by eliana raz

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  • Joined Feb 2019
  • Published Books 5

“Abby, it’s the first day of school, wake up!”  said Mom to the sleeping girl in front of her. “Mom, can’t I just go to school tomorrow or something? I’m too tired…okay, okay I’m up…” said the teenager.  Abby, the 16 year old, woke up and got ready, ran downstairs, grabbed her lunch and got out of the house. “Abby, your computer is here – do you want it?” “No, Mom, I’m running late. Vanessa is waiting!”

Abby ran to her her friend’s house and saw Vanessa in the car. “Come in already! “ And they drove to school.

Image result for two girls going to school


“Do you want to sign up for my website?” said Raj, the short Indian teen. “Ewww,  what are you thinking that you are talking to me?” said . The sad Raj left the snobby girl.  “That boy thinks that he is talking to ME. OMG Vanessa!  You don’t understand what happened yesterday. I was on DROPS and I read that Leah is in the school just because just because “Do you want to sign up for my website?” said Raj, of her dad is the school chef. Ha! I knew it. Let’s go to class.”

Image result for indian teen boy on a computer



*End of Day*


Vanessa and Abby are driving home and Abby gets out of the car and runs home.  “Mom, do you know where my computer is?” “Yes, I think Jack has it “ said the mom.  “No, no!” said Abby.  She ran into the room and grabbed the computer from the kid. “But I’m playing video games, you’re not fair!”said Jack. “You are 10 years old and this is my computer so do me a favor!” Abby grabbed the computer and got out of the room. She ran upstairs and hopped on the bed and started to go on all her favorite social media websites and update. Suddenly she gets a call from Vanessa. “Hey, what’s up Vanessa?” Abby said. “Abby ,search on Google LEAK,” said Vanessa, sounding scared and worried. Leak? What is Leak? she thought to herself . She opened the computer and got into Leak and saw this title in the big screen: “Abby Winston before her nose job” and there was a picture of her at the age of 13 with a big, ugly, and bumpy nose. “AAAAAAAAAH” yelled Abby. Her mom rushed up.  “ What happened – are you okay?” said the worried mother. Then the girl showed her mom the computer. “Who is doing this to me? I don’t understand!” Abby said with tears in her eyes and ran out of the room.Image result for a blonde girl yelling


The day later in school  Abby walked into the school and saw all the heads – the students and teachers looking at her, at something and then at her and laughing  just laughing,  nothing else.  She walked forward and then she noticed there was on her locker a big picture of her at the age of 13 with that nose, the ugly, long one with bumps. Vanessa came to her locker and ripped up the picture.  While ripping the picture, Abby’s locker opened up which was showing to the whole crowd  of laughing people a collage of Michael, the kid from 12th grade that Abby happened to like. Abby ‏fainted. She woke up in the nurse’s room, all tired and dizzy. She told her friend who was next to her, “Vaness, we are going to find out who did this and why it happened.”  She drank water and the two left the room.  They started to ask people and wonder how this true image that nobody knew about was found, unless they would have seen her at her old school. Then she saw him…..


A short , dark kid talking to one of the teachers – and then it hit her… that kid learned in her old school, where he happened to be the photographer for the school newspaper. It was none other than Raj, who on the first day of school had asked her if she was interested in signing up on his website, the one he created…

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