Hi grandson, I’m very happy to see you again after all this time. In the last few weeks my conditions got worst and so I would like to tell you a story, the most important story of my life. I’ve already told you about my past with Jim and Tom; but now I want to tell you once for all the rest of the story. If you had remembered, the last time I saw you I would give you the fact until Tom was shoted. Although we should have been sad and worried about the situation, we were very, very elated because we had had a really adventure.

But, a few minutes later, Jim and me started to consider Tom’s condition because he began bleeding heavily; even if Tom was against my idea, we called the doctor. I remained with the hurt boy whereas Jim ran as fast as he could to reach the nearest hospital. The doctor, named While, came after several hours when it was all dark because the night was already falling. Without wasting any time, While convinced Tom to go to the hospital to be treated and we approved the doctor’s decision because we thought that it was the best thing to do in that moment.

I must tell you, my grandson, that at the time, like this, hospital services were not free and they were also very expensive; but, when we were teenagers, we had no money to pay the right treatment to Tom. So, as in other situations happened, I had a brilliant idea to overcome the problem: to escape from the hospital as soon as the doctor had removed the bullet from Tom’s leg. And we did it. I think that it was one of the best plan I’ve never designed; I was really proud of myself because I managed to have two incredible adventures in the same day. Merely wonderful.

However, we had a fixed goal to reach: to arrive at Cairo, the perfect city to get a boat to Ohio, a region where there were no slaves and so, consequently, where Jim could be considered a free man. The problem was that we no longer had our raft and so we had to build a new one. We spent three, maybe four days to complete the project and then we were ready to travel down the river, hoping to arrive at Cairo as soon as possible. But since the moment I got on the raft, I had thought immediately that the destiny would hide other surprises to us and that they would never be ended. I was right.

We got in trouble so many times that I can’t remember every single situation. In particular, I remind an episode that I’ll tell you because it’s very impressive. The sun had just come up and we decided to take a break from sailing because we had to provide new supplies. We moored our raft and we got through the forest; I was the first in line and I saw a terrible spectacle. There wasn’t anymore ground, all covered by a bloodbath. It was an horrible scene that impressed me a lot, to the point that I was totally shocked.

I didn’t know what to do because I remained straight up with my eyes that were fixing the whole scene. But it wasn’t all; in fact, some soldiers saw us and, thinking that we were their enemies, took us to a prison built in the centre of the forest, in an impenetrable place. We were living another adventure but it was too big for us, because usually a teenager doesn’t become a prisoner of war, in addition wrongly. We stayed in that prison for several months and our conditions during that time were literally terrible.

Finally, we found a way to escape from that place, using a momentary lapse of the guards; another time, the escape’s plan was perfect and studied to the last detail, nothing more than the escape from Alcatraz prison! After that terrible experience, we became more careful about what we were doing; we continued our project to reach Cairo, and after many other difficult situations we arrived at our destination. We were very satisfied and proud of ourselves, although we knew that the mission to ensure Jim a free man wasn’t completed and so we searched, for many weeks, a boat where Jim could hide to reach Ohio; finally, we found the right ship and then Tom and me helped Jim to board secretly.

After three years spent together, our ways were separating and we were very melancholy of that, but it was time to divide our lives and we did that with a light heart. Since that moment I’ve never met again Jim and Tom because I went to live here, in Wyoming, where I found a good job to mantain economically the family I was creating. Nowadays I really don’t know where Jim and Tom are, but I’m sure, deeply sure, that they’re spending a wonderful life, with a nice job and a beautiful wife. I’m sure of that because during my life I’ve never seen any people kinder and more convinced in what they’re doing than them.

Published: Feb 17, 2019
Latest Revision: Feb 17, 2019
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