Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
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Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet


Artwork: Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B

  • Joined Apr 2018
  • Published Books 3

The book is aimed at stimulating children and adolescents to have a more various diet which is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.


Книгата цели да стимулира децата и юношите да се хранят според по-разнообразна диета, обогатена с витамини, минерали, фибри и антиоксиданти.


Уроци за здравословно хранене, представени от самите ученици 

Учене чрез метода “Обърната класна стая” – Flipped classroom


“Обърнатата класна стая” е метод на учене, при който учениците подготвят учебния материал вкъщи и го упражняват на училище.

Този метод използвахме за Раздел 5 от учебника ни по английски език. Индивидуално или по двойки според обема на текста, всички подготвиха вкъщи уроците от раздела и ги представиха на съучениците си с нагледни материали. Всеки получи нужното внимание от своите съученици и имаше възможност да се изяви пред публика.

Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com




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Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
Encouraging children and adolescents to have a more various diet by Kalina Nikolova - Illustrated by Kalina Nikolova, Class 5A, Class 5B - Ourboox.com
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