This is a normal day in Vladdys resturant one guard in his office.The night is coming and the animatronics is Moving and night guard is scared.He isnt know what he can doing beacuse its his first night and in 5 hour. After 1 hour all is good and the people is join aand playing.In 2nd night Bonnie and Chicka playing in the toilet and the night guard is laughs beacuse its funny.When Chicka and Bonnie is playing,Foxy is running to the office.And the last second he close the door and Foxy is sad :(.
3rd night is here.All animatronics is moving but chicka and bonnie strong 5:59 Foxy is running but he isnt know the door is close.When Bonnie and Chicka is in the office the night guard is destroying them.Foxy and Freddy is not destroyed.One man is join to the resturant,Bad man,his name is green guy,and he is want to destroy the animatronics and the night guard.4rd night is here,Foxy and Freddy is attacking the night guard, in this night the energy is end, 6 Am is here and night guard destroying the Mr.Foxy the animatronic.In 5th night When he listening to Freedy he is scary,beacuse Freddy atack him first time,but 6 Am is here and the night guard the destroying Freddy ,and Green guy the resturant is close beacuse no animatronics,beacuse the anmatronics destroyed.
Published: Jun 8, 2015
Latest Revision: Jun 10, 2015
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-50076
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