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Spiderman Spiderman Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman Spidermaaan Spiderman


Artwork: Ilay Fraiman

  • Joined Mar 2019
  • Published Books 1

Once upon a time (January 5 , 2018) , in midtown high school in new york , our hero , Peter Parker arrives late to his first class. Peter opens the door when suddenly , the whole classrom , except the door gets sucked into a massive level 5 TORNADO that just keeps bolting through the street at an unbelieveable speed of 2315 mph (ten times faster than the highest recorded speed of a formula 1 car). Peter knows exactly what to do. He rushes to the boys bathroom , canges into his spidey suit and starts chasing the tornado across the city , but the tornado is too fast , so Peter takes a shortcut , comes to face the tornado and sees…. a man. He knows that man. It’s quicksilver!

“But…. it can’t be…” thinks Peter to himself. ” Tony told me he was shot to death”. Peter yells:”STOP!”and he stops.Everything that was in the tornado , falls to the floor , including the classroom , but peter catches everything in his web just in time.



Peter comes down to see what’s up (keep in mind he was at a top of a skyscraper(גורד שחקים) all the time) and sees that it’s not quicksilver but an evil clone of him with eyes as red as blood , a skin as white as the moon and sharp , Black teeth.

The clone suddenly attacks spidey , but our lovely web slinger has a spider-sense , and is way stronger.He catches the punch and punches back knocking the clone out , covers him in spider web , and takes him to the avengers tower , to ask for help.


“It’s not possible” says Tony.

“Who can it be? says Peter.

“I think it’s-” but just before he finishes , quicksilver’s clone (who i will refer to as FQ , for “False Quicksilver” from now on) brakes free from the web and uppercuts Tony , knocking him to the ground. Now Spidey in angry. He punches FQ so hard that his head flies off. And the mistery remains unsolved. OR NOT?!!?!

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