Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com
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Zito the Mosquito


Artwork: Sadie Giraud

I enjoy writing narrative verse and have an ambition to produce a series of humorous picture books which might enjoy Read More
  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Published Books 12






There was a mosquito
who lived down in Quito
and prayed for his torment to stop.
For though he’d been looking
for something worth sucking
he’d barely discovered a drop.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






Though blood was his passion
it seemed that his ration
was woefully short of the mark.
And so he sat sweating
and badly regretting
the need to go out after dark.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






Mosquitoes are fated
to be widely hated;
a cross that they’re destined to bear.
But please bear in mind
that’s just how they’re designed
but I ask you – does anyone care?

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






No, nobody cares
for this creature’s affairs,
they’d begrudge him the tiniest dinner.
Yet it’s quite understood
that without any blood
he might die or become so much thinner.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






So while others were dining
our lad kept on whining
through streets in the dust and the heat.
With a permanent frown
he went further downtown
but his efforts were met with defeat.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






His stomach was turning
at substances burning
designed to stop him and his kind.
As coils started smoking
he found himself choking
as flesh became tricky to find,

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






In some dusty old flat
Zito sat and he sat
and he sat like a world weary squatter.
He just couldn’t find peace
and his whine wouldn’t cease
till he found himself wacked by a swatter.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






Yes, this brutal attack
put our lad on his back.
He’d have gone if he’d taken one more,
but after some reeling
he stuck to the ceiling
then ended up flat on the floor.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






Our nervous mosquito
was quite incognito
to all but the tiniest beast.
But then Minuscule Midge
who sat under the fridge
and enjoying a marvellous feast


Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






“Quit the hysteria.
Share the bacteria
roaming all over the wall”.
But it’s not surprising
this unappetising
buffet didn’t help things at all.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






Our lonely mosquito
called Zito from Quito
then summoned the strength he’d been lacking.
He bit an alsation
which eased his frustration
enough to send Midge gently packing.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






and then on a mission
for further nutrition
he came on a big burly guy;
a nasty old rotter
(the one with the swatter)
and bit him three times on the thigh.

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com






Mosquito Mosquito,
I fear there’s no veto
on rages the enemy vents.
Yet I must confess
that I’ve caused you distress
on the inside of several tents!!!

Zito the Mosquito by Nick Baker - Illustrated by Sadie Giraud - Ourboox.com
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