Hear The Children’s Voices by fatmakul - Illustrated by Fatma KUL - Ourboox.com
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Hear The Children’s Voices


Artwork: Fatma KUL

  • Joined Apr 2018
  • Published Books 4


About the project

Music and the game is very important in children’s life. Children grow up with love develops  themselves by games.  Music is universal. We want to make friendship  bridge between 4-11 years old children by this project. To do this ; We want to use the universal language of music . With this method we give children an opportunity to get know about each other.

This project aims to allow children to see and share the songs and rond (game with singing) sung in other cities and countries. The scope of this, it is planned to create a common product by singing songs and playing games together.


The goals:

  • To better recognize each other’s culture through music, song and dance
  • To make a contribution to the world peace by building bridges between countries and cities
  • Give students and teachers the opportunity to recognize other languages, to develop students’ sense of rhythm, expression skills, imagination, aesthetic and creativity skills
  • Recognize and respect differences.
  • To provide permanent learning by practicing and living
  • Teachers using Web2 tools to make sharing with other partners and create new learning environments in education and contribute to their social cultural academic development.

Work Process (01.01.2018 – 30.05.2018)


Announcement of the project

Determine the students who will work on the project.

Presentation of the school and the city

Communication with partners via facebook.

Meeting new partners with new year events.

Create a logo for the project.

Each school prepares and presents its own poster for the project.

Sharing prepared works with padlet, facebook and twinspace.


Each school will play its own chosen English rond (game with singing) in its class
Each school will sing its own chosen English song in its class and share video. And also share original music and song for using by others
Sharing works using BİT tools on social media  (Facebook, Padlet and Twinspace)





Poster and logo competition will be organized.
Organize evaluation meeting (webinar) with project partners
Each partners will teach a song in their own language.  And also share original music and songs for using by others.
Each partners will teach a rond(game with singing)  in their own language.   And also share original music and songs for using by others.
Sharing works using BİT  tools on social media  (Facebook, Padlet and Twinspace)


Each school will choose or prepare the project song about subject of the project  in its own language and share.
Each school will present a show prepared with a national song and share, and also share original song for using by others.
 Each school will share a national song or a national anthem from its own language
Sharing works using BİT tools on social media  (Facebook, Padlet and Twinspace)


 Every techer choose own favorite song that belongs to another country, and teach students in own class and share images, and videos.
Every teacher choose own favorite rond (game with singin)  that belongs to another country, and teach students in own class and share images, and videos.
Create e-book about project.
Project finishing survey will be implemented
Closing exhibition of the project
End of the project

Expected results


  • Improve visions of teachers and students, increase information sharing and devolope their communication skills
  • To explore new learning environments and learn new teaching  tools and methods.
  • Ensure that teachers and students become open to learning and discovering new things
  • Observe other cultures and lives, respect differences.
  • Through this project, learn to act together and create a common product.
A view from my school
Hear The Children’s Voices by fatmakul - Illustrated by Fatma KUL - Ourboox.com
Hear The Children’s Voices by fatmakul - Illustrated by Fatma KUL - Ourboox.com
Hear The Children’s Voices by fatmakul - Illustrated by Fatma KUL - Ourboox.com
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