The Little Dandelion by brandy Popken -
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The Little Dandelion

  • Joined Jun 2019
  • Published Books 1

The little Dandelion was happy. The sun was shining and there was a beautiful breeze blowing in the field.

The Little Dandelion by brandy Popken -

Suddenly the grass leaned over to the little dandelion and said “Hey dandelion, you know you’re just a weed right? No one plants you in their yard on purpose. You will never be as beautiful as I am with my millions of other blades of grass. We make the lawn lush and green standing together. You are just a weed.”

The Little Dandelion by brandy Popken -

THe little dandelion stood straight and tall. He replied to the grass, “You might make a beautiful lawn with all of your friends, but my flower petals are more than just beautiful! THey can be picked and used to make medicine! My petals can even be made into salve for sore muscles and bones. So you see, I am not just a weed.

The Little Dandelion by brandy Popken -

Soon a petunia leaned over to the little dandelion and said “Hey dandelion, you know that you’re just a weed right? No one plants you in the yard on purpose. You will never be as beautiful as I am with my colorful petals and trailing leaves. We make the house beautiful with our bright colors and sweet smell. YOU are just a weed.

The Little Dandelion by brandy Popken -

The little dandelion looked up at the petunia. You are right. You do smell wonderful. And you also have friends in many different colors. But guess what? My leaves and stem can be useful, just like my petals! My leaves and stem can be eaten and are quite popular in salads. They are both FULL of vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. So you see I am not just a weed.

The Little Dandelion by brandy Popken -

Later the little dandelion was enjoying the breeze when her heard Tiger Lily holler “Hey Dandelion, you know that you’re just a weed right? No one plants you in the yard on purpose. You will never be as beautiful as I am with my bright petals and star shaped leaves. I stand straight and tall and make HUGE flowers to decorate the garden. YOU are just a weed.

The Little Dandelion by brandy Popken -

The little dandelion blew slightly in the breeze. You are right Tiger Lily. You are beautiful with your pointy leaves and hhuge petals. But I’ll bet you didn’t know that even my roots are useful. My roots can be made into tea to help tummy troubles, or made into paste to help skin heal. So you see Tiger Lily I am not just a weed.


Many people might think I am just a weed. But when you get to know more about me, you see that I have lots of great qualities! Every part of me is not for everyone, and that is ok. I might be just a weed to you, but I can be lots of other things too. That makes me proud to be a weed!




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