by Nelia Douglas
Artwork: Icons from Sandra Kaplan
Copyright © 2019
DEPTH explained
Language of the Discipline
Vocabulary being used
Ex. Pretend you are a, .
Tell about .
What are the defining features or characteristics? Find evidence and examples to support opinions and ideas.
What elements reoccur? What is the sequence or order of events?
Unanswered Questions
What information is unclear, missing, or unavailable?
What structure underlies this subject?
Note factors (Social Economic, Political, Geographic) that cause events to occur.
What moral principles are involved in this subject?
Big Ideas
What theory or general statement applies to these ideas?
Across the Disciplines
Relate the are of study to other subjects within, between, and across disciplines.
Changes Over Time
How are elements related in terms of the past, present, and future?
Different Perspectives
How would others see the situation differently?
Published: Feb 28, 2019
Latest Revision: Feb 28, 2019
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-583244
Copyright © 2019