Why are the Books on Ourboox Free to Create and Share? by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג - Ourboox.com
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Why are the Books on Ourboox Free to Create and Share?

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1556


Ourboox was started by two writers (my wife Shuli and myself) together with our co-founder and CTO, Ran Shternin.


As writers we wanted to provide the maximum service for writers, taking as little as possible in return. We decided that books would be free to create, no matter how many, no matter how many pages.


In order to allow the writers to reach as large an audience as possible, we did away with DRMs (digital rights management), allowing search engines to see the content and share it. This approach succeeded. 65% of our visitors now find out about our books by searching for related content. Our writers can make money by receiving donations. We also don’t mind when they publish on money-making platforms, although we warn them that most such platforms are about the website owners, not the writers.


Shuli and I believe that professional writers should be paid. But in our world 99.9% of writers lose money, sometimes thousands of dollars, self-publishing and we want to help prevent that. We are! So for 99.9% the way to succeed is to publish for free, to make a name for ourselves, and to receive donations, much the same way that other artists do.



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