Continuo della storia di Huckleberry Finn by BEATRICE MALATESTA -
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Continuo della storia di Huckleberry Finn

  • Joined Feb 2019
  • Published Books 2

[…]I decided to call a doctor and we waited a long before the doctor arrival.

Shortly before his arrival Tom began to feel a very strong pain, his leg was getting worse and he started to lose a lot of blood, Jim and I tried to distract him but he began to shake.

Once arrived we realized that the doctor was a girl, a very beautiful girl, she looked us and she asked us what happened to the poor Tom;

we told what had happened to us ,and the doctor, more and more stupefied, told us that we had been very brave and it was clear that we were very good friends.

Continuo della storia di Huckleberry Finn by BEATRICE MALATESTA -

She began to say that Tom’s situation was critical because the bullet had entered on his leg and was getting infected, so she asked to go together with Tom to the Hospital to work and to treat him better. Unfortunately …  there was another problem … Jim was wanted because he had escaped from the Phelpses’ house and because many believed him guilty of my simulated abduction. For this reason Jim could not enter on the city and be seen by everyone because he would have been arrested by the police immediately. The doctor understood the situation and she decided to help us ….  Her proposal was to leave at her house while Tom and I would be in the hospital, she told also that she would operate Tom herself,so as to pass as unobserved as possible.  The doctor’s house was at the entrance of the city, so no one noticed our arrival in the village, the place seemed very quiet, without great risks for Jim.


Left Jim at home, we went to the hospital walking as fast as possible even if Tom was only able to barely walk using my shoulders as support. During the short walking trip we discovered what the name of the beautiful doctor was, Evelyn. Arrived at the hospital Evelyn immediately dressed her doctor’s coat, and took us to the operating room. It took time to fix Tom’s leg and at the end of the operation she told us that he had to rest without any movements to avoid any possible unexpected problems to Tom’s leg.


We  went at home together and picked up Jim and decided to go to see if we could find a place in the woods to spend the next few days, but Evelyn said that we could stay with her, that she would like some company, because she was alone and many times she felt sad. We stayed with her and I was very happy because I found her very charming, we discovered a very beautiful girl but also very kind and reliable person who helped us to spend a difficult time.

Some time passed, Tom healed and went on walking well, Jim gave him for dead and for this we had the possibility to go where we wanted without anyone telling us something, in the meantime I spent a lot of time with Evelyn and this blew the love between us.

Continuo della storia di Huckleberry Finn by BEATRICE MALATESTA -

We decided to go on another adventure, all together, we used Evelyn’s car and we began to pass through the countryside and villages, one day we stopped in a small town, we stayed there for a long time, we had found a house and we had established friendships, one of these friendships was a girl named Mary and Tom immediately found a lot of interest in her, so he decided to go to live in her house. Jim was still living with me and Evelyn and this sometimes put us in difficulty . One day while Evelyn and I were talking, I told to her what my biggest dream: visiting Cairo in Illinois. We decided to go and to follow my dream,  Tom decided to remain together with Mary while Jim became one of the family and he had spent all new adventures with me and Evelyn. Using the car we left that little village that until then had given us a lot.


During the trip we had some problems: Jim took a very dangerous disease because at that time there were no medicines and risked to die even for a simple cold, so we went to the hospital and there we met a man very similar to Jim both in character and in appearance,

only later when Jim had recovered from the disease we discovered that the doctor who had treated him was his father.

Jim was very happy to meet a part of his real family… he had not seen his father since he was very young, because for economic reasons his father was not able to grow Jim with him.

I first discovered the troubled life of my friend and i was delighted to know that now everything was solved…. Jim went to live with his father and before we left to reach our destination they invited us to dinner.

Continuo della storia di Huckleberry Finn by BEATRICE MALATESTA -

Jim’s father, Aaron, told us that as a young man he had to give up for adoption further three children, only later he decided to study and looking for a job to try to live in good way together with the other two children he had at home.

Finally I knew a little about my friend’s life, but now Evelyn and I had decided to proceed with our trip, so we said goodbye to our friend . There was a lot of discussion between me and Evelyn because when we talked a lot we started to discover that we had things that we did not agree with and that’s why sometimes I feared we might separate, but luckily it did not and after a long trip we arrived at the Cairo in Illinois… our destination!

We were both very happy and that’s why we decided to live in that spectacular place where I had hoped to live since I was a child.


We bought a house, I got a job and Evelyn also managed to go to work in the city hospital,

we were officially a couple, but we still had a common dream: to become a family, so we very much hoped for a child, until one day we discovered that Evelyn was pregnant.

On March 26, 1973 Bryan was born …

“But grandpa , my dad also born in the same day and his name also is Brian!!!”

“Right, in fact, this is my story together with your grandmother…”


Continuo della storia di Huckleberry Finn by BEATRICE MALATESTA -
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