The window to your memories

by yasmin ayilarov
Artwork: Yasmin, Yael and Sophia
- Joined Jan 2019
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2019
HI, MOM. you know I never imagened that I whold be here, at least not with out you…
You described the most beautiful place that you ever been, some megical place. You told about blue sea and white sand, and shiny seashells. The spark in your eyes every time you started talked about the smell. sult. Jazmin blossom. fish.
I know that someties I was a bitch when you started to talk about it in the million time, but I started to dream about this place.
Now I here, i looked at the noot with your handwriting- Alegria street 5190. My heart was pompimg like crazy. Then, from the window cub I saw a small white two store house, with a blue wood windows, A rusted iron fence around the house, and a Jazmin bloosme. should I nock in the door? who lives there? whould they let me in?
you asked from me to come to here but I don’t know if I can do it. it’s to much from me. when I turnung back the door opens and young woman caming out from the house. She saying something i greek.
But the only thing I’m saying is “English!”
then she ask “Every thing is OK?
“Yeah, i’m just…” she probably saw me from the window staring at the house like crazy person.
“My mom’s family used to live here.” I’m telling her.
“oh,” she mumblin, and thinking for a minout “Do you want ti come in?” she ask.
“Yes, come in, I made cookies.” smiling
Her name in Nickol, and she lives in the house with her husbet for two years. She told me that for long time the house was abanded, and they both loved the house.
“I imaged my children groing up here.” told nickol.
“Can I…look around?”
“Yes, please!”
I went up the stairs

Published: Jan 2, 2019
Latest Revision: Jan 2, 2019
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-549831
Copyright © 2019