How Do You Create Hard Copies of Your Book? by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -
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How Do You Create Hard Copies of Your Book?

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1554


There are two ways to create hard copies of your book on Ourboox. The first is to let us do it for you. Write to our editor Yoav Ithamar and he will make your book come true!



The second is to do it yourself. What I do is create two files. The first is a word file for the inside of the book. I make the word file square and add the text and pictures, adding about 4% for ‘bleed’.



I then create the cover using powerpoint, again opting for the dimensions of the cover. When I am finished, I save both files as “pdf” and send those to the printer.


We are working now on an automatic function that will turn books into pdf versions that are suitable for printing online or offline. Stay tuned!


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