World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -
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World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History

  • Joined Dec 2017
  • Published Books 8
World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Abraham Lincoln – by Jonathan Loebinger


Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, as the second child of Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln, on the Sinking Spring Farm near Hodgenville, Kentucky. Due to land title difficulties in Kentucky, the family moved to Indiana In 1816. Thomas and Nancy Lincoln were members of a Separate Baptists church, which had restrictive moral standards and opposed alcohol, dancing, and slavery.

    Several significant family events took place during Lincoln’s youth in Indiana. On October, 1818, his mother died of a sickness. On December, 1819, Lincoln’s father remarried a woman with three children. Abraham became very close to his stepmother. As a teenager, Lincoln did not enjoy “physical labor”, but loved to read.  Some of his neighbors and family members thought that he was lazy.

    Lincoln served as a captain in the Illinois Militia during the Black Hawk War and after that he served as New Salem’s postmaster. Then decided to become a lawyer and began teaching himself. In 1834 he won election to the state legislature- where he served 4 terms.  After getting married on November 1842 he moved with his wife Mary to Springfield where he practiced law. Lincoln was very fond of children, but only one of his sons live to adulthood.

    The deaths of their sons had profound effects on both parents. Abraham Lincoln suffered from depression.

In 1846 Lincoln was elected to the House of Representatives, where he served a two-year term. During this time he wrote a bill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia , but he did not get support.

    Lincoln returned to practicing law in Springfield.

For many years he spoke up in public against slavery, so when Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States on November, 1860, seven “slave holding” states declared themselves to be a sovereign nation- The Confederate States of America.

    The Peace Conference of 1861 failed, and the American civil war started.

    Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, while attending a play at Ford’s Theatre as the American Civil War was drawing to a close. The assassination occurred five days after the surrender of Robert E. Lee 

    Lincoln succeeded to reunify the state, and formed the “United states”.

Lincoln was responsible for many bills, but the most important issue in his eyes was The Declaration’s emphasis on freedom and equality for all.


11 Abraham Lincoln facts:

  1. He was the only president to have a patent

  2. He practiced law without a degree. Lincoln had about 18 months of formal schooling.

  3. He wanted women to have the vote in 1836.

  4. He was a big animal lover, but he wouldn’t hunt or fish.

  5. He really was a wrestler. Lincoln was documented as taking part in wrestling bouts.

  6. He lost in his first bid for a presidential ticket. The unknown Lincoln was an unsuccessful vice presidential candidate in 1856 at the Republican convention.

  7. He never belonged to an organized church. Lincoln read the Bible daily, but he never joined an organized church in his lifetime.

  8. He didn’t drink, smoke, or chew. Lincoln was a simple man of tastes, and he never drank in the White House.

  9. He didn’t have a middle name.

  10. Lincoln established Thanksgiving as a national holiday.

  11. Lincoln was the first president to use the telegraph.


Inspirating Quote:


Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm”.


Lincoln has many inspirational quotes. I chose this one because I believe that people should look deep into themselves and then form an opinion. And when they do, they should stick to it.

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – Mahatma (“great soul” ) Gandhi By  Shalhav Zahav


General Information:

Date of birth: October 2, 1869

Place of Birth: Porbandar, British India (now Gujarat)

Date of Death: January 30, 1948

Place of Death: Delhi, India

Cause of Death : Political Assassination

Professions: Lawyer, politician, activist, writer

Wife : Kasturba Gandhi

Children: Harilal Gandhi, Manilal Gandhi, Ramdas Gandhi and Devdas Gandhi


Mahatma Gandhi, born by name of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, an Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became the leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India.
As such, he is considered the father of his country. Gandhi is internationally famous for his doctrine of nonviolent protest (“satyagraha”) to achieve political and social progress. In 1948 Gandhi was killed by Hindu who viewed Gandhi as a traitor for expressing sympathy toward Muslims. he shot him three times.

His childhood:

Gandhi was born to Hindu family of merchant caste. He was the youngest child of his father’s fourth wife.

His father—Karamchand Gandhi, was the chief minister of Porbandar now Gujarat state.

Gandhi’s mother, Putlibai , was very religious Hindu, belived in vegetarianism, fasting  ,and acting non-violance. Gandhi was naughty boy, often lied , ate meat and even stole money.

At the age 13 he was married with 14-year-old Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia in an arranged marriage.


His education:

At age 9, Gandhi entered the local school in Rajkot, near his home. There he studied the rudiments of arithmetic, history, the Gujarati language and geography .At age 11, he joined the High School in Rajkot. He was an average student, won some prizes, but was a shy and tongue tied student, with no interest in games; his only companions were books and school lessons. In November 1887, the 18-year-old Gandhi graduated from high school in Ahmedabad. In January 1888, he enrolled at Samaldas College in Bhavnagar State, but He then dropped out. Later Gandhi was advised by a family friend to pursue law in London. During Gandhi’s first stay in London, from 1888 to 1891, he became more committed to a meatless diet, joining the executive committee of the London Vegetarian Society, and started to read a variety of sacred texts to learn more about world religions.


His Political Views:

When he was in South Africa, he discovered the racism against non- white people and he supported the battle against discrimination laws. He became the leader and speaker of the Indians minority.  In 1906 he organized his first mass civil disobedience campaign, called “satyagraha” (truth) .Gandhi called his way – “the power of love”. He got back to India in 1915 and became famous as social leader. He protested against the British government that ruled his country.

Gandhi called for peaceful protests and strikes. He became a leading figure in the India home-rule movement. His policy was to stop working with the British, stop paying taxes, or going to government schools. In 1930 he organized the Salt march – mass civil disobedience in all India, against the British decision to forbid Indians from selling salt and paying heavy taxes which affected the poor’s very bad.


His Foreign Policy:

“My ambition is no less than to convert the British people through non-violence and thus make them see the wrong way they have done to India” . In 1947 India became independence and Gandhi tried to prevent violence between Muslims and Hindus and decided to pay money to Pakistan.


His Interests:

Mahatma Gandhi interests were vegetarianism, fasting and meditation.

Gandhi also used to make his own clothes by himself. When he was young he often ate meat and smoke cigarettes but after his swear to his mother, he became Hindu believer.

Gandhi was terrified of public speaking when he was young.


Gandhi Jayantiis a national festival celebrated in India to mark the birth of Gandhi’s birth, and it is one of the three national holidays of India.


Gandhi Quotes:

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, than they fight you, then you win”


“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Mahatma Gandhi – by Angelina Ilouz


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in to a Gujarati Hindu modh baniya family in Porbandar, a coastal town on the Kathiawar peninsula and then part of the small princely state of porbandar in the Kathiawar agency of the Indian empire. His father, Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi (1822-1885) , served as the diwan (chief minister ) of porbandar state.

His mother came from the medieval Krishna braki based pranami tradition. Gandhi was deeply influenced by his mother , an extremely pious lady who “would not think of taking her meals without her daily prayers… she would take the hardest vows and keep them without flinching .

To keep two or three consecutive fasts was nothing to her.

   In may 1883 , the 13 year old Mohandas was married to 14 year old kasturbai makhanji Kapadia (her first name was usually shortened to “Kasturba” , and affectionately to “ba” ) in an arranged marriage , according to the custom of the region at that time .

   In November 1887 , the 18 year old Gandhi graduated from high school in Ahmedabad . in January 1888 , he enrolled at samaldas college in Bhavnagar state , then the sole degree- granting institution of higher education in the region. But he dropped out and returned to his family in Porbandar.

      Gandhi came from a poor family , and he had dropped out of the cheapest college he could afford . A brahmin priest and family friend, advised Gandhi and his family that he should consider law studies in London .

   On 10 August 1888 , Gandhi aged 18 , left Porbandar for Mumbai , then known as Bombay.

   On 4 September , he sailed from Bombay to London. Gandhi attended University college , London which is a constituent college of University London. At UCL , he studied law and jurisprudence and was invited to enroll at lnner Temple with intention of becoming a barrister.  In 1893 , a Muslim merchant in Kathiawar named Dada Abdullah contacted Gandhi .In April 1893 , Gandhi aged 23 , set sail for South Africa to be the lawyer for Abdullah’s cousin. He spent 21 years in south Africa , where he developed his political views , ethics and politics . Immediately upon arriving in south Africa Gandhi faced discrimination because of his skin colour and heritage , like all people of colour .

   Over the years Gandhi has made many collaborations with different religions , for example : Muslims , British and others     Gandhi tried to make India a free country again.


     On 30 January , 1948 Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu assassin . although Gandhi was murdered he left a lot of success and to this day people read his story and his success and are proud of him.


An inspiring sentence by Gandhi –


“Be the change you want to see in the world ”

I chose this sentence because in my opinion this sentence says you will be the change you wish to see in the world , that is if you want to see change in the world then make this change first you and then the world .

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

John Fitzgerald Kennedy –

by Itamar Inbar and Shani Hovav

John F. Kennedy was born in 1917, in Brooklyn, Massachusetts, U.S.A, and he was murdered in 1963 in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A

He served as President in the years 1936-1961, his term of office was terminated due to his assassination.

His father was a politician, a diplomat and a millionaire named Joseph Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy graduated from Harvard University in 1940 and after a year he joined the American army. During the Second World War he commanded several torpedo boats. After the war he was elected to represent the 11th electoral county on behalf of the State of Massachusetts In the House of Representatives in 1947-1953. He then served in the Senate until 1960, During this time he published a book called “Profiles in Courage”, That year he won the U.S.A elections.

During his tenure the tension in the Cold War rose. On domestic issues, John supported the establishment of the Peace Corps And supported the civil rights movement in the U.S.A In addition, John F. Kennedy took part in the space race and began the Apollo program.

John Kennedy was murdered when he was in an open vehicle, he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald, Oswald was caught on the day of the murder and charged that evening.

John Kennedy was part of the Democratic Party that is not religious and differentiates between religion and state and most of its people support the creation of a multicultural society.



John Kennedy was interested in economics and studied it at the university until the age of 30, when he had to stop because of illness and after a while he went back to study at Harvard University In addition, he has written several books such as “Profiles in Courage”, “Why England Slept” and “A Nation of Immigrants”.


Famous Quote:


“victory has hundreds of fathers but the failure is an orphan”

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

John Kennedy – by Dror Suday and Ron Nisani.


John Kennedy- biography:

John Kennedy -born May 29, 1917, Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S. and died November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas. He was the 35th president of the United States (1961-1963), who faced a number of foreign crises, especially in Cuba and Berlin, but managed to secure such achievements as the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty and the Alliance for Progress. He was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas.


Political Views

Kennedy believed in peace and demanded that the nations of the world fight what he called “common enemies of the human race”: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.


Foreign Policy

Supported  Algeria’s struggle  for independence- 1957

Support  the beleaguered  people of Berlin- 1963

Stop  onrushing  tide of communism  from engulfing Asia . Committed “Cold Warrior”  including aid to Franco’s Spain. Rage at those  who ignore Soviet expansionism in Europe. US has  obligation to defend freedom- 1949


In preparation for his thesis, he traveled to Europe, the Soviet Union, the Balkans, and the Middle East. At that time he was interested in foreign policy. As a result of these visits and his interest in foreign affairs, Kennedy wrote a thesis on the analysis of British policy in the Munich agreement, and completed his master’s degree in international relations with honors in 1940.



Famous Quote

“Mankind must put an end to war, or the war will put an end to humanity.”


We chose this famous quote because  we really agreed with this famous quote and with the conclusion that derives from the meaning of the sentence.

This sentence means that if we, humans will continue with all the wars in this world, then in the end all these wars will kill everyone who lives on Earth.

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Martin Luther King Jr. by Mayan Hubashy


Martin Luther King, Jr., original name Michael King, Jr., was born on January 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.- murdered on April 4, 1968, Memphis, Tennessee, Baptist minister.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights activist in the 1950s until his assassination in 1968. He led non-violent protests to fight for the rights of all people including African Americans.

He hoped that America and the world could become a colorblind society where race would not impact a person’s civil rights. He is considered one of the greatest orators of modern times, and his speeches still inspire many to this day.

On Thursday April 4 1968 he was staying at the Lorraine motel in Memphis.

King had gone out onto balcony and was standing near his room when he was struck at 6:01 pm by a single bullet fired from pistol.

King fell violently backward onto the balcony.

The assassin name was James Earl Ray, the idea that there had been a conspiracy to kill King — that, even if Ray fired the gun, he did so at the behest of larger forces — began to spread right away.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a political man, influenced by nonviolent resisters like Gandhi and dedicated to social change, but he avoided labels such as Republican or Democrat, probably because he found them divisive and useless in trying to create equality between the races. He once said: “I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound by either party.”

He took part in:

– American civil rights movement – Selma march – Montgomery bus boycott – Poor people’s campaign. – 16th street Baptist church bombing. – Fair housing act. – ” I have a dream”. – March on Washington.

Awards and Honors:

– Grammy award (1970)

– Nobel prize (1964)


Martin Luther King Jr. loved to play sports suchas football, and baseball. King was extremely talkative. Aides joked that ” it took him 2 hours to walk around the block because he would stop and converse with anyone he met”. Also, he was extremely funny. People joked that he would grow up to become a stand-up comedian.

Also, he loved music and singing which led him to sing in various churches and join the school choir.


A Famous Quote: ” I have a dream”.

“I Have a Dream” is a public speech that was delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, in which he called for civil and economic rights and an end to racism in the United States. Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

in Washington, D.C., the speech was a defining moment of the civil rights movement.

I chose this quote because it inspires me, everybody has a dream that he wants to realize , and king did not give up and fight for equality and the African American got civil and economic rights. And also because it his the most famous quote.

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Barack Hussein Obama by Shira Nudel



Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.

Obama graduated from Punahou in 1979 and went on to Occidental College in Los Angeles. He transferred to Colombia Universtiy in New York and graduated in 1983 with a political science degree.

Obama graduated with J.D (Juris Doctor) magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago.

in 1996 Michele and Barack got married, they have two daughters: Maila and Sasha.

Obama was a senator of Illinois 2005-2008.

On November 4, 2009, Obama was elected to the president.

Obama was the 44th president of the United States 2009-2017, and the first African American to be elected to the presidency.

In 2009, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize  “For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

Barak won two Grammy Awards.

Political view

Barack Obama is a center-left Democrat.

Obama is a part of the Democratic Party(The Democratic Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States).

On February 12, 2008, Barack Obama mentioned the Republicans in his Potomac primary victory speech: “We are bringing together Democrats and independents, and yes, some Republicans. I know there’s I meet them when I’m shaking hands afterward. There’s one right there. An Obamacan, that’s what we call them.”

In his other speech, he said “We, as Democrats right now, should tap into the discontent of Republicans. I want some Obama Republicans!”


Foreign policy

As President Obama has taken a couple of major foreign policy initiatives,  including the withdrawal from Iraq, the Nato military intervention in Libya, Change of forces in Afghanistan, the negotiation of the new start of the nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia, ongoing trade negotiations with China And the killing of Al Qaeda the leader of Osama bin Laden.  


Obama was asked to write a book, which the book was published in 1995 the book called “dream from my father”. A story of a race and which details the joy, regrets, frustrations of his days as a student in high school in Honolulu

After that Obama wrote a couple of other books like :

Of Thee I Sing, The Audacity of Hope, Change We Can Believe In and more.

As always, presidents have to like to play golf. Obama even crashed a wedding after playing golf once.

Obama was known as O’Bomber” at high school for his skills at basketball, loves to play Scrabble and enjoys poker as well and he likes to read and to write.


“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress. “


Famous/Inspiring Quotes:


“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek”.


“Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They’ve got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law.”

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

William (“Bill) Jefferson “Bill” Clinton by 

Itay Bahumi and Yhonatan Abukrat


Jefferson Clinton was born in 6/19/1946 and he is 72. He was born to the name- ‘William Jefferson Blythe III’ in the town Hop, Arknaso, USA.


Bill Clinton was the 42th president of the USA, and he was serving as a president for 8 years – 1993 – 2001. He was chosen in age 46, and he was the third youngest president in the whole history.


Political Views

Clinton was more conservative compare to other candidates about many topics – death sentence, Night curfew for teens, he expanded the war on drugs significantly and more.

Clinton was one of the people who helped Israel with Oslo agreement  that was made with the Jordan.

Foreign Policy

He was one of Israel’s most favorite American presidents and he helped a lot with the whole Israel and the Palestinians process.


Interesting Facts:

Clinton–Lewinsky scandal

It was a sexual-polity scandal in USA who Saied that the president Bill Clinton (while he was 49) and Monica Lewinsky, a  majoring student in the white house (while she was 22), had a sexual parity on the years 1995-1997. He almost was dismissed from being a president. Ultimately, he won the process.

He also had had a famous quote that he repeated all over the scandal- “I did not have sexual relation with that woman”.

Hilary Clinton

Bill and Hilary are married couple and both of them engage in politic In 2016 she ran for the presidency but she lost to Donald Trump, the current president.


  Famous Quote:


 “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America”.

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Barack Obama – by Ofri Tal


     Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961. An American attorney and politician who served as the 44th president of the USA from 2009 to 2017. He was the first African American to be elected to the presidency. He served as a United States senator from Illinois    and was a member of the democratic party. (2005–2008)

After graduating, he became a civil rights attorney and an academic, teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. In 2008, he was nominated for president a year after his campaign began and after a close primary campaign against Hillary Clinton. He was elected over Republican John McCain and was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. Nine months later, he was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States, winning more votes than any candidate in history. He took office at a moment of crisis unlike any America had seen in decades – a nation at war, a planet in peril, the American Dream itself threatened by the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression. And yet, despite all manner of political obstruction, Obama’s leadership helped rescue the economy, revitalize the American auto industry, reform the health care system to cover another twenty million Americans, and put the country on a firm course to a clean energy future – all while overseeing the longest stretch of job creation in American history.

Foreign Policy

On the world stage, Obama’s belief in America’s indispensable leadership and strong, principled diplomacy helped wind down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, decimate al Qaeda and eliminate the world’s most wanted terrorists, shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program, open a new chapter with the people of Cuba, and unite humanity in coordinated action to combat a changing climate.


Obama has dealt a great deal in human rights and after graduating from college, Obama became a human rights lawyer. He also established Obama care. This project has given 20 million Americans access to health care and health services at prices affordable to US citizens. Obama also passed the Clean Energy Act in the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, saving 240 million barrels of oil by 2020. At the core of the law is a cap-and-trade mechanism that effectively limits the amount of greenhouse gas allowed to be released the main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, which contributes to the creation of a “greenhouse effect” that causes global warming, and states that the Kyoto Protocol pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2012. Besides, Obama is a famous comics collector among other things is a collection of comic books by Conan the Barbarian and Spider-Man. His other hobbies are baseball games, cooking, poker games, and instant strokes!


A Famous Quote:


“True democracy is a project that’s much bigger than any one of us. It’s bigger than any one person, any one president, and any one government. It’s a job for all of us.”

From the concluding speech of Obama’s term in Washington. 28/2/2017.

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Hillary Clinton – by Neev Iflah



She served as the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, U.S. Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, and as the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election.

Born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge, Clinton graduated from Wellesley College in 1969 and earned a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School in 1973. After serving as a congressional legal counsel, she moved to Arkansas and married Bill Clinton in 1975; the two had met at Yale.

In 2000, Clinton was elected as the first female Senator from New York. She was reelected to the Senate in 2006. Running for president in 2008, she won far more delegates than any previous female candidate, but lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama.

Upon leaving her Cabinet position after Obama’s first term, she wrote her fifth book and undertook speaking engagements.


Political Views

Hillary Clinton, the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States in 2016, has taken positions on political issues while serving as First Lady of Arkansas (1979–81; 1983–92), First Lady of the United States (1993–2001); as U.S. Senator from New York(2001–2009); and serving as the United States Secretary of State (2009–2013).

In accordance with longstanding custom, during her time as Secretary of State she largely avoided taking stances on most domestic political issues.[ In 2015, she announced her candidacy for the presidency. Clinton won the Democratic primaries and formally became the party’s nominee at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. She lost the electoral college and the 2016 US presidential election to  Donald Trump.


An American politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer, and public speaker.

   In 1965, Rodham enrolled at Wellesliy College, where she majored in political science. During her freshman year, she served as president of the Wellesley Young Republicans.  As the leader of this “Rockefeller Republican”-oriented group, she supported the elections of moderate Republicans John Lindsay to Mayor of New York City and Massachusetts Attorney General Edward Brooke to the United States Senate.

   Clinton wrote many books. Some books for example:

   In 1996 her first book, “It Takes a Village” was published. The book was successfully sold and its recorded version earned her the Grammy Award in 1997.

   As president’s wife, Clinton wrote two other books: “Dear Sox, Dear Buddy – Children’s Letters to Presidential Pet,” about children’s letters written to the cat’s lance and Buddy the dog, and “The White House’s invitation.”
In 2003, her memoir, “Living History,” which was translated into Hebrew, was published.


Inspiring Quote:


“Israel is not only our ally; Is a beacon for what democracy can and should be … If people in the Middle East are not sure what democracy is saying, let them look at Israel”.

“ישראל היא לא רק בעלת ברית שלנו; היא מגדלור למה דמוקרטיה יכולה וצריכה להיות… אם אנשים במזרח התיכון לא בטוחים מה דמוקרטיה אומרת, תנו להם להסתכל על ישראל.” ~ נאום בישיבה יוניברסטלי, דצמבר 2005

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Donald Trump – by Lior Amar & Hila Sarusi

Donald John Trump was born at June 14, 1946 to Fred and Mary Trump in Queens, New York, A Christian-Presbyterian family.
He is 72 years old and the 45th president of the United States.
   Trump is a member in the Presbyterian Church, He has 4 brothers (one died from over-drinking).
He is married for the third time .His current wife is Melanie trump and he has 5 children, he has 9 grandsons
Trump studied at Fordham University starting 1964 for two years, Afterwards he transferred to the Wharton School.
After his studies, he joined his father at his Real Estate Company.
   In 1971 he moved to Manhattan, and became the company chairman and turned the company name to “Trump organization”.

   Trump holds his position as the president starting January 20, 2017. Although he was chosen by the Republican Party he was a member in the Democratic and Reform Party. As well before entering politics, he was a businessman, millionaire and television personality.

At 16 July 2016, While he was a member at the Republican Party, he announced that he is running for president, with the logo of “Make America great again”.

Trump has led in the survey among the candidates he was very dominant in the media.

In May, 2016 he won in Indiana and his rivals withdraw. Trump stayed the one in the party and became the official Republican candidate.

   On November 8, 2016 trump received 306 pledged versus for Hillary Clinton and became the 45 president of USA.

   Trump is the richest president in U.S. History, He is also the first president without prior government or military service and the oldest president of USA.

   Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2017.


Political views:

Trump is a Republican who believes in capitalism and the free market as much as possible and according to his election slogan “America First”.
His world view was expressed in the actions he applied to foreign and domestic policy:
*He reduces the involvement of the United States as much as possible in the world by removing forces from Syria and cutting budgets like the Palestinian Authority.
*Trump started a trade war with China in which he raised taxes on imported good.
Trump is trying to cancel Obama’s health reform and reduce taxes.


Foreign Policy

Before his election to the presidency, Trump repeatedly claimed that the United States should focus primarily on its internal problems and even claimed that in his opinion the United States should withdraw from NATO.
During his election campaign, Trump said he would expect countries that receive financial aid from the United States to return the money and when asked about Israel, he said: “Even Israel”. Later retracted his remarks about Israel.
Trump expressed his desire to toughen the policy toward China and said that he viewed it as a threat to the United States. In addition, Trump expressed opposition to the Iranian nuclear agreement.
On the Israeli issue, Trump expressed his support for Israel when he said he was committed to it and promised to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem.
Trump is opposed to foreigners: He wants to establish a physical border on the southern border with Mexico to prevent penetration of infiltrators into the United States, to prevent smuggling (drugs), etc. 
In addition, Trump issued decrees designed to toughen enforcement policies in the field of illegal immigration.


Interests and Interesting Facts:
Tycoon , construction entrepreneur, reality star, writer. Founder of “Trump Entertainment Resorts” which deals with construction, building operations, casinos, cultural facilities, hotels around the world. Trump also deals with spectacular design, has written books, some of which have been translated into Hebrew.

   Trump appeared in the series “The Simpson Family” as the USA president and in several films in guest appearance in his own role including “I’ve been forgotten at home 2”.
He took part in the movie “another passion” where he won the golden raspberry award for the worst supporting actor.
There are rumors that Trump was having affairs with women while he was married to Melanie, that’s why she didn’t talk with him for a long time (+Trump-Daniels affair).
If Trump wants to say something he tweets in Tweeter, and if he is not for a while- everyone think that something happened (;
   Trump also has a manufacture of vodka (“vodka trump”) and a game on his name. But no one bought it.


A Famous Quote by Donald Trump:

“Everyone can make war, but only the truly brave can make peace”.

It means that making war it’s too easy and does not require much effort but making peace does, that’s why only the truly brave can do it.

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Aung San Suu Kyi – by Yael Kahanovitch


Aung San Suu Kyi was born on 19 June 1945, in a small village called Hmway Saung, outside of Rangoon (now Yangon), Burma.

Her name means: “a spectacular collection of strange victories”.

Her childhood was full of death. Her older brother drowned in the garden pond, and her younger sister died in infancy. Then, in July 1947, six months before his country gained independence from the British, her father, General Aung San, was assassinated. She was only two years old.

Aung San Suu studied in a Methodist English High School, where she was noted as having a talent for learning languages. She speaks 4 languages: Burmese, English, French and Japanese.

She is a Theravada Buddhist.

     In 1960, when she was only fifteen, she was appointed Burmese ambassador to India and Nepal.

     In 1967-1968 she continued her education in India and England, obtaining a B.A degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. After her graduation she moved to NYC where she worked at the UN, met her husband and had her two children.

     In 1988, Aung San Suu Kyi returned to Burma, at first to tend for her sick mother, but later to lead the pro-democracy movement. During the 1988 Uprisings, she entered politics to work for democratization, became famous, and became the General Secretary of the National League for Democracy, which she had newly formed with the help of several retired army officials.

     In 1989 Aung San Suu Kyi was separated from her husband and children and was put in house arrest. In spite of that, she succeeded in the 1990 to win the elections. But the military refused to hand over power to democracy, and she was remained under house arrest for almost 15 until 2010. During these years she become one of the world’s most known political prisoners.

     Aung San Suu Kyi won many international awards to express support for the demolatry struggle in Burma.

 Among them:

  • In 1990 she awarded the “ Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought”, by the European Parliament to individuals or organizations working for human rights and liberty.

  • In 1991 she won the Nobel Peace Prize “for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights”. But on 2018 a United Nations Human Rights Council investigation determined that her government did not do enough to stop the persecution of the Rohingya people. They claim that she didn’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • In 2008, while she was under house arrest, she won a Congressional Gold Medal. It is one of the highest civilian awards in the United States.



In addition to being a politician and human rights activities, she was also a writer. During her time under house arrest, Aung San Suu Kyi devoted herself to Buddhist meditation practices and to studying Buddhist thought. 

She wrote many stories: “Freedom from Fear”, “Letters from Burma”, “The Voice of Hope”, and more.


Famous/ Inspiring Quote:

“Each man has in him the potential to realize the truth through his own will and endeavor and to help others to realize it”.

This quote is a part of her 18 years old son’s speech, when he received the Nobel Peace Prize. His mother could not attend the ceremony because she was under house arrest.

I chose this quote because I also believe that each one of us has the power within and when realizing that, we can also help other people help themselves.

World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

Mary McAleese by Noa Yaakov

   Mary Patricia McAleese was born on June 27 1951 in Ireland. McAleese was the second female president of Ireland, and the first female prime minister of Irelan. She was the 8th president of Ireland. She was in duty between 1997 until 2011.

     Mary McAleese was born and raised in a catholic family, in her high school years she studied in ST Dominic school, after graduation she went to Queens University. After her years in Queens University she went to studied in Trinty college, Dublin.

In 1975 McAleese became a professor for criminology and phenology, in the same decade she was a legal advisor and a founding member of the campaign for homosexual law reform, she left this position to join to RTE as a journalist and presenter, during one period as a reporter and presenter for their Today Tonight programme.

On March 9 1976 she got married to Martin McAleese they brought 3 kids to the world- one girl and two boys (twins) one of the boys is a homosexual.

In 1981 she taught in Reid Professorship, however, she continued to work part time for RTE for few more years.

In 1994 McAleese was deputy rector of the Queens University and she was the first female and the second catholic that took been in this job    

McAleese was a member of the catholic Church delegation to the new Ireland forum in 1984, she also was a delegatior to the 1995 White House Conference on trade and investment in Ireland and to the subsequent Pittsburg Conference in 1996.


     McAleese won the presidency with 45.2% of first preferences votes, in the second and final count she won with 58.7% of preferences. McAleese was the first president of Ireland that came from north Ireland.

     In 2006 she has been graded as one of the strongest females in the world by Forbes magazine.

McAleese encourages women to be politicians. She said: “what I would be encouraging women to do in not to let all the impediments, all the difficulties get in the way of doing it if they have a passion for you”.



Inspirating Quote:

The inspirational quote McAleese said, which I chose to write is: “People with disabilities have abilities too and that is what this course all about making sure those abilities blossom and shine so that all you have can come true”.


I chose to write this quote because when I hear this sentence I see how much hope and how much positive thought it has in it, I think that this sentence is so real because everybody has disabilities but everybody has abilities too, even if you have a physical disability, you have a passion for something you will do anything, to make it happened.


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David Ben Gurion by

Or Markovits and Or Pariente


Born on 16 October, 1886. Died 1 December, 1973 (at 87)  



David Ben-Gurion was the primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first Prime Minister of Israel.

Prime Minister of Israel:

14 May, 1948- 26 January, 1954  || 3 November, 1955- 26 June, 1963

Chairman of the Provisional State Council of Israel:

14 May, 1948- 16 May, 1948

Minister of Defense:

21 February, 1955- 26 June 1963  || 14 May, 1948- 26 January, 1954

Nationality: Congress Poland, Ottoman Empire, Mandatory Palestine, Israel

Born:  Plonsk, Poland, 1886



David Ben-Gurion received his first Jewish education in the “Corrected Room” founded by his father, Avigdor Green, one of the first of Chovevey Zion.

David Ben-Gurion was a Zionist, so you can say that he loved the country, and fought for it, he blew” the wilderness and invested his life to become what it is today. “

David Ben-Gurion’s approach was “socialist” in terms of the image of the people. He believed there would be peace with our neighbors. He was a ”בטחוניסט”and said all the time that it was important for Israel to have an army, and to protect even with peace. That is why he founded our”  IDF”.



-David Ben Gurion was reading lots of books. He had more than twenty thousand books in thirty languages. He greatly appreciated the Bible and loved to have a Tanach in his home.

-He loved walking, gymnast  and yoga, it was an inseparable part of his routine.

-One of David Ben-Gurion’s most famous hobbies was standing on his head at the  beach.


Famous Quote:

“כל יהודי שאינו מאמין בנסים אינו ריאליסטי.”

“Every Jew who does not believe in miracles is not realistic.”


This is a statement that supports science, research and the spread of the wilderness.  And this is not religious preaching. The quote from “The Meaning of the Negev” – a speech by David Ben Gurion in Sde Boker on 17.1.1955.

Our opinion- We think that all the people need to really believe in something for it will happen.

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Yitzhak Rabin by                                  

Omer Jacobson and Shani Sheraizin



Yitzhak Rabin was born on March 1, 1922, in Jerusalem. His parents, Rosa Cohen and Nehemia Rabin, were among the pioneers of the Third Aliyah. Nehemia worked for the Palestine Electricity Corporation and Rosa worked as a bookkeeper. In 1923 the family moved to Tel Aviv where Rabin spent his childhood, and where, in 1925, his sister Rachel was born. When he was 15 his mother died of an illness.

     Rabin was active in the Noar Ha’Oved Ve Ha’Lomed and graduated from Kadoorie agricultural school in Kafar Tavor. When Second World War broke, he changed his plans and joined the Palmach, the commando unit of the Hagana.

In the summer of 1948, Rabin married Leah Schlossberg and they had two children: Dalia and Yuval.

     He was an army commander during the war of independence (1948-1949) and by 1964; he became chief of staff in the army. He led the army to win the six-day war and became a hero of war. In 1968, he left the army and became the Israeli ambassador to the United States. When he returned to Israel in march 1973, he became active in Israel politics. He was elected to the Knesset as a member of the labour party, became the party leader and the 5th prime minister in June 1974. His secret peace talks with Egypt were the basis for the historic peace agreement with Egypt in 1979. He was brave and the rescue of the Israeli hostages in Entebbe, Uganda, proved he can fight terror.

     Rabin was a defense minister in the Labour-Likud coalition from 1984-1990. During first intifada, Rabin felt that strong response was not enough and that the only way was to talk with the Palestinians. The public saw him as “Mr. Security” and trusted him. Rabin became again the prime minister in 1922. He started secret talks with the Palestinians and even when suicide bombers broke out in Israel, he was always hoping for a better future.

     In 1993, the Oslo agreement with the Palestinian was signed and just before his death, in October 1994, after secret meetings, Rabin and king Hussein of Jorden signed a peace agreement between the two countries. His peace talks with the Palestinians made him win the Nobel peace prize with Arafat and Peres in 1994. But not everyone agreed with his way.

     On November 4, 1995, after speaking in Tel Aviv peace rally, Rabin was killed by Yigal Amir, a Jewish extremist. His tragic death changed the history of Israel.  



  Rabin liked to read history books and biographies and was reading very fast.

  He had a great memory for people and events.

  He was a photographer and after his death his photos were presented to the public.



Famous Quote:

“We must fight terrorism as if there’s no peace process and work to achieve peace as if there’s no terror”  


This is inspiring because terror and peace process were always standing in the way of each other and Rabin was smart enough not to let it happen again and made sure that Israel fights terror but proceed with peace for the rest of people in both sides.

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Yitzhak Rabin – by Shira Digmy

Yitzhak Rabin was born in Jerusalem in 1922, and he died in Tel Aviv in 1995.

Rabin was the seventh chief of staff of the IDF, and the fifth prime minister of Israel.

   In 1928, Yitzhak Rabin studied at “The School for Children of Workers”. In 1937, he started to study in the Agricultural School “kaduri”. In 1938, he studied how to activate weapons in ten days on behalf of “Hahagana”.  After that, in 1940, he finished his studying in excellency.

   Rabin served as a battalion commander at the Palmach, a commander of Harel division in ”The war of Independence” and as the chief of staff of the IDF during the Six-Days War. After leaving the IDF, Rabin became an Israeli ambassador in the USA, and later on became the prime minister of Israel for two terms: the first in 1974-1977 during which the ”Yonatan” operation was held, and the second in 1992-1995, when the Oslo agreement and the peace treaty with Jordan occurred. In addition, he was the defense minister of Israel for nine years.

   He was a member of the party ”Ha’avoda”. He belived that we need to make peace with the Palestinians and to give them areas from Israel. On 1994, he succeeded in making peace with Jordan.

On the 4.11.1995, a jewish assassin murdered Yitzhak Rabin because of his political opinions.



Yitzhak Rabin liked to read books, mainly history and biography books. He started reading at a relatively late age and he used to read very fast.

He also liked to go to the cinema with his little sister and liked to watch tension series. Yitzhak Rabin liked modern literature such as Amos Oz and Yehoshua Kenaz. He even liked Hebrew song writers such as Haim Guri and Yehuda Amihai and was their friend.

Rabin liked to listen to songs of “Beautiful Land Of Israel” and he also liked the songs of Neomi Shemer.

Rabin was also an amateur photographer.

Yitzhak Rabin was a sport amateur, mainly tennis. He played tennis and he used to attend tennis games. After his murder, his bat was placed at the Israeli Tennis Center.


Inspiring Quote:

“Violence is undermining the very foundations of Israeli democracy. It must be condemned, denounced, and isolated. This is not the way of the State of Israel.

He said that in 1995 before his murder.

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Shimon Peres – by Nadav Mor

General Information- Biography

Shimon Peres was born on 2/8/1923 in Poland and was named Shimon Persky. He died on 28/9/2016.

His family spoke Yiddish, Hebrew and Russian. He only learned Polish in school. Later, he learned French and English. His father was a rich merchant and his mother was a librarian.

In 1931 his father moved to Israel and the family came two years after him. He went to schools in Tel Aviv and in high-school he went to learn at a school in Kibbutz Geva. He was one of the founders of Kibbutz Alumot.  He was chosen to be the secretary of “Ha’noar Ha’oved Ve’ha’lomed” youth movement. Later on he worked in Kibbutz Alumot and was farmer and a shepherd.

He was a politician and an Israeli public figure. He was the 9th president of Israel between the years 2007-2014 and he was the 8th Prime Minister in the years 1984-1986. He was also Prime Mininster for 7 months after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in the years 1995-1996.

For 48 years he was a member of the Knesset, and during some of these years he served as a minister in the government, holding leading position. He was the head of the Ha’avoda party for 20 years.

From a young age, he was involved in public and security matters in Israel.  At 29 he was appointed the CEO of the office of security.

Over the years he won many important and valuable prizes all over the world. Among these prizes was the Nobel Peace Prize, which he won in 1994 for his efforts to bring peace to the Middle East and for his involvement in The Oslo Peace Agreements.



  • Peres was known as a great swimmer and one of his jobs in the family was to teach his grandchildren how to swim.

  • Shimon Peres wrote songs and even recorded a CD of Shlomo Gronich, Arik Sinai, Yaffa Yarkoni and Yizhar Cohen performing his best songs

  • His favorite hobby was reading.

Interesting Facts:

  • Peres did not have a high-schoo bagrut, but this doesn’t mean he wasn’t an intellectual.

  • Until the age of 26 he didn’t know a word of English.

  • Peres was one of the five best speakers in the world and received a quarter of a million dollars for one of his speeches-more than Bill Clinton and Michael Jordan.

  • Peres never got a driver’s license.


Inspiring Quotes


  • “I promise you, when the day comes, I will not forget to die.”

  • “You can only stop fire with fire”- March 2002

  • “If you don’t negotiate with the Palestinians, then all you have is Intifada, with no solution”.

  • “If you eat three meals a day, you will be fat and if you read three books a day, you will be smart”

  • “Leadership isn’t telling people what to do, it’s putting yourself on the seat of reality and asking the most important questions”

  • “People who don’t have fantasies don’t do fantastic things”

  • Talk doesn’t influence reality. Reality influences the talk”

  • “Everyone will come to my funeral to make sure I don’t leave my coffin”

Funny Story


At the International Space Convention, in memory of Ilan Ramon, in 2008, President Peres spoke about the technological changes that overwhelm our lives. But he got confused and misnamed the biggest social media network in the world:

“Today, with the electronic communication, we are all close to each other and can speak to anyone at any moment, in any place. For this reason, distances have become very much theoretical. And now teens have “BookFace” and they are no longer with us.”


World Politics – The Women and Men Who Changed the History by yael gavish -

 Shimon Peres – by Gal Nachmias


The politician I chose is Shimon Peres, deceased.  He was married to sonya and they had 3 children. He died after a heart attack in 2016 at the age of 93. He was born in Poland, on August 2nd, 1923. He immigrated to Israel in 1934 when he was 11 years old. He grew up in Tel-Aviv and studied in Ben-Shemen’s Agricultural Boarding School. He was Israel’s Prime Minister during 1984 – 1986 and a second time between 1995 – 1996. Between 2007 – 2014 he was elected Israel’s 9th President. He was a Member of the Knesset for almost 50 years. He served as minister in several ofices and held other senior positions. He was the Leader of the Labor Party for about 20 years.


Political views:

Shimon Peres belived in peace through economic cooperation. All his life he did a lot to promote peace with Israel’s Arab neighboring countries. He belonged to the left wing party. He was very respected and appreciated, but also angered some groups.


Foreign policy:

In 1992 as Rabin’s Foreign  Minister, he led the Oslo Accords and won (together with Rabin and Arafat) the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994. In October of the same year Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin and Prime Minister of Jordan king Hussein signed the Peace Treaty between Israel and Jordan. While Shimon Peres belived in peace, he also belived in a strong coalition of nations that will impose painful economic sanctions on Iran.



Shimon Peres strongly belived in technology development, nanotechnology and brain research. He also wrote poetry and songs. He embraced social media to communicate with the public. He read many books and is the author of 11 books.


Famous Quote:

“If you eat three times a day you will be fed, but if you read three times a day you will be wise”.


I chose this quote because it relates to Shimon Peres interests and I agree with him because I also love reading books very much and I think it enriches the knowledg

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Golda Meir – by Maayan Shpigel

Prime Minister of Israel between the years: 1969 – 1974.

The first and only woman prime minister.


She was the Minister of Labor between the years: 1949 – 1956.

She was the Foreign Minister between the years: 1956 – 1966.

She was the Prime Minister during The War of Attrition (HATASHA) and the Yom Kippur War.

    Born as Golda Mabowits on May 3rd , 1898 in Kiev in Russia (today Ukraine) and died on December 8th , 1978 in Israel. Golda Meir’s grave is located in Mount Herzl’s Nation’s Greatest.

    She was part of a traditional, poor Jewish family. She had five brothers before her who died at a young age, and remained with two sisters. In 1903 the family moved to pinsk Poland and in 1906 they moved to the city of Milwaukee in the United States. Golda Immigrated to Israel in 1921.

She began her term as Prime Minister of Israel on March 17, 1969, and served as Prime Minister for five years. Golda resigned on April 11, 1974.

In the Yom Kippur War, Golda refrained from enlisting in the reserves. This lead her to resign after the war.

Political views:

Golda was in the Labor Party, which advocated Zionism, socialism, social justice, the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

Foreign policy:

Golda tried to make peace between Israel and the Arab states, thus making peace with Egypt, Jordan, etc.


Golda was fascinated by the idea of ​​socialism and Zionism.


Famous/Inspiring Quote:

“Pessimism is a luxury that a Jew cannot afford”

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Yigal Alon by Eshel Halevi



Yigal Alon was born in 1918 in the north of Israel, in a town named Kfar-Tavor, by the name Yigal Peikowitz.

His mom died when he was 5.

When he was 13 his father sent him to guard in an oak trees forest against Arabs thieves. When he was older he changes his family names from Peikowitz to Alon because if this experience.

He participated in the establishment of a new kibbutz named Geinosar.

   He joined the Palmach, trained to be a soldier and became eventually the high commander of the Palmach.

   During the independence war in 1948 he commanded on different operations.

   After the war he left the army and became a politician.

He joined “ahdut a’avoda” in the left side of the political map.  He was the minister of labor, minister of aliya and integration, minister of education and minister of foreign affairs.

For one month in 1969 he served as the prime minister, replacing Levi Eshkol who died.

After the Six Days War he offered a plan of giving autonomy to the occupied territories.

He died of a heart attack in 1980. He was only 61.

Many places are called after his name, including the street I live on.

Interesting Facts:

He studied philosophy, economy and politics in Oxford University.

He had 3 children. His eldest daughter, Nurit, had autism.

His son Yiftach also died of a heart attack.


Famous Quotations:

  • A nation that doesn’t respect its past, its present is poor and its future is obscure.

  • We have to prepare to war as if it’s inevitable, and aim to have peace as it it’s reachable.

  • אומה שלא מכבדת את עברה, ההווה שלה דל והעתיד שלה בערפל.

  • אנחנו צריכים להתכונן למלחמה כאילו היא בלתי נמנע, ולשאוף לשלום כאילו הוא אפשרי.


His quotations shows Yigal Alon was a man both respecting the Jewish tradition, and also was ready to make compromises for peace.

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Sulamit Aloni  by Ayala Sherman

     Shulamit aloni was born in Poland in the year 1927. Aloni was an Israeli politician in the left wings’ Israeli parties  and a human right activist.        She and her family immigrated to Palestine as a child and they lived in ‘Neve Sha’anan’, Tel Aviv. Aloni learned in a teacher’s seminar in ‘Bait Hakerem’ and started working as a teacher. In 1951 she found a teaching position in a school in Tel Aviv. She taught human subject and was the first teacher who taught civic studies in Israel. While she worked as a teacher she studied law. In 1952 she married Reuven Aloni. In 1957 she worked in ‘Col Israel’ and Guided a youth program. In 1965 she was elected to the Israeli parliament on behalf of ‘Mapai’ (erez Israeli  workers’ party). She faught for civil rights, for the Constitution of Human Rights in Israel (we do not have it yet) and against religious coercion. Her inaugural speech was about juvenile delinquency in distressed neighborhoods.

     Before the elections in 1974, she established the ‘Ratz’ party and entered the Rabin government as a minister without portfolio for a 22 weeks. During the Begin government, she was a member of the Knesset and was active against the law that forbids being gay in Israel. In 1992, the ‘Ratz’ and ‘Shinui’ party joined a party called ‘Meretz’. They won twelve seats and Aloni was the education minister.  After 43 weeks she moved to the office of communication. In 1996 Shulamit Aloni retired from political life, people consulted her, and she wrote books. In 1999 she was elected for Israel Prize award for her contribution to the State of Israel. The last two years of her life she had Alzheimer’s disease. In 2014 Shulamit Aloni died.


     Shulamit Aloni wrote books about her political views, mainly about civil rights. In 1993 When she was Minister of Education she said: “All  countries teach there children about Darwin’s evolution theory, but only in Israel do we teach them that the world was created in six days”. The ‘Shas’ party was very angry and voted to dismiss her and transfer her to the Ministry of Communications for a low position. She responded positively and moved to a lower position because she did not want to interfere with the peace process that was taking place at that time with Jordan.   



Inspiring Quote


“I am a person with one string, as the poet says. I have only one song and a regular refrain, and it is civil rights.”


I think this is an inspirational quote, because, she focused mainly on one subject. It was very important for her to have civil rights. The trial inspires me because she has devoted her life to human rights.

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Yair Lapid – by Asaf Tal


Yair Lapid was born on November 5, 1963 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Lapid is an Israeli politician and the head of “Yesh Atid” party.
He founded “Yesh Atid” in 2012. He was an actor, author,
journalist and a T.V presenter.
Lapid’s parents are the politician and the journalist Yosef Lapid, and his mother is the writer Shulamit Lapid. He grew up in a building that was known in the name the journalists residence that in the “Yad Eliyahu” neighborhood .

He began his military service as a soldier in the air defense
system, but when he helped landing a helicopter, he got an
asthma attack. After this situation, he moved to service as a
journalist in the military newspaper “Bamahane”. It was his
starting point in the journalism.
In the middle of the eighties, he moved to Los Angeles, and
there he stated to work in the T.V.
In the years 1991-2010, he worked as an actor, T.V presenter
and as a journalist.
In the beginning of 2012, he announced that he enters the
political life. In April 2012, he founded the party “Yesh Atid”. In the elections of 2013, he got 19 Knesset seats and “Yesh Atid” became to be the second strongest party. After a month, he was selected to be the Finance Minister of Israel. In December 2014, he was fired from the job.
In the elections of 2015, the party got 11 seats in the
Knesset, and the party went to the opposition.


Political views
Security- Lapid and his party believe that Israel doesn’t need to start a war that its goal is to achieve more areas. Israel seeks to define its borders Not necessarily because history, define the borders because the security of Israel. That view confirm the ideology that support of two countries for two nations.
Education– The profit from the Exporting gas will invest in
education and science. For every young citizen, also in the
periphery will have the prerogative to purchase higher
education for free.
Economy– for success in the economy we need- innovation,
more investment in the high-tech. raising prices, integration of Arabs and orthodox Jews in the job.


Yair Lapid is a politician but also an actor, he took part as an
actor in movies like: “Me’ever Layam” and “Shirat Hasirena”.
Lapid is a boxing fan and he has a black belt in karate.
He wrote also books: “Omdim Betur”, “Hagiborim Sheli”
and more.


Famous Quote:
כל בני האדם נולדו שווים, אבל הם צריכים לעבוד קשה בשביל להיות שווים את
“All the humans were born equal, but they need to work hard to
deserve it”.
This sentence is inspirational because it means that everyone
are equal but everyone also need to show that they deserve
that will treated to them equally.

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Nava Boker – by Maya Tzabary



Nava Boker is an Israeli journalist and politician.

Nava Boker was born and raised in Pardes Hanna-Karkur. She was born on November 15th, 1970.  Her parents were Jewish immigrants from Yemen.

Boker was working as a journalist for “Yedioth Ahronoth” and Ma’ariv, as well as Channel 1.

She got married and had two daughters, and then she got divorced.

At age 27, as a reporter, she met Hadera’s police chief- Lior Boker, and married him. In 2010 her husband was killed in the Carmel fire disaster.

After that, she established a foundation to support fire and rescue workers.

Prior to the 2015 Knesset elections, she was placed 25th on the Likud list. She was elected to the Knesset as Likud won 30 seats.

Nava has been in the position for more than 3 years.

In 2015, Nava ran for a Religious Court Judges (דיינים)  committee, she lost to Revital Swede.

It was very interesting to learn about Nava Boker even though she belongs to the political camp that is contrary to my parents’ worldview.

Political Views:

Nava Boker believes in the idea of the “complete Israel”. She thinks that Israel belongs to us, and we need to keep it safe. Nava believes in the bible, but she isn’t religious.



Nava Boker likes music, watching comedies and reading books.

Nava Boker held the protest of the disabled, the protest of Elior Azaria, the police protest and more. She also proposed the flag law that passed.



Inspiring Quote:


“In all my lectures I say that we can’t give up! If something isn’t working we have to calculate a new route. I always say that any fraction can grow, just come with a positive attitude. Change this a blessed thing, you need to go on…”


This is an inspiring sentence for me because it is very positive, and gives an option to change and look at everything from another perspective.

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עפר שלח – רותם צבעוני


עפר שלח נולד בקריית ביאליק בשנת 1960. עפר הינו בנו של הכלכלן, איש

העסקים וההיסטוריון חזי שלח. למד בתיכון עירוני י”ד בתל אביב.

בנובמבר 1977 התגייס לצה”ל, התנדב לצנחנים. בצנחנים עבר מסלול הכשרה כלוחם, קורס מ”כים חי”ר וקורס קציני חי”ר. עם סיום הקורס שב לצנחנים כמפקד מחלקה, והשתתף במבצע סיגל. לאחר מכן שימש כמדריך בבה”ד 1 בתפקידו האחרון שימש כסגן מפקד צנחנים, בין היתר במבצע צלצל.

שלח השתתף במלחמת לבנון הראשונה כמפקד מחלקה במילואים, ובמהלך הקרבות לחם במארב נ”ט של חטיבת צנחני מילואים לשריון הסורי.

בשירות מילואים נוסף ב-1983 בלבנון, הפעם כמ”פ, נפצע קשה ממטען צד ואיבד את עינו. בעקבות פציעתו הוכר כנכה צה”ל. באותה שנה החל את לימודיו לתואר ראשון בכלכלה ובספרות אנגלית באוניברסיטת תל אביב וסיימם בהצטיינות.
בשנים 1986-1988 למד באוניברסיטת ניו יורק לתואר שני בספרות אנגלית וכתיבה.


עפר שלח החל את דרכו העיתונאית ב-1988 כפרילאנסר בתפקידי כתב וסגן עורך במדור הספורט של “מעריב”. היה פרשן כדורסל ובעל טור . מ-1992 החל לפרסם טור במוסף השבת של העיתון. באותה שנה כתב את הספר “מסע בין כוכבים”, המסכם את עונת ה- NBA  של 1992.

בשנת 2000 עבר לכתוב בעיתון ידיעות אחרונות ובאתר YNET עד 2006 . בשנת 2007 שב לעיתון מעריב , בו כתב טורים בעיקר בנושאי צבא וביטחון. במשך עשרים שנה כתב טורים קבועים, מאמרים ופרשנויות בנושאי ביטחון, יחסי הדרג המדיני והצבאי וקבלת ההחלטות בישראל, וכן בנושאים פוליטיים.
כמו כן הגיש את התוכנית “נכון לעכשיו” בגלי צה”ל.

הצטרף לקראת הכנסת ה -19 ליש עתיד, בשנת 2013. כיהן בכנסת התשע-עשרה כיושב-ראש סיעת יש עתיד.
בכנסת התשע-עשרה היה חבר ועדת החוץ והביטחון וועדת הכספים של הכנסת. הוביל את הזירה הפרלמנטרית ואת החקיקה הבולטת של סיעת יש עתיד בכנסת התשע-עשרה בנושא השוויון בנטל וברפורמת המשילות. קידם והוביל את החוק לקידום התחרות ולצמצום הריכוזיות, אשר נועד להפחית את יוקר המחיה, לעודד תחרותיות במשק ולסייע לעסקים קטנים ובינוניים.

שלח כיהן כיושב-ראש שדולת התרבות והשדולה הגאה ויזם הצעת חוק הקובעת כי בכל מקום בחוק שאוסר אפליה, האיסור יחול גם על אפליה על רקע נטייה מינית או זהות מגדרית. בנוסף לכך יזם את הצעת חוק לשינוי אמות המידה לזכאות לנכי צה”ל בהתאם למסקנות ועדת גורן, ואת הצעת חוק חולה הנוטה למות, שמטרתה לאפשר המתת חסד לחולים סופניים.

בכנסת העשרים מכהן בוועדת החוץ והביטחון ובוועדה לתקציב הביטחון, וכן כיושב-ראש משותף של שדולת העצמאים והעצמאיות.
מישנתו הפוליטית נגזרת ממשתנה של מפלגת יש עתיד: מאבק בטרור האיסלמי רדיקלי ומניעת גרעין מאיראן. היפרדות מהפלשתינים תוך הקפדה על סידורי בטחון נוקשים ולהקמת מדינה פלשתינאית מפורזת מנשק. שמירה על גושי היישובים הגדולים בתחומי מדינת ישראל, שמירה על היחסים האסטרטגיים עם ארה”ב. הגברת ההתרעה מול החמאס, החיזבאללה וארגוני הטרור הנוספים. המפתח לשיפור מעמדה הבינלאומי של ישראל היא חזרה לשולחן המו”מ וחידוש התהליך המדיני.

עוצמת מדינות נמדדת על פי מעמדן המדיני בזירה הבין לאומי כתוצאה מיחסי גומלין מדיניים ומתוקף השתתפות בבריתות ובקואליציות בין לאומיות. מדיניות החוץ צריכה להיות פרי תכנון לטווח ארוך ובינוני ולא רק כיבוי שריפות, כפי שהדבר נעשה היום. משרד החוץ יהיה אחראי על מערך החוץ וההסברה. יש לאחד את ההסברה הישראלית האזרחית במסגרת מערך מיוחד במשרד החוץ, שיתוקצב בהתאם וידאג לתיאום עם דובר צה”ל ומערכת הביטחון. בניית מערך זה תהווה אבן דרך קריטית בשיפור מעמדה של ישראל בעולם, בשיפור ממשי של יחסי החוץ שלה ובחיזוק יכולת התמודדותה עם האתגרים העומדים לפתחה.


פירסם שבעה ספרים: הרומן “גוף שני” (1989); לכסיקון קולנוע (1990); “מסע בין כוכבים” על ליגת ה-NBA (1993); “המגש והכסף” (2003), על מצבו של צה”ל כצבא העם והשינויים הדרושים בו; “בומרנג” (2005, עם רביב דרוקר) על האינתיפאדה השנייה; “שבויים בלבנון” (2007, עם יואב לימור) על מלחמת לבנון השנייה; “המדריך ליוליסס” (2012, עם חזי שלח), מדריך לקריאה ביצירת המופת “יוליסס” מאת ג’יימס ג’ויס.

משפט שכתב בספרו “גוף שני” 1989 : “טייס הוא חייל עם מכונה משוכללת, קצין צנחנים הוא מפקד”

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