Agile training
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What Does The Agile Training Represent

  • Joined Jun 2017
  • Published Books 11

Everything you do, you just have to be agile. Whether it is about studying for school, playing some sport, working in a company, agility is always highly needed. Talking about a job, agility contains a couple of attributes, for example having a strong sense of communication, being flexible, patient, hard-working etcetera.


Being ready to engage into some activity means that you already have the necessary skills to fulfill the task. And how do you get ready for this? By taking part into training.

Just like we mentioned sport as an example above. To be a good football or basketball player, you have to train yourself. But, training has to be done by other, qualified person. You have some levels to overcome in order to come to a true value and experience. It is important to have a desire to improve yourself, skill yourself, sharpen and grow. All of this can be easily be assigned to a working place.


Agile training


Now that it is understood why each kind of training is important, let’s explain what does the agile training represent and why is it so important.


If there is no agile spirit and there haven’t been included any type of agile training, you have to start from scratch. But, don’t get this too serious or deprecating. This can get fixed very easily.


The only way the training will succeed is if there are some basic conversance of the term “agile” and its values. The good introduction is vital for the team and its members, but please remember that one or two classes won’t make miracles.

As it is the same case with a job, patience is important with agile training also.


Agile training represents a long-term and on-going project for preparing future team member to work on the development processes. It is not an easy task, just to remind you.


On the other side, what is good, you can choose the way it is going to be done – privately, online, with a team… Many things are eased for people who want to get trained because of a little bit longer process.


This training is of a vital importance for companies nowadays. Companies understand the need for the team members to go through this process and are willing to invest in it. They do this because they know that the quality of the job will be much better, that they will rank better, have some customers etc.


The connection among agile and Scrum


There can be a time when you hear about these two terms, but don’t know the difference. Scrum is a subtype (process) of agile, which is much wider. But don’t underestimate Scrum, as it is the agile implementing technology and the agile training is based on it. The most famous Scrum training in Scrum Master Training, but Product Owner training is as good as the first one.


The main goal of agile training is to change the mindsets of people who work in a team. The change is undertaken in order to overcome traditional methodologies. Helped with Scrum and other methodologies, agile training successfully implements those and influences the members for the future projects.


Agile training is not formal, which is great. It is very adaptive and flexible, so it can be easily modified for the needs of different projects and teams.


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