The Saved Girl by eliana raz - Illustrated by Eliana Raz  -
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The Saved Girl


Artwork: Eliana Raz

  • Joined Feb 2019
  • Published Books 5


What is this place?
 Was the first thought that came into my head when I open my eyes. That’s also when I realized that I was not alone. Across the room, well- to be exact, the beautiful, stunning ballroom there was a boy sitting.
Brown hair and green eyes that so quietly and without moving- I thought he was sleeping. Turns out I was wring, because after I took a quick view of the room to find an exit, he said: “I checked every possible way. There is no way out.”
Okay, I guess he wasn’t asleep.
 I got up check the door -maybe they didn’t lock it. And yes, I was wrong the door was locked.
after a quick gayes, no source of food or water to be found. So how did he survive? how long have he been here for?wait- the most important question, who is he?
 So I asked him: “who are you, and how long have you been in this place?”
“I’m Jace, and I’ve been here for almost 2 weeks I think.”
 Then he went silent, so I thought about my family: what would my family do if I don’t come home tonight, or if I miss class tomorrow morning and the principal calls them,? what would my parents do?”
“At least you have a family and school to go to… My family died in a car accident. These people that put us in here- told me that I should always have hope, that they could bring me back my family if I just follow them. So I did.  And I regret doing that every day here that passes by..”
Honestly, I didn’t know why he told me that, it’s not like I knew him or something.
 I didn’t say anything…Image result for hands in jail cell
Then the door snapped open, and a guy wearing all black walked in, holding the arm of a little girl. I got up, went up to the man and ask him: “What is this place?who are you?”
All he did was drop the girl on the ground floor, and slam the door behind him, without answering my questions.
 The girl called out “I want my family”,  then started to cry.
 I felt so bad I didn’t know who this girl is, though I knew she was frightened and scared. So I went to her and tried talking to her- to comfort her. But she didn’t want to talk- she just wanted to cry.
I gave her my shoulder to cry on and after a while she spoke: ‘I’m Ella.
I’m 12 years old and I want to see my family”
Then started sobbing uncontrollably so I pulled her into a hug then she slowly fell asleep.
when she woke up a short time later, she asked me and Jace who we are, and what this place is.So Jace spoke and I didn’t interrupt:
 “I,  Jace- have been here for almost 2 weeks. This girl here-”  “Nicole,” I said,   “Nicole, has just got here around three hours ago. This place is called S.R, which stands for Secret Revolution, and I think we all want to get out of this place as soon as possible. I have a plan; next time the door opens, we have to be ready- I’ll try to hurt the guy that opens the door. Nicole- you and Ella try to leave the door open, so after I attack in Surprise- we will be able to run out of this room .
Are you guys okay with it?”
“Sounds like a plan” I said.
Now we both looked at Ella to see what she thinks. I didn’t know if she really understood what was going on, so I said: “This is the best way and only hope to get out our families.”
“Okay. “
That word was so simple, but it gave me so much


I walked in the room and was filled with shock.. Isaw an old lady sitting on a bench, sleeping.
How could someone fall asleep during a war?
He gave eveything he had to survive, and all the rich just slept and did no effort in doing anything to help their country.
I walked around the room, using my power to look out for any other people that may be here, maybe Watchers.
But I didn’t pick up any signal yet.
I called them in. Hoping they didn’t leave me in here, or worse – that the police cought them.
But they came, and I let out the breath I did t even know I was holding.


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