: young at heart

The Goal: lean back, take a deep breath, relax and start to enjoy the moment

How to Play:   be kind and considerate; live the moment – with Respect!



Idea Sign Ltd.

Unit 306-7, 3/F

Chinachem Golden Plaza

77 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East

Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR          


Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -


“An adventure for children of all ages.” Reggie Amigo, Hong Kong Journalist


 “A sweet and unusual tale. Galorian is an interesting new voice and the illustrations are wonderful.“ Jonathan Margolis, Contributing Editor, Financial Times


“This book is probably one of those wonderful novels where something happen when you read them. You are not only transported in the world of Captain G, you learn from the characters some very valuable life knowledge, a positive vision of our journey on earth all together that you don’t find at school or at home. It’s a wonderful book make you feel that we do have a wonderful world!“ Cedric Signori, Motivational Speaker

Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -

“If you take a broken toy and connect it correctly with another broken toy and another broken toy, what do you get?”

“What? A broken toy garbage pile?” replied the Donkey with No Name.

“No, you silly. Use your imagination, you get a new cool toy. You see, it is just like this broken piece of mirror. All you needed to do is look at it from a different perspective.”

Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -



G is a remarkable book for kids and a fantastic journey back to childhood for adults. It unlocks your imagination in a way that you would never expect. It’s also a tale about our environment and the hope that remains with the young generation, our last hope. Galorian has not written a book, he has created a time machine for us to go back to the refreshing time where we had simple fun, incredible dreams and a fearless future. This comes with both a mission and a reward: inspiring children as much … as being inspired by them. So read it, share it and welcome to Ludoland! – Christian Pilard, Eco-Sys-Action, President.

Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -

A Universal book for our kids.

 To let them lead the world better than ours!

Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -

Our world is a big playground.



 Our kids are the key to a more intelligent, abundant, safe, wealthy and healthy tomorrow on this planet.

In those intelligent little seeds is the full potential of tomorrow’s leaders, business people, thinkers, artists, pioneers, visionaries, waiting to be stimulated and unleashed.


In this journey there are no winners or losers,


As experienced adults sharing the same vision of a better tomorrow,

YOU, ME, WE, NOW have the responsibility to help our kids in understanding human relationships, eco-environment, fair trade values and growing with creative ideas for effective solutions.

“We are all on the same boat”


Ready to act?




For further information please contact Galorian by mail at: [email protected]


and Visit Captain G’s Facebook page 

Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -
Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -
Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -
Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -
Captain G by Galorian  - Illustrated by Maria Jose Campos -
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