Tips for Year 1’s to be succesful in Year 6 by Anjolaoluwa Bolodeoku - Illustrated by From Safari Internet -
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Tips for Year 1’s to be succesful in Year 6


Artwork: From Safari Internet

  • Joined Jun 2018
  • Published Books 1

Table of Contents


Introduction………………………………………………Page 2


Tip 1: Participating in after-school activities………………..Page 3


Tip 2: Practicing school work at home………………………..Page 4


Tip 3: Avoiding Television during the week…………………..Page 5


Tip 4: Have a personal conversation with your tutor………….Page 6


Conclusion…………………………………………………………….Page 7


Participating in After School activities: Tip 1


Participating in after-school clubs will help students be engaged in other activities as they would be facing some tough work and would need something preferable to relax them from all of the activities happening in classes. It is also advisable that children are able to interact with different students which is why after-school clubs is an amazing tip to be a successful in Year 6.

Tips for Year 1’s to be succesful in Year 6 by Anjolaoluwa Bolodeoku - Illustrated by From Safari Internet -

Practicing school work out of school: TIP 2


Practicing work out of school improves your ability to understand what is taught which helps you learn faster. If you keep this up you will be exceptional students just like us. Practicing work after school is also another way to extend yourself more in your learning.

Tips for Year 1’s to be succesful in Year 6 by Anjolaoluwa Bolodeoku - Illustrated by From Safari Internet -

Avoiding television during the week: Tip 3

Avoiding Television during the week is a fantastic way to get extra studying periods at home. This is also helpful for extra rest time like sleeping, reading a book or listening to soothing music. This will improve their education by far and since year 6 is the last year in year 6 you might as well make the best out of it and do excellently.

Tips for Year 1’s to be succesful in Year 6 by Anjolaoluwa Bolodeoku - Illustrated by From Safari Internet -

Have personal conversations with your Tutor: TIP 4

Having personal conversations with your tutor is a great way of getting to know your teacher well which makes a great relationship between student and tutor. Also getting advice from your tutor during this period can be a lot of help in year 6. In case you are not able to have a literal conversation you could converse online if your tutor is available.

Tips for Year 1’s to be succesful in Year 6 by Anjolaoluwa Bolodeoku - Illustrated by From Safari Internet -

In Conclusion

We hope you enjoyed our presentation and we would be delighted to see you graduate into Year 6 as exceptional students. We hope you have noted down our tips and are eager to try them out. Thank you and have a pleasant day!!


Presented to you by Anjola, Ademide, Adrien, and Joseph 

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