Good News Israel

by Marlene Saban

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Good News Israel

  • Joined Jul 2018
  • Published Books 2

IsraelActive or The Good News Israel blog was born when Michael and Lynette Ordmann decided to be proactive about all the anti-Semitic and the hateful fake news about Israel in the media. The Ordmanns who are new immigrants to Israel from London made it their business to establish a special internet site that only speaks and reflects the amazing deeds, innovations and inventions that Israel is responsible for and that make it a “light unto the Nations”.


The site is an amalgamation of every good deed or positive impact that the Israeli people take part in from Science and medical or technological inventions to Politics and entertainment. IsraelActive spans any topic that you might be interested in that shows Israel to the world in a positive light. The site gets updated on a weekly basis and keeps the Jewish and international world aware of what is going on in our amazing country.


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