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Why Do Cats Purr?

  • Joined Feb 2019
  • Published Books 2

A Purring Cat

A purring cat has a lot of very soothing qualities. Most of the time you may think that a cat’s purr means they are happy and enjoy your company. You may be shocked to know that a cat’s purr can indicate pain of some sort.

Cat’s are very complex animals to take care of. They have so many different traits and qualities that make them unique. Cat’s actually aren’t able to speak to us, so they rely on their social queues to let us know how they are feeling.

Purring is one of the most unique sounds in the cat’s anatomy. It can signal comfort and calmness, but it can also be a sign that the cat is stressed or in some pain.


Why Do Cats Purr?

Being able to answer the question, why do cats purr, can have so many complex answers. It could be anything from being hungry to exercising. Here are some scenarios that would result in a purr.


They Are Really Happy


I know I said that purring can have a lot of different meanings. I would have to say that most of the time, a purring cat can be a good thing. Usually your cat will jump up on your lap and start purring because they are in a comfortable mindset. There is no better feeling than this and it almost puts you into the same mindset as your furry friend.


Being able to identify a happy purr is simple. Just read your cat’s body language. If they are sleeping on their back purring I think it is safe to say that they are in a happy mindset.


They Are Hungry


Purring can also indicate that your cat is hungry. Cats are very good at letting you know when they are hungry. My cat, Watson, gets very loud when he is hungry. I am afraid he is going to break a door down or something! Usually with his loud meows, he likes to throw in some purring sounds to let me know he is ready to eat.


WebMD For Pets said, “British researchers studied the sounds that house cats make when they’re hungry and when food isn’t on their minds. The purrs don’t sound the same.” A hungry purr is a combination of meowing and purring at the same time. I like to call it the “solicitation purr.”


They Can Heal Themselves


Believe it or not, cats can heal themselves with the power of purring! The purring acts as a soothing effect to make the cat feel better in a time of need. The low vibrations of the cats purrs can start the healing process and can also:


  • Heal broken bones and wounds
  • Build muscles and repair tendons
  • Slow down a staggered breathing
  • Lessen pain and swelling


I like to think of purring as a cats Tylenol or pain killer. There is actually a lot of research behind the healing properties of purring.


They Are Exercising


Another surprising answer to, why do cats purr, is that it gives them a little bit of exercise. It is really hard to imagine that a soothing purr from a fluffy kitty is actually their way of exercising on the down low.


Scientific American states that, “the vibrations from purring may stimulate muscles and bones without the cat extending a lot of energy and effort.”


So as you’re snuggling up with your purring cat they could actually be in the middle of a full on workout. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind the extra company. I don’t think they would mind a little interruption for snuggling with a warm blanket.




Now you will think twice when you hear a cat purring. You will be able to tell other people that a cat’s purr can have so many different meanings. It is up to the owner to be able to identify why their cat is meowing this specific way.


I would have to say that most of the time, a cat is purring because they are happy or stressed. If your cat is doing a stressed out purr you should give them some space and let them calm down a little. The anxiousness will eventually pass.

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