What is a tsunami?!?!?!?
A tsunami is a phenomenon of huge waves of sea that burst i into the sea.
How a tsunami was created?!?!?!
A tsunami is usually created after an earthquake that is deep in the ocean.
Damages after the tsunami!!!
1.Destruction and continuous flooding throughout the country.
2.Demolition of buildings and more……
3. Horror fear of breking objects Demolition of life plants and more.
4.Uprooting roofs and objects destroying of entertainment and deep floods.
On the next page there is a picture of damages caused by a tsunami
Characteristics of the tsunami!!!
The trait of the tsunami is that the tsunami will come from an earthkuake in the heart of the ocean and will become a huge wave within a few seconds and the whole island can be wiped off the map.
Coping with a person when there is a tsunam!!!
1.During a tsunami a prson mast run to an escap route.
2.A person during a tsunami can descend into an underground shlter.
On the next page there us a picture of a tsunami escape rout
The tsunami begins with small waves that rise on the shore and when white bubbles become apparent the next wave is on the tsunami.
my blog
Hello for everyone I want to write you about something that happened to my a few years ago in Thailand.
My family and I went out for a two-weeks in Thauiand.
My family and I went to beach and suddenly I heard strage sounds and then I saw then the waves are approaching and approaching the shore and I do not stop.
and then I told myfamily that they have came out of the sea.
I realize that my family has not yet managed to get out of the saea and when I saw the wave.
My family says leave us and run away but I didn’t listen to them and ran into the sea to help them and suddenly poof!!!
The wave hits us I saw my family drifting a different place and i’m a different place.
Then they told my l’ll meet at the hospital go there and after wave came another wave bgain poof!!!
I don’t know if my family survived the second wave and ran to the hospital and there I saw my father,my mother,my older brother,but my sister was hit too hard and went into surgery very quickly after the operation.
The nurse iformed us that my suster came out safe and sound from the operation and then we flew back to Israel And it’s a joy that everyone survived it.
Published: Dec 30, 2018
Latest Revision: Jan 17, 2019
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-548259
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