The legend of King Arthur by TALBI Séverine -
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The legend of King Arthur

  • Joined Feb 2019
  • Published Books 2

In England, in the 5th century, there was a king called Uther Pendragon. When he died, England was left without a king. To choose the new King of England, Merlin the Wizard placed a sword in a stone.

These words were written on it. “He who pulls the sword out of this stone is the true King of Britain”.

Many men tried to draw the sword out, but they all failed. Arthur, Uther’s unknown son, succeeded: he became the King.

Merlin the Wizard helped King Arthur to rule Britain. He took him to a magical lake.



The Lady of the Lake gave Arthur a magic sword called “Excalibur”.

Arthur set up his royal palace at Camelot. When he married Guinevere, he received the Round Table as a dowry.

There he sat with his knights – the most famous being Lancelot, Percival and Galahad. They were men of courage, honour and dignity. Thanks to their help, Arthur won many battles against the Saxons and the Romans and he expanded his empire.




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After the Romans’ defeat, Arthur, Percival and Galahad undertook the Quest for the Holy Grail and they had to stay away from the kingdom for several years.

On their return, Arthur learnt that his wife did not love him anymore. She was in love with Lancelot and she fled to France with him. Arthur was devastated by the treachery of his beloved wife and his favourite knight. He put his cousin Mordred in charge of the kingdom and left for France. Arthur was fighting Lancelot in France when Mordred rebelled. Mordred was not loyal. He wanted to take King Arthur’s place. He wanted to be King of Britain! Arthur had to return to England immediately. He fought Mordred and killed him, but he died too.










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