Memories in year 5A by Ibrahim Zuberi

by Ibrahim Zuberi
Artwork: Ibrahim Zuberi
- Joined Jun 2018
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2018
.What my book is about
.About me
.What I am going to miss in year 5
.What my friends think about me
.What my teachers think about me
.My life in C.I.S
.What I did when I was in C.I.S
.The end
What my book is about
This book is about me for my memories I had in C.I.S. (Children’s International School).
About me
Name: Ibrahim
Favorite sport: Hand ball
Favorite lesson: Numeracy
House: Willow
Age: 10
Grade: 5A
Favorite color: Green
Favorite game: MINECRAFT and Fortnite

What I’m going to miss about year 5A
I am going to miss some of my friends that are leaving , I’m going to miss my teacher , I will always remember Year 5A in my heart like all my other classes I always was a good member of the class some people were kind of like me but different personalities.
What my friends think about me
Kabir: Thanks Ibrahim for always being there for me and always making me have a good laugh 🙂
Bob-Isaac: Thanks for being there for me.
Akan: Ibrahim is very kind he helps me with what i don’t know. I look forward to see him in yr 6
Maya: You are such a nice guy Ibrahim, And its nice to have at least one Muslim in my classroom starting from year 3c.
Raymond: You are very responsible and well behaved, you always do the right thing when people are doing the wrong things and you are very smart especially in science.
Ademide: You are nice and good at I.C.T.
Olamipo:Ibrahim is great for a fantastic friend and also an utterly great birthday boy.
Aviva: Ibrahim is smart and funny. He is a good friend.
Molayo: Ibrahim is a very kind and loyal friend. Can’t wait to see you in Year 6.
Keji: You are a very nice person and i wish you good luck in year 6!!
Anu: Well it has been an amazing year in 5a and Ibrahim you are a very gentle person and I hope you stay that way:)
Elo: This year really has been an adventure and it was awesome spending it with you and the rest of 5a. Thank you for being a kindhearted classmate:)
Ayana: Ibrahim you are a kind and and gentle guy and I wish you the best of luck in year 6.
Ayomide .O:Ibrahim is cool , fast and good with technology.
Roseanne:I think Ibrahim is kind and sweet and calm cant wait to see you in year6!!!!!!
Chiamanda: Ibrahim is a soft, loving, peaceful, kind, smart, intelligent guy. He is super nice and can put a smile on your face. Well done Ibrahim, I look forward to seeing you in year 6.
Bryan: Ibrahim is cool.
Eghonghon : Ibrahim is the boy next door that you can always count on. See you in year 6!
What my teachers think about me
Ms. Animasaun: It’s been a pleasure being your class teacher Ibrahim, you’ve been a caring and warm member of my class. Continue being you, I wish you the very best in Year 6.
Ms. Amaka: Ibrahim, thank you for making this year a memorable year in Year 5. Have a good year in Year 6.


My life in C.I.S.
Year 3C was the first class I was in when I joined C.I.S. it was good to have 2 Muslims in my class.everybody was nice to me even the teachers were nice to me.
Year 4C was tougher some people left and I missed them but most of them were still here the work was tough.
Year 5A was the toughest I felt shy when I didn’t see my class mates that were in 3C and 4C I only saw 2 of them it was pretty tough with the work. This school has learning websites they are very good for learning.
What I Did When I Was In C.I.S.
3C 2015-2016
Everybody was nice to me. Almost everything was kind of easy but it started to get hard and tough. In my assembly one person said ”i-i-it’s deep!!” and I said ”No it’s not!!”. When I got the reward it said I took initiative by doing some extra learning during the half term by showing a bar graph and one other one I don’t know. I got my laptop the same year I joined. I did Numeracy , Literacy , Comprehension , Science , Topic , I.C.T. , Music , African Studies , Art , P.E. , Swimming , Library and French. My teachers were Ms. Ann and Ms. Obey. My classmates were Giselle , Aishwaria , Amatullah , Ayomide.A , Joella , Kevwe , Maya , Bade , Om , Pritika , Samirah , Yasmine and Matteo.
4C 2016-2017
What I did in Year 4C is Numeracy , Literacy , Comprehension , Science , Topic , I.C.T. , Music , African Studies , Art , P.E. , Swimming , Library and French. My assembly I had to talk about what you find in Urban settlements and pray for my religion Islam something called Surah because we were learning about religions. When I got the award it said I got a tremendous improvement in Literacy. My teachers were Ms. Onwukwe and Ms. Toyin. My class mates were Ademola , Giselle , Aishwaria , Albert , Amatullah , Annisa , Ayomide.A , Eloghene , Joella , Kevwe , Maurizio , Maya , Bade , Om , Pritika , Samirah and Yasmine.
5A 2017-2018
I went for 2 school trips I don’t know one of them but the other one is bread lounge we made some things that tastes like donuts. I’ve been learning Numeracy , Literacy , Comprehension , Science , Topic , TLIM , I.C.T. , Music , African Studies , Art , P.E. and Swimming , Library and French. I had lots of learning and writing and training I was writing sometimes typing on my laptop for school in my lessons. In Music I use my guitar to help me play music. In P.E. I just need a fitness outfit and train. In swimming I bring my swimming costume and do swimming. In I.C.T. I programmed , coded and created stuff on my laptop. In African Studies I do stuff that are history in Africa and in Art I draw and create stuff. When I was doing my assembly I had to talk about what I want to be when I grow up and when I got the reward it said I was always an organized boy and thoughtful in setting my priorities right and those of my peers. Great Attitude. My teachers were Ms. Animasaun and Ms. Amaka. My classmates are Kabir , Maya , Bob-Isaac , Keji , Molayo , Ademide , Olamipo , Aviva , Chiamanda , Rosanne , Bryan , Raymond , Eghonghon , Ayomide . O , Anu and Akan.
The end
Published: Jun 14, 2018
Latest Revision: Jun 14, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-499677
Copyright © 2018