Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com
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Artwork: Yael Udi

  • Joined Jan 2019
  • Published Books 5
Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com

What are your dreams trying to tell you?

Can you remember a time when you woke up from a fantastic or strange dream? Maybe you were afraid and turned on the light or the dream was so good you wanted to sleep longer. But do you think your dreams are telling you something?

Can you see the future in dreams?

For hundreds of years, people thought dreams were messages from gods or spirits. Today, too, many people can remember a time when they saw a place or person in their dream and then, later, the dream happened in real life. Maybe that’s not surprising because we dream a lot but we probably only remember the times when something happens in a dream and then happens for real. Most people have four to six dreams every night after the age of ten. That’s as many as 2,000 dreams per year. So, an 80-year-old person has probably had 140,000


dreams. Maybe we forget 95–99 per cent of our dreams, but that’s still thousands of dreams that might ‘come true’.

Are dreams recycled thoughts?

Around the 18th and 19th centuries, there were two popular ideas about dreams. One said that the things we see in our dreams are things we keep in our subconscious because we don’t want or need to think about them when we’re awake. The opposite idea said that while we’re sleeping, the brain organises memories and thoughts from the day. Dreams are just random thoughts from our day but we try to make a story from them when we wake up.

Are dreams messages from our brains?
But perhaps both ideas are a little bit right. Maybe dreams are made from the thoughts we have during the day, but we see them as symbols. For example, a dream of flying might be a


symbol for an exciting new job. When we’re awake, we think in words most of the time. But when we’re sleeping, the part of our brain that helps us with language sleeps, and the part that makes us happy or sad or angry is awake and busy. So, maybe our thoughts come to us in dreams as feelings and symbols instead of words. If you can understand these symbols, you have a window into your subconscious. If you want to understand the messages, you have to match them to what’s happening in your life.

How can you understand the messages?
One way to help you do this is to keep a dream diary. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember about your dreams. Use pen and paper, not your phone or computer because the light might wake you up and you’ll forget faster.


Sometimes your eyes will be half-closed and your writing will be difficult to read.
Now you can match your dreams to your daily life. Think about the people and place where the dream happened, as they might mean something too. Also, how you were feeling in the dream is important. If you were afraid instead of happy in the flying dream, maybe it means you are worried about the new job. Are you ready to find out what your subconscious is trying to tell you?

Nicola Prentis


Assignment 1


Comics exercise

Instructions to students:

Grade – 10th
Fill in the text – Write the text in the blank speech bubble. Use the article in order to find an appropriate text. Try to summarize your text in the bubble as much as you can by deciding what the main points of the text are.

Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com
Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com
Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com
Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com
Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com

Assignment 2


Online generators for creating digital activities and printable stuff

 https://www.wordclouds.com/  –    LINK




  • The following is a word cloud of an article we are about to read to.
  • Look at the word cloud and try to guess what the article might be about.
  • Try to recreate sentences from the text using words from the word cloud.


Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com

Web-based applications used to introduce and teach vocabulary






The students will be divided into 2-4 groups that will stand in two rows in front of a board. I will enter the link and ask them to listen the voice of the program saying one of the words from the vocabulary that we have learnt. One student of each group will come to the board and write the word. After that I check the spelling by clicking on the button and the students check themselves and correct if they need.


Web-based applications used to introduce and teach vocabulary




Name: _________________________________
Write a sentence using the word.
1. Symbols ___________________________________________________________
2. Subconscious ___________________________________________________________
3. Recycled ___________________________________________________________
4. per year ___________________________________________________________
5. opposite ___________________________________________________________
6. awake ___________________________________________________________
7. random ___________________________________________________________
8. match ___________________________________________________________

Web-based applications for quizzes and games.




Dreams – Quiz
What are your dreams trying to tell you?


  1. Our thoughts in dreams come to us as feelings and symbols instead of words. (15 points)
  1. One of the two ideas says that the things we see in our dreams are things we keep in our conscious mind. (15 points)
  1. What does it mean when you are afraid instead of happy in the flying dream?
    (25 points)
  1. How many dreams do people have every night after the age of ten? (20 points)
four to six dreams
three to six dreams
four to eight dreams
six to ten dreams
  1. Why shouldn’t you write down your dreams using phone or computer? (25 points)

Generators that let you create printable stuff


Follow-up activity


Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com



  1. The meal will cost $20 _____ person.
  2. a sign, shape, or object that is used to represent something else.
  3. In the first exercise you have to _______ each capital city to its country.
  4. the part of your mind that notices and remembers information when you are not actively trying to do so.
  5. not sleeping.


  1. completely different.
  2. happening, done, or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan.
  3. This newspaper is made of __________ paper.


Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com

Assignment 3



Pre – listening task:

I give each student a couple of words and/or expressions from the video that we are going to watch. I ask them to explain the words/expressions to one another in pairs. They may refer to the dictionary if they need to. Then I check the definitions with the whole group by giving them the “Fit the definition” exercise below. After that the students predict if the words/phrases will occur in the listening itself. Students can listen and tick the ones they hear.





Vocabulary definition

  a. to start using something new; to incorporate something


1. rubber
  b. to become less important than another thing


2. an illusion
c. to change all the ‘wires’ (the electrical connections) in a house, machine or the human brain 3. to prevent
d. a flexible material, similar to soft plastic 4. integrity


e. having knowledge; conscious 5. simultaneously


f. a false idea or situation 6. aware


g. happening at the same time 7. to be overridden by something


k. to keep from occurring 8. to rewire


i. to gently move your hand against something 9. to adopt something
j. adherence to moral and ethical principles 10. to stroke something





Tell me about one or two special dreams that you dreamt sometime. Did it influence you on that day? How?


Instructions about the answering:

Go to this link https://www.voki.com/presenter/create

Create  your own Voki character, record your answer to the question remember to check the spelling)  and send it to me by email.)



Dreams by Yael Udi - Illustrated by Yael Udi - Ourboox.com

Assignment 4

“Connect to friend’s heart”

  1. Every student has the number and he knows the number of the student that comes after him.

  2. I ask question in the blog, for example:

“What is the most important thing in the world?”


“What is the best environment for my development?”

  1. Every student has to answer in the name of the student whose number comes after him.

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